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Politics - 23 July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

Yahoo search & news are the first sources replaced and I'm searching for another internet provider to replace ATT / Yahoo.

The censorship / lost accounts have made Yahoo a website you cannot trust - something I've always feared and had in the back of my mind ever since it was reported they work with the Chinese Communist dictatorship to prosecute and jail anyone critical of their regime.



I will soon close my remaining accounts when I can transfer my email to another provider.

Don't allow Yahoo to profit off of their pro Chinese totaliterian, anti American, anti White Christian censorship in the political, immigration and other boards.

2007-07-23 03:42:21 · 12 answers · asked by ? 2

I suggest everyone see it!

2007-07-23 03:38:26 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have some questions about global warming?
Many of the posts I read from people who say global warming (or global change) is real say "many scientists BELIEVE it is real", or "the majority of Americans say it is real (70%)"
Don't we need MORE than opinions, even if they are the opinions of experts?
Also, do you feel we need more EVIDENCE, indisputable evidence? Not like in a civil trial, where we say there is 55% of the evidence one way, and only 45% of evidence the other way, so we will say global warming is real.
Last question, is it even possible to prove it is real and that it is caused by humans?
If this issue is REAL, then it is one of the greatest issues facing our planet.

PS- DON'T tell me it is HOT OUT, so global warming is real, as it is the middle of the SUMMER!!!!!

Thank You for the time!

2007-07-23 03:37:35 · 16 answers · asked by Supercell 5

In Northern Virginia, Loudon County in particular, there is a real immigration issue. The area has expanded drastically under Bush's War economy and many illegal immigrants built the infrastructure the residents use daily, the homes they live in, the stores they shop in, and the recreation centers they play in.

Do the folks in new exurbs like Northern Virginia even care who physically built their community? Now they are banning illegal immigrants and their children from parks and libraries, free services to the public.

Does this seem fair or unfair? Is it right?
What do you think about this, there must be other places in America with similar situations.

I don't condone illegal immigration, but it takes years to gain citizenship, I think. It seems like cheap labor is exploited and then they are treated like criminals.

2007-07-23 03:37:30 · 9 answers · asked by ? 6

Bush is a Republican. Congress is mostly Democrats. Or are both parties messing up right now?

2007-07-23 03:31:13 · 18 answers · asked by Tom S 7

Apparently, some people think so. Ah, the wonders of socialism:

July 22, 2007

Anger over NHS plan to give addicts iPods

DRUG addicts are to be offered gift vouchers and prizes on the National Health Service under plans by the government’s medicine watchdog to encourage them to stay clean.

The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (Nice) will recommend the system of inducements, which could enable clinics to offer televisions and iPods as prizes, to tackle the burgeoning drugs problem. But patients denied drugs for blindness, Alzheimer’s and lung cancer under Nice rationing are likely to accuse it of wasting public money.


2007-07-23 03:30:44 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

They're always frowning with p.o.'d looks.

2007-07-23 03:23:06 · 16 answers · asked by civil_av8r 7

Senator Russ Fiengold (D WI) said the president should be censured. He says, the Presidents actions and lack of action deserve it. He has not called for impeechment, just a slap on the hands for endangering troops and taking advantage of the constitution.

2007-07-23 03:18:29 · 15 answers · asked by Wm 2

live by their new dress code?

TEHRAN (AFP) - Iran is to launch a new crackdown Monday on slack dressing that targets both men and women whose clothing and haircuts are deemed to be unIslamic, police said.
"The police will act against those whose trousers are too short, have skin-tight coats, shirts with Western logos and Western hairstyles," said Ahmad Reza Radan, the head of Tehran's police force..................Women in Iran are obliged to cover all bodily contours and their heads but in recent years many have pushed the boundaries by showing off bare ankles and fashionably styled hair beneath their headscarves.

2007-07-23 03:09:49 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I thought the Diebold voting machines were all rigged so only a Republican could win, right? So why are they even trying, when the fate of the election is already known?

Or was the whole "voter fraud" thing a big joke?

2007-07-23 03:04:57 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

His administration is a wreck. What happened?

Why doesn't he ride along on the Space Shuttle and step onto the ISS wearing a cool space suit?

Can't he do SOMETHING to get his fan base back?

(BESIDES attacking another country, that is.)

2007-07-23 02:57:47 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

"Republicans only care about people at the time of their birth and at the time of their death. They don't give a sh** about you in between those times. So much for 'pro-life'."

2007-07-23 02:56:32 · 20 answers · asked by guess 5

!SOME TEAM! was it cause she was black?

2007-07-23 02:45:59 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

which president was good administrate the US. I know Clinton make the economy better than the other presidents from past terms. But Bush is not successful as Clinton. What do you think?

2007-07-23 02:44:45 · 15 answers · asked by Yunus A 1


"It would be helpful to have a person leading the country who understands how the economy works and has actually managed something," the former Massachusetts governor told reporters after a GOP fundraiser. "In the case of the three Democratic front-runners, not one of them has managed even a corner store, let alone a state or a city."

"I wanted to focus on the Democrats," he said. "By and large, the best way to further my interest is to let people know what I would do and to distinguish that from what the Democrats would do."

His prime target was Clinton.

"Hillary Clinton just gave a speech the other day about her view on the economy. She said we have been an on-your-own society. She said it's time to get rid of that and replace that with shared responsibility and we're-in-it-together society," Romney told the crowd. "That's out with Adam Smith and in with Karl Marx."

2007-07-23 02:41:15 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

6th? I'm not sure what order these are in but i guess;

civil war
vietnam war
korean war (?)

had more casualties than the War Of Terror. He's a better killer than his daddy (gulf war), right?

2007-07-23 02:37:38 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-23 02:36:37 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-23 02:34:41 · 11 answers · asked by Page 4

Senator Reid just announced that "We lost the war, time to withdraw from Philadelphia."
Liberals claimed: it is not worth any of American Blood, time to cut and run from Philadelphia!!"
Mayor John Street demanding more police force needed to calm the violance.

2007-07-23 02:05:44 · 10 answers · asked by Samm 6

Everytime Congress convenes it is as it was a meeting of the U.N.. Nothing really gets done. Everyone has their own special interest in mind instead of what is best for America. You would think our government could achieve far more at a faster pace than a meeting of diplomats at the U.N.. The radical differences among countries puts the U.N. at a stalemate far less than congressional and senatorial debate at Capitol Hill.

2007-07-23 02:05:16 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Seems pretty stupid to me. People do not have descent questions, they are moronic. Anyways just state what you think about it.

2007-07-23 02:01:08 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

The record cold of the decades of the 1940's, 1970's, 1980's and most recently the bitter northern hemisphere winters of 2000-2001, 2001-2002, 2002-2003 argue against the occurrence of harmful man induced climate change (global warming). Also Winter 2000-2001 and 2004-2005 in Siberian Russia, as well as Winter 2004 in Antarctica were the coldest in recorded history. And let's not forget that January 2004 in Boston, MA was the coldest January in 111 years. Grand Forks, ND set its all time record low of -44 deg. below zero F, Fosston, MN also at -50 deg. below zero F and Saskatchewan, Canada saw minimum temperatures fall to -62 deg. below zero F, all in Winter 2003-2004.

2007-07-23 01:48:20 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why don't you leave all the people of the world in peace?

All the people have the same rights of you.


2007-07-23 01:36:21 · 2 answers · asked by BRIGATE NERE (Jihad) 2

Big Corporations, The Church and The Government are in an unholy alliance to bring this to pass...Clear thinking pessimists must realize this, and ban these things. After all, the facist state will soom try to ban my pessimistic postings.

2007-07-23 01:24:33 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I wish this were true, because we would absolve ourselves of christian self serving, hypocrites that claim to talk to God, and get pessimistic self serving hypocrites who talks to themselves. We would also at a stroke (a stroke that Pessimists like me must enforce) get all these Fundamentalist people that I hate out of our schools, homes and politics, enabling the flaming hedonism that is at the core of my belief system. Down with free expression in schools, down with religion in homes, and down with religious people participating in politics. This must be enforced!

LONG LIVE PESSIMISM.... the only true "religion," since, after all, my religion is better than yours, and clear thinkers like me must dominate.

2007-07-23 01:24:30 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

rs insane?

And when are they going to realise you can't choose between one group of fundamentalists (the Islamic extremists) and another (the Rapture obsessed Bush administration)?

2007-07-23 00:42:15 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

...While every G.O.P. ex-president wants to ride a horse around the ranch, and point on the map to the site they want for their presidential library built.

And again, the life of Americans presidents AFTER office continues to speak volumes on the philosophical divide between the parties, which we hear so often is nonexistent.

2007-07-23 00:24:00 · 8 answers · asked by Mr. Vincent Van Jessup 6

See this poll:

Here's another poll undertaken by the BBC a couple of years ago:

2007-07-23 00:22:05 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

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