Ok, I live in the Conservative South, and we have long been known for "Southern Hospitality".
Women are referred to as "ma'am", doors are opened for them, and everyone is pretty much nice to everyone else, in general.
However, I have traveled a lot, and have been to northern, more Liberal areas such as Vermont and new York, and it seems to me that people from these places are nothing but jerks. You can't even get the time of day from someone on the street, and if you call someone "ma'am", you get a feminist tirade about how being nice is apparently sexist.
Is it just me, or do Conservatives just seem to be more amiable and nice than Liberals? Now, don't look mainly at the Politicians, because Politicians act however can get them elected. ( For instance, say Dick Cheney and Nancy Pelosi are both major jerks, but Reagan and Clinton were both nice-guys)
Just based on voting populations alone, do you think that Republicans are just nicer people?
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