The president knows the only way to get more quality health care to more people is for the government to step in and either provide the health care or establish strict standards that force the private sector to do so.
That's why the Medicare and Medicaid programs were developed. That's why the Department of Veterans Affairs runs hospitals.
So why does the president say things like he did Wednesday at a Roundtable on Health Care Initiatives in Landover, Md.?
Bush declared, "I really do believe that government involvement in health care will lead to less quality care and rationing over time." Preaching the gospel of the insurance giants and the HMOs, Bush told the Maryland gathering, "I want patients making decisions, not bureaucrats in Washington, D.C."
The fact is that Bush knows an expansion of government programs would cause millions of Americans to drop their private coverage because it is the private sector that lowers quality, rations care and takes away the ability of patient
12 answers
asked by
John Doe 1st