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Politics - 23 July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

A. His lips are moving.

2007-07-23 11:33:51 · 18 answers · asked by damnyankeega 6

2007-07-23 11:31:08 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

honestly, i am ready for a new president:{) i like Bush, don't get me wrong, but The No Child Left Behind Act is killing me and others around me. Most of his laws are unfair and unjust to me. and alot of other things that he does and decides. but that's just me. i hate his decisions and what he does. i do have an authority problem though.

does anyone agree or disagree? ill take any answer:)

2007-07-23 11:29:58 · 18 answers · asked by *sportygator* 2

How many of us understand we are now the world's pariah...? not Iran, not Iraq, not Afghanistan, not China, not Russia but US....

All because of a few treasonous, treacherous, fascists who prefer money over country.

2007-07-23 11:29:45 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-23 11:27:58 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

The president knows the only way to get more quality health care to more people is for the government to step in and either provide the health care or establish strict standards that force the private sector to do so.

That's why the Medicare and Medicaid programs were developed. That's why the Department of Veterans Affairs runs hospitals.

So why does the president say things like he did Wednesday at a Roundtable on Health Care Initiatives in Landover, Md.?

Bush declared, "I really do believe that government involvement in health care will lead to less quality care and rationing over time." Preaching the gospel of the insurance giants and the HMOs, Bush told the Maryland gathering, "I want patients making decisions, not bureaucrats in Washington, D.C."

The fact is that Bush knows an expansion of government programs would cause millions of Americans to drop their private coverage because it is the private sector that lowers quality, rations care and takes away the ability of patient

2007-07-23 11:26:28 · 12 answers · asked by John Doe 1st 4

Did i spell his middle name with one too many s'ssssssss?

2007-07-23 11:23:34 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

the tv comercials are converting EVERYONE,,,haaa,haaa...

2007-07-23 11:22:20 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm not taking sides in this question- I want an open debate with lots of intelligent contributions. When you explain why you think he is or isn't, please be detailed and, if you can/if it's applicable, cite resources/documents/etc. Also, please leave out uncessary and irrelevant comments, such as "Bush is a fag" and "Hillary is a feminazi!!" -even if you believe with all your heart that they're true. Thank you, I appreciate your well articulated and intelligent contributions.

2007-07-23 11:22:15 · 15 answers · asked by fslcaptain737 4


good or bad?
should it be illegal or legal?

2007-07-23 11:22:15 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

You know, He is running out of time before getting the US into another crazy war that we can't win.

2007-07-23 11:14:12 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

if your rascist keep it civilized, i respect your opinion(not really) but i will report you if you leave a rasicist comment

2007-07-23 11:14:00 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

With Nancy Pelosi quaking in her boots at the prospect of running against Cindy Sheehan, I think it's appropriate to ask: If you had to choose between the two, who would you vote for?

2007-07-23 11:13:26 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous


Bush needs to pay more attention to international issues outside of the Middle East.

The world and its economy are changing rapidly and while the Middle East is important so are Asia and South America.

Simply maintaining regular contact, attending summits and other meetings, with our Asian and Latin American trading partners is critical given the growth of those economies and of their middle classes, which are consumers of American goods and investors in American companies and Treasurys.

It would appear that while the focus has been on Iraq, the rest of the world has largely been put on the back burner, with the exception of a few trade and currency talks with China.

He may be a lame duck President but it is never too late to re-engage, and that's what Bush needs to do.

2007-07-23 11:11:17 · 5 answers · asked by truthisback 3

They would make a cute couple if it is true wouldnt they?

2007-07-23 11:09:42 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-23 11:06:10 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

The only reason i can figure is that they are Al Quida agents what do you figure?

2007-07-23 11:04:56 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

It seems they're trying to help the terrorists. All good hearted Americans will be afraid to speak up, because they could get sued and lose their possessions. Democrats are tearing this country apart.

2007-07-23 11:04:48 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

a- religious affiliation

b- ideology or issues

c- candidate appeal

d- party identification

2007-07-23 11:01:36 · 11 answers · asked by fernando c 1

per President Bush you are guilty of

undermining efforts to promote economic reconstruction and political reform in Iraq or to provide humanitarian assistance to the Iraqi people;

"the greatest concern to the American people are the underlying provisions of this new law, and which, they state, are written ‘so broadly’ as to outlaw all forms of protest against the war"


so, now what do we do?

2007-07-23 10:59:40 · 11 answers · asked by JBS7878 3

As we all know the Democrats are vested in defeat in Iraq. If they wanted to end this war, they could with defunding, which is allowed. But they won't. They want to make sure that GW Bush gets the blame on this. Everything they concentrate on is all about Bashing Bush or impeaching him. Now if we should defeat Al-quida in the next few months, will the Dems try to take the glory? It won't help thier presediential bid. But what would the Democrats do considering thier hatred for GW??

2007-07-23 10:57:25 · 14 answers · asked by 7th generation 2

prove the Phillips Curve wrong and the Laffer Curve right?


I know, you all thought this would be the 111,000th Lib-idiot rant about how a few stupid butt pyramid photographs and playing with the A/C and the lights at Gitmo put our troops on the same level as Josef Mengele....

Well it's not.


2007-07-23 10:55:21 · 7 answers · asked by truthisback 3


and the Repubs haven't even coalesced on a candidate yet?

2007-07-23 10:51:00 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

in order for an amendment to the u.s constitution to be formally proposed, the proposal must be supported by a ?
a- majority vote in the house and a two- thirds vote in the senate.
b-two-thirds vote in the house and a mojority vote in the senate
c-majority vote in both chambers of congress.
d- two- thirds vote in both chambers of congress.

2007-07-23 10:49:23 · 3 answers · asked by fernando c 1

I traditionally vote Republican, however, I want to be fair and open minded. Which candidate should I look closely at if the issue most important to me is taxes. I believe that the recent tax breaks have stimulated the economy quite well and have also helped me get a little ahead in life. Which candidate is opposed to increasing taxes if he/she is voted into office?

2007-07-23 10:49:15 · 5 answers · asked by Shawn P 3


NY pension funds invest the pensioners' funds - pretty simple. About $3BN of these funds is invested in the entertainment industry (I'm hoping that includes conglomerates like GE because that's too much otherwise, but that's another topic).

Sharpton says the fund managers should not be allowed to invest the funds in, and should divest the pension funds of, stocks of entertainment companies that produce rap with objectionable lyrics.

The fund managers OWE A FIDUCIARY DUTY TO THE OWNERS OF THOSE FUNDS to try to maximize return and minimize risk.

They have no right to use those funds to try to affect social policy - - - even if you think gangsta rap is wrong, if stock in the company that produces and sells the CDs is determined by the fund managers to have the best risk/return profile for the funds invested, that stock is the asset they should buy.

'Sides - Buffalo - what would Rick James think?

2007-07-23 10:43:33 · 8 answers · asked by truthisback 3


2007-07-23 10:41:11 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im just wondering

2007-07-23 10:40:39 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

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