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Politics - 23 July 2007

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Why not? I'm not for Hillary because I'm not the type of person who votes based on gender or race. I sometimes wonder about people who call others sexist for not voting for Hillary and racist for not voting for Obama. Wouldn't it seem like the person only voting for someone based on the color of their skin or their gender as the ones who are being sexist and racist?

I was listening to the radio the other day and an interview with Obama made me turn it off immediately because the interviewer was just bringing up his race too much as if he was an underdog candidate but we all know that isn't true. He is on the media and getting way more air time along with Hillary than other candidates yet even though that is true, his race is what makes him an underdog? Sorry but I didn't know that democrats would use his race against him?

It's stuff like this that reminds me that Martin Luther King's vision has not been fulfilled.

2007-07-23 07:40:45 · 15 answers · asked by Lisaa 3



2007-07-23 07:40:12 · 3 answers · asked by Frank Dileo 3

And please, no left over 60's democratic dogma stuff, and please, no "conservative" pious morality issues and "flag burning is bad" stuff. I said vision, not get out the populist vote drive stuff.

2007-07-23 07:37:39 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

the ones who actually oppose the killing that the Koran asks them to commit, and have closer values to western religion.

2007-07-23 07:26:10 · 12 answers · asked by mbush40 6

He is running for president in 2008. I plan on voting for Ron Paul. He has excellent values. He never voted to raise taxes and voted against the patriot act. He also voted against the iraq war. He is a family man a doctor and a congressman.

2007-07-23 07:21:05 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

After 7 years of bush and the republicans in charge, are you going to honestly say you want to keep the same going on?
Did bush and the republicans pass out some tainted Kool-aid?
And you all took a big swig!

2007-07-23 07:16:52 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

President John Kennedy had a known affair with actress Jayne Mansfield, and was ignored by the popular media.

President John Kennedy had a known affair with actress Marilyn Monroe, and was ignored by the popular media.

Bill Clinton raped Paula Jones.

Bill Clinton got blown by Monica Lewinsky.

Gavin Newsome, Mayor of San Fransisco had an affair with his best friend's wife, while Newsome was separated from his.

Sen. Daniel Inouye. The 82-year-old Hawaii Democrat was accused in the 1990s by numerous women of sexual harassment. Democrats cast doubt on the allegations and the Senate Ethics Committee dropped its investigation.

Former Rep. Gus Savage. The Illinois Democrat was accused of fondling a Peace Corps volunteer in 1989 while on a trip to Africa. The House Ethics Committee decided against disciplinary action in 1990.

Rep. Barney Frank. The outspoken Massachusetts Democrat hired a male prostitute who ran a prostitution service from Frank’s residence in the 1980s. Only two Democrats in the House of Representatives voted to censure him in 1990.

Former Sen. Brock Adams. The late Washington Democrat was forced to stop campaigning after numerous accusations of drugging, assault and rape, the first surfacing in 1988.

Former Rep. Fred Richmond. This New York Democrat was arrested in 1978 for soliciting sex from a 16-year-old. He remained in Congress and won re-election—before eventually resigning in 1982 after pleading guilty to tax evasion and drug possession.

Former Rep. John Young. The late Texas Democrat increased the salary of a staffer after she gave in to his sexual advances. The congressman won re-election in 1976 but lost two years later.

Former Rep. Wayne Hays. The late Ohio Democrat hired an unqualified secretary reportedly for sexual acts. Although he resigned from Congress, the Democratic House leadership stalled in removing him from the Administration Committee in 1976.

Former Rep. Gerry Studds. He was censured for sexual relationship with underage male page in 1983. Massachusetts voters returned him to office for six more terms.

Former Rep. Mel Reynolds. The Illinois Democrat was convicted of 12 counts of sexual assault with a 16-year-old. President Bill Clinton pardoned him before leaving office.

Sen. Teddy Kennedy. The liberal Massachusetts senator testified in defense of nephew accused of rape, invoking his family history to win over the jury in 1991.

On July 14, 1983 the House Ethics Committee concluded that Rep. Dan Crane (R-Ill.) and Rep. Gerry Studds (D-Mass.) had engaged in sexual relationships with minors, specifically 17-year-old congressional pages. In Crane's case, it was a 1980 relationship with a female page and in Studds's case, it was a 1973 relationship with a male page. Both representatives admitted to the charges and the committee recommended reprimand for the two.

Congressman Mel Reynolds, the Democrat convicted of 12 charges, including sex with 16-year-old Beverly Heard and asking her to take pornographic photographs of a 15-year old, was indicted on August 21, 1994. ABC, the current scourge of congressional teen-sex scandals, reported nothing – until Reynolds was convicted a year later, on August 23, 1995. In fact, on May 13, 1994, ABC featured Reynolds in a "Person of the Week" speaking out in favor of two Chicago ladies fighting child molesters

2007-07-23 07:16:14 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I plan on voting for Ron Paul. He has excellent values. He never voted to raise taxes and voted against the patriot act. He also voted against the iraq war. He is a family man a doctor and a congressman.

2007-07-23 07:15:16 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

I thought you might be interested in this forgotten bit of information.........

It was 1987! At a lecture the other day they were playing an old news video of Lt.Col. Oliver North testifying at the Iran-Contra hearings during the Reagan Administration.

There was Ollie in front of God and country getting the third degree, but what he said was stunning!

He was being drilled by a senator; "Did you not recently spend close to $60,000 for a home security system?"

Ollie replied, "Yes, I did, Sir."

The senator continued, trying to get a laugh out of the audience, "Isn't that just a little excessive?"

"No, sir," continued Ollie.

"No? And why not?" the senator asked.

"Because the lives of my family and I were threatened, sir."

"Threatened? By whom?" the senator questioned.

"By a terrorist, sir" Ollie answered.

"Terrorist? What terrorist could possibly scare you that much?"

"His name is Osama bin Laden, sir" Ollie replied.

At this point the senator tried to repeat the name, but couldn't pronounce it, which most people back then probably couldn't. A couple of people laughed at the attempt. Then the senator continued. Why are you so afraid of this man?" the senator asked.

"Because, sir, he is the most evil person alive that I know of", Ollie answered.

"And what do you recommend we do about him?" asked the senator.

"Well, sir, if it was up to me, I would recommend that an assassin team be formed to eliminate him and his men from the face of the earth."

The senator disagreed with this approach, and that was all that was shown of the clip.

By the way, that senator was

Al Gore!

2007-07-23 07:14:31 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-23 07:14:16 · 14 answers · asked by the d 6

Imagine if "global cooling" was occurring. Man, that'd suck.

2007-07-23 07:06:59 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-23 07:06:35 · 11 answers · asked by Page 4

I saw his "poverty tour" and think it's funny that this guy claims to care about poverty and spends $400.00 for a haircut and lives in a 40 room mansion.

2007-07-23 07:04:14 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

And why do they believe just any garbage.like this:

I am a right wing ro bot. My mas ters tell me to bash Dem with out any fact. Libs love terra ists. Libs love terra ists.beep beep!

2007-07-23 06:55:59 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Because the economy was starting to tank right at end of Clinton's time in office and the Democrats didn't want to take the hit they ran such a bad campaign Gore lost to Bush. Even their pseudo questioning of the Florida count didn't make sense. They were by law granted an automatic recount of the entire state and they chose to cherry pick recounts ONLY where they already had a wide margin didn't make sense.

Democrats have complained about Bush's handling of the economy since day one and yet the market has been repeatedly hitting all time highs.

Sooner or later the market will take a big hit. It won't be Bush's fault if it happens on his watch. He doesn't actually control the economy anyway. But if the economy stays good through most of next year will they run another bad campaign so their person doesn't get elected again?

2007-07-23 06:54:12 · 10 answers · asked by namsaev 6

FYI I ain't lazy at all I have to take care of my 10 kids all by my self. Since their fathers left me and their children.

2007-07-23 06:40:55 · 22 answers · asked by Eric J 2

OK, he's not articulate and says dumb things but he is President and it is not a easy job. Please truth and honest facts, not feelings.

2007-07-23 06:33:55 · 18 answers · asked by PARVFAN 7

Americans pay excessive taxes to support Israel which is one of the riches nations in the world.

2007-07-23 06:20:09 · 18 answers · asked by jeremiahjjjjohnson 2

Or are we listening to Politicians?

Do you think Elections are just necessary inconveniences for them, or opportunities for them to connect with their constituents?

2007-07-23 06:15:46 · 9 answers · asked by Incognito 5

It's possible you know?

Islamists have a very long view of history and tactics.

Al Qaeda means "the base" which means they are acting as the foundation with which the global caliphate will be created. They believe that bands of barbarians such as themselves paved the way for the caliphate of old and wish to repeat such things.

What doest thou sayest?

2007-07-23 06:14:39 · 12 answers · asked by Chris Chong Kim 1

i asked an anccionet question 10 minutes ago , but i have been shocked by a racist answer, i was hurt, truly i was...now my question is are American people supposed to hate Arabs because of what the terrorists have done to them? and the same thing to Arabs, should Arabs and Muslims hate America because of president Bush policy? i myself don't agree with either Bush nor terrorists. we want to make peace not wars. believe me Arab nation hope for peacful life ,,we all know that in any country or group or religion ,there are good people and bad people, tolerant people and extremists.. people are not the same. if they are that means all Americans are killers because of what president Bush has done in Iraq.you can't judge an entire nation because of what one preson has done, plz no more racism .colours and religions don't matter.. all people have the right to live peacfully. Arabs Americans, Indian............etc

2007-07-23 06:09:32 · 15 answers · asked by venus 1

... mention the possibility that one of their candidates might use a Koran to be sworn in.

Why aren't these Dems defending the right of the candidate to use any book he/she wants? Why do they seem to get upset or have to quickly point out that they don't have a muslim candidate? Would they be ashamed to have a Muslim candidate? I thought religion wasn't important to Libs.

2007-07-23 06:08:16 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

One of Romney's hurdles to getting the Rep. nomination is his religion, which Conservative Christians in the party are "concerned" about. For the most part, Democrats are much more tolerant of groups & classes. If he doesn't receive the nomination, could this be enough to sway the millions of Mormon Americans to support the other party in the upcoming Election and maybe a full "conversion"?

2007-07-23 06:04:42 · 15 answers · asked by Robert Rees 2

Will any moderate Muslims be there?

2007-07-23 05:59:56 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ron Paul wants to again back the dollar with Gold/Silver as mandated in the constitution.
According to this report there is approximately 157,000 metric tonnes of Gold in existence. {1 tonne is 32,150 ounces}
So, there is plenty of Gold available despite what critics say. Of course the price per ounce may sky-rocket until an equalibrium is reached.

2007-07-23 05:58:48 · 9 answers · asked by beesting 6

They are really "fundamentalist" islamists aren't they?

BTW, c=curse.

2007-07-23 05:58:04 · 9 answers · asked by Chris Chong Kim 1


What's your take?

2007-07-23 05:56:05 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

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