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Politics - 14 June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

This is not a 'bashing' question. What is it that the Dems are doing (or not doing) that is causing you to show your disapproval of them?

2007-06-14 08:49:03 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-06-14 08:33:34 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

When they believe that candidate is the best choice, just beacuse they feel like they are "wasting their vote"? If everyone who believes in a third-party candidate would vote for them instead of picking the lesser of two evils out of the mainstream candidates, perhaps it wouldn't be "wasting your vote."

2007-06-14 08:29:17 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

So they can compete with Rush and Hannity? Damnit liberals! If we don't learn to hate your fellow Americans more, you will never be able to compete with these talk radio icons. C'mon, I know it is hard to hate fellow Americans, but talk to your conservative neighbors and get some ideas."Spread the Hate and we'll win in' 08."

2007-06-14 08:27:53 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am terrified of this new breed of kill God, kill religion, kill individual rights, don't say something people don't agree with because you may hurt their feelings, it's ok to have children even if you are gay, global warming panic attack liberals. ENOUGH ALREADY! Why do so many exist in our society? The world was great before ridiculous liberal regulations were put on our words, feelings and society in general.

How do we combat this?

2007-06-14 08:08:27 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

Just Give A Brief Description Of The Following .

6 Day War
Shimon Peres

I don't care if you even cheat a little and look them up . It's far more important that you know , than to be in the dark .

Thank you .

2007-06-14 07:56:03 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous


I sure do love open minded liberals who are so accepting of different views except of course conservative, Christian, Jewish, or anyone who disagrees with them.

2007-06-14 07:51:32 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous

I remember in elementary school during music singing all the patiotic songs. It was so much fun and I can remember each of them. I now teach and sing them with my children. Each day in school we would pledge allegience to the U.S. flag. What happened to those days?

2007-06-14 07:50:42 · 24 answers · asked by egg_sammash 5

Yes! George Adolph Hitler Bush ia an Emperor, he dictates, and he punishes does who are against he will go down in history as the most ignerant and dumbest leader in american history
Heil BUSH---Zeigh Height!

2007-06-14 07:45:59 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

We have medicaid-Socialism
We have Medicare-Socialism
We have Welfare- Socialism
We have food stamps- Socialism
Earned Income Credit-Socialism
Child Tax Credit-Socialism
Property Taxes-Socialism

2007-06-14 07:42:56 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

In probably the most Left leaning state in the union, MA refused to allow the citizens of the state to vote (Democracy) on the issue of whether to allow Gay marriage.
What is Democracy if NOT the people voting on issues of importance.
Don't you think it is Hypocritical for Democrats to vote against allowing the people to vote on any subject?

2007-06-14 07:42:17 · 12 answers · asked by plezurgui 6

If the gov. really (finally) secured the border, would you support the immigration bill?

Ok, well does anyone think that the border will actually ever be secured??? Should we start by allowing our border patrol agents to do their job???

2007-06-14 07:41:03 · 16 answers · asked by Jasmine 5

But instead everyone titles him as being black.

2007-06-14 07:40:02 · 33 answers · asked by Liberal City 6

or will he rot in jail where he belongs!!!!

2007-06-14 07:39:37 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

It wasn't like one day in Germany they started to despise and kill all the Jews. It must had been an issue that had brewed for a while.

Thing is do you think Muslims are going this way. (British people will not take anymore of them just like Hitler did against the Jews?.. I'm not saying they will be killed but they will get less sympathy and wont get everything they're way)

I'm not racist just interested to see if Britain will have the breaking point where enough is enough, as did Germany.

Just to make it clear it was a terrible thing that Germany did. I'm just interested of the breaking point?

2007-06-14 07:33:26 · 30 answers · asked by Blink-Monkey-Blink 2

In my opinion, our nation is not ready at all for a black or a woman president. The middle east has a low impression of women as is and with all the turmoil, how could they take a woman seriously.

Furthermore, it seems that as a whole, our nation would not be ready for a black president, especially a more left leaning one that can't admit he isn't 100% black because he is catering to Jackson and Sharpton.

Do you think either of these candidates are viable? Do you think either would do a good job? I'm quite scared for our nation if either Hillary or Obama get into the Executive office.

2007-06-14 07:29:03 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

am i right or wrong (you better say that im right)

2007-06-14 07:28:03 · 10 answers · asked by madamchairmanclinton 1

...when they reported this question? I was just trying to get an explanation. I caught her being hateful.

Question: Good sign of morality and being "happily conservative"?

Question Details:
Question about Gay Pride 2007 advertised on Yahoo!answers: from Happily Conservative: "I've noticed it too. I was disgusted. Source(s): Yes, politically correct pansies: DISGUSTED!"

Christ and conservatives advocate namecalling? Since when? Disgusting! Bigoted! In a word..."conserevative"

Rick Santorum Ted Haggard Ralp Reed Alan Keyes Rick Santorum Sean Hannity GOP Gay and Profane, or just hateful?

Her namecalling NOT mine.
Whats up with that?

2007-06-14 07:23:47 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I look at the people who have thrown their hats in the presidential campaign and I am slightly irritated. It seems like there are no TRUE conservatives anymore. McCain and Giuliani are moderate at best and it seems as though they are the ONLY 2 republicans that stand a chance.

I'm not a big supporter of the religious right, but I am a big supporter of conservatism. Any shot in the near future of having a true conservative run for office that actually has a chance?

I'm not talking as extreme as Pat Buchanan even...just SOMETHING conservative.

2007-06-14 07:23:41 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

How exciting is that?!?

2007-06-14 07:21:10 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous


who the hell do they think they are? If they don't like Britain then sod off back where you came from!

2007-06-14 07:12:44 · 28 answers · asked by Blink-Monkey-Blink 2

Just curious about this scenario. You wake up in the middle of the night. You get your gun, get out of bed and see a dude with your TV on the way out the front door. He sees the gun, but doesn't drop the TV. Do you shoot him?
I'm asking because it seems that so many people who have the seige mentality are just looking for an excuse to shoot someone. It's almost like they WANT someone to break into their home, just so that they can shoot them.

2007-06-14 07:09:29 · 36 answers · asked by I'll Take That One! 4

yet, they get all their talking points from Jon Stewart and their sole source of news is on a comedy channel? Who are these people trying to fool with their pretentious attitude?

2007-06-14 07:04:35 · 44 answers · asked by Anonymous

The adult entertainment industry rakes in more money than pro-football, basketball and baseball combined. Americans spend more money on pornography than on movie tickets and the performing arts.Pirates movie has racked in over 300 million already .
porno only leads to -----
"Masturbation" which destroys your health
You waste your valuable time on masturbation
Weakens your ability to make money (since you spend most of your valuable time watching pornographic content and then masturbating)
Destroys your marriage or your relationship with your partner
Makes you feel guilty after masturbation (inferiority complex)
Prevents you from having better sex with your partner
Creates a negative psychology that can affect your business life
Prevents you from making your life's dream come true .

Lets tax this industry heavily and let jerk offs pay all the taxes.
We tax tobacco and alcohol at 20 times the usual rate why not begin taxing porn in the same manner .

2007-06-14 06:58:51 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do people assume that the 10th Amendment allows individual states to take away people's rights?

The Constitution is a document designed to restrict governmental authority; why do people assume the 10th Amendment was put into place to give the states more authority than the federal government?

The states do not represent the people. And the people are supposed to be more powerful in this country than the government.

2007-06-14 06:51:02 · 11 answers · asked by Bush Invented the Google 6

I know..... you don't believe in or are swayed by Polls, but just maybe the other 79% of the people are wrong and your right...SSSUURRE

2007-06-14 06:45:11 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

It seems as if everyone hates George Bush and uses him as a scapegoat for all of their problems.

I would just like to know why, and if you're going to be dumb about it, then don't bother answering.

I'm asking for intellectual answers.

I just want your opinion.

2007-06-14 06:34:56 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

Making illegals citizens would be extremely unfair to people who came here legally and went through the long process. My family came here in the 70s and it took them forever, cost them lots of money, and caused much frustration before they finally became citizens. It's just not fair.

2007-06-14 06:32:32 · 24 answers · asked by yo 2

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