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I am terrified of this new breed of kill God, kill religion, kill individual rights, don't say something people don't agree with because you may hurt their feelings, it's ok to have children even if you are gay, global warming panic attack liberals. ENOUGH ALREADY! Why do so many exist in our society? The world was great before ridiculous liberal regulations were put on our words, feelings and society in general.

How do we combat this?

2007-06-14 08:08:27 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

25 answers

I just try to ignore it and live my life as I please. I know it is difficult but you have to try to not justify their ignorance.

2007-06-14 08:14:53 · answer #1 · answered by Brian 7 · 4 3

i am a church going conservative and i don't believe that god is dead not at all and i feel religion is very well in American and i think you are getting to say what you want and i do believe you are hurting someones feelings now on the question of civil rights that's tricky you see as a matter of law you want no homosexual couples to have children now i might a agree with you but i also believe in checks and balances i think if it wasn't for some liberals we might still have black and white laws based on the color of someones skin , their needs to be a balance some where where every one gets to speak their minds and no one can touch the other liberals serve a important purpose in our society i remember when the Nazis killed millions , liberals have bin the hated foe of those who would rather a more perfect society I think only god can make things right and he has a plan god bless you all i share your frustration just don't be so dramatic OK

2007-06-15 14:59:10 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I agree that everyone has the right to religion (duh) and yes I agree that one's religious opinons should be kept to themselves (born again christians included), and I do not think that liberals believe in "killing god" but I think the message is more so about keeping religious doctrine out of our countries laws and government. That is a completely valid assesment becasue not everyone in this country follows the same religion and we never will, so why should others have to follow laws that were only instigated from one person'd religious beliefs?? Ridiculous, and I cannot believe that anyone even still debates this.

For global warming, it is stupid to think that it is all built up for nothing and no one is having a panic attack. It is more about taking action before anything gets out of hand, and given the fact that the industrial revolution was really not that long ago, it does make sense that people are starting to question the efficiency and the impact of our industrial society on the environment.

Really, how can you be against anything related to helping better preserve the planet we live on? That is just straight out wrong and you don't deserve to even live here if you truly believe that.

2007-06-14 15:29:15 · answer #3 · answered by jebul 3 · 3 1

Well I see the politics of fear are alive and well, but you have made yourself afraid. You're supposed to make others like you afraid, that's how it works.

Be that as it may...
Kill God? That's silly. If you believe, God can't be killed. If you don't, God does not exist. To each his own, but please stop worrying about the others
Kill Religion? Since when is reform about killing anything? Religion is alive and well. Except It is destroying the middle East, dividing the US when it should be concentrating on God, people and good works.
Kill Individual Rights? Well you are the one that would deny me the right to marry, have children, work, live, exist.
You have a right to say anything, and the government can't arrest you. But in the market place of ideas, if no one is buying what you are selling, then continue to speak to the wind.
Global warming has nothing to do with liberals. It is science that says the Earth is warming, that the likely cause is human activity and that we have the ability to slow or reverse the trend.

We combat silly diatribes like this with simple critical thinking.

2007-06-14 15:25:30 · answer #4 · answered by jehen 7 · 5 2

The far right is just as bad as the far left. No one is trying to kill God...we need to keep Him out of the law so the law can stay out of church. It IS ok to have children if you are gay, even if you disagree with homosexuality, isn't it better than letting unwanted children rot away in a facility somewhere?

I do agree that you should say anything you want, but be prepared for argument as well...it goes both ways. And I'm going to scream the next time I hear the words "global" and "warming" in the same sentence.

2007-06-14 15:19:38 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

You know, as I started reading your question, I agreed with everything you said until you got to the gays and global warming. I thought you were a liberal until I read the last 2 of the 6 items you listed in your first sentence. I'm sure you'd classify me as a liberal. Isn't it odd that we agree on 2/3's of your first sentence. Of course I accuse not actual conservatives, but rather neo cons for the first four things in your sentence that bothered me. Maybe our problems with each other are less philosophical and more perception.

2007-06-14 15:24:49 · answer #6 · answered by webned 6 · 2 2

What are we combatting ...clean air ,clean water, letting people have have the individual right to love whom ever they like??
And which religion would you have killed if they did not believe in the God you do or practice religion in the same way you do.
Should we go back and finish off the godless Native Americans??
my queston is....how do we combat your fear of nothing that really matters?

2007-06-14 15:33:20 · answer #7 · answered by drdrt2 3 · 2 1

I think they only way we can, is to be ourselves. To speak out against the Liberal left, continue to vote Conservatives into office, who won't cower to media pressure, and even to get out of our houses, and protest the ridiculousness of all these factors you mention. Conservatives have always been too quiet. We have rested our voices for too long. Like the Minutemen, for example, they speak up, and have rallies. They protest. They get information out to the public. They are called dirty, untrue names, constantly, but "sticks, and stones, may break my bones, but names will never hurt me." Remember that adage, because it's true. We have to STAND-UP! If not now, when? When we have lost our country to insanity? It may be too late then. We need to be as loud as a football stadium, on Superbowl Sunday! I am already a Minute woman, but we need more. The louder you are, it would appear the more you're heard. Let's do it.

I want to say that Liberals have not fought for the abolition of slavery to a person below me. This lady does NOT know her history. Lincoln, a Republican, freed the slaves, and Andrew Johnson, a Democrat, who was the vice-president, then becoming president, after Lincoln was assassinated, tried to re-instate slavery in the South. Republicans are the ones, who fought, and died to free slaves, Dear. Read, and you'll learn. You should have listened in school.

2007-06-14 15:20:00 · answer #8 · answered by xenypoo 7 · 1 3

Liberals have been influencing American society throughout its history – rebelling against King George, fighting for the abolition of slavery, insisting on child labor laws, fighting for rights of workers, insisting on women’s suffrage, fighting for civil rights, fighting for rights for women, etc.

It usually takes conservatives a while to catch up and then they pretend that they were in agreement with liberals on all of these major issues, when the truth is that conservatives fought liberals every step of the way. Now, liberals are still at it and, however regrettable it may seem to you, more progress will be made.

2007-06-14 15:30:06 · answer #9 · answered by tribeca_belle 7 · 1 3

Please, don't be terrified. Be pro-active. Lobby Congress, vote. Speak out and don't be afraid not to be POLITICALLY CORRECT. Be MORALLY CORRECT.
Why should religion be removed? Why do atheists fear religion if they believe God doesn't exist. They can simply change the channel. They don't have to stare at a nativity scene at Christmas, they can avert their heads and walk on by. Don't call it Winter Holidays if you are a Christian. Do so, if you are not.
We need to live "Freedom of Religion". The Constitution did not address "Freedom FROM Religion".
Gay rights? Marriage is between MAN and WOMAN. Children are produced by ovum and sperm, not ovum and ovum, not sperm and sperm. Be gay if you want, but please don't wave it in my face. I won't wave my sexuality in your face.
We need common sense, not limitations on our freedom of speech because some people are offended.

2007-06-14 15:54:12 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

It is sad. I can remember when the democrat party was not held captive by the far left nuts but that seems so long ago. Harry Truman and JFK are turning in their graves as the hate-America left steals their party's agenda.

2007-06-14 15:33:07 · answer #11 · answered by slodana2003 4 · 2 1

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