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It seems as if everyone hates George Bush and uses him as a scapegoat for all of their problems.

I would just like to know why, and if you're going to be dumb about it, then don't bother answering.

I'm asking for intellectual answers.

I just want your opinion.

2007-06-14 06:34:56 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics


I get to rag on you.

I mean, It's pretty cool that you respect him enough to say that he's God. I mean, 'cause God controls the weather.

Second off, the National Debt is as high as it is because of stuff we've done in the past. Guess what? Whenever they elect a new president into office, the national debt will still be the highest it's ever been.

George Bush is a great man.
Jealousy sucks.

2007-06-14 06:42:50 · update #1

So...do you hate Abraham Lincoln?
'Cause he did the same thing.

Or how about anyone else who has enacted a war?

What makes war justifiable in the first place?

2007-06-14 06:46:33 · update #2

How did we have a surplus whenever we have had a national debt in excess of a Trillion dollars for the past like 20 years.

2007-06-14 06:50:49 · update #3

I am hostile.

Seriously, he's one person, and you act like he has all of the power.
Sorry, the Supreme Court has most of the power in this country.

BTW! I'm with everyone that says that Liberals just want something to complain about.

2007-06-14 06:59:26 · update #4

28 answers

it's called party media control it's also called hypocrisy, everyone can give thumbs down all they want but here are the facts on everything.

WMD'S several top Democrats thought there were and went on record as saying so. Someone even made a video of all the different talks shows and venues of them saying they believe Saddam had WMD's and that we should go to Iraq.

War for oil is the dumbest thing ever said, because oil prices wouldn't be higher if that was our case, plus we have several oil sources and the people trading are the ones that cause the gas prices along with the oil companies, not the president, he doesn't sit in his office and say hmm I think I will raise gas prices. I'm sick of stupid people saying that. If the hippies would let us tear down this section of forest which sucks to do but if they did there is supposed to be alot of oil under there which would decrease our dependency by alot, I don't have a source for that one so I'm not saying that is totally true but there are area we could get oil from in our country but don't.

Iraq people don't realize these people are terrorists, they aren't going to stop being terrorists just because we leave Iraq. We leave now it's all for not, we could have had everyone leave bombed the hell out of it, but then the liberals would have said it would be inhumane to the people so we are stuck with a ground war with those people in the middle. The day after we leave those people will be terrorized, and after that they are heading to the U.S. I don't understand why people don't grasp that concept, quit being so dense and do what's good for the country not what's good for your party. Just like no terrorists are in Iraq yet some of our soliders were captured by terrorist. The Dems change their answer to some other reason everytime something is proven wrong.

Hurrican Katrina & 9/11 were unprecedented in the size of destruction I don't believe most of a U.S. City has been underwater like that before, and I know buildings have never came down like that after 2 huge Airplanes hit them. This is like coming up with an answer without knowing the question, considering that I think the president did as good as he could, even though the city and state officials blamed the president and politicized it when they were partly to blame, again different situation, just like they did with 9/11. They were all for this country in the days after but now they blamed the President even though Clinton had his chances too so did the other Bush. Democrat Hypocrasy.

Democrats just blame the president that are really partly their fault in all honesty, as far as civil liberties this is a different time, I can't believe people are so spoiled and are willing to whine about a bags at the airport or checkpoints at the border when it is saving their lives look at all the terror plots that have been foiled since 9/11. I know I said foiled, sorry about the Batman lingo.

People just need to be more cooperative and this country wouldn't be split, and we can get out of Iraq alot sooner and fix the problems of this country. It's funny because there have been presidents that have been called the worst presidents in history, and then later if you look at how it turned out long term, they were actually one of the better Presidents in history. This president has dealt with alot more than most Presidents in history have, and he is still standing. Like him or not he is trying to do what is best for his country and not his party, maybe if Democrats would do that some people might respect them again.

For those who think I'm Mr. Conservative just ranting, I'm a republican but I vote for Democrats too, and I'm for gay marriage as well , so I'm pretty middle of the road. I might not be voting Democrat anymore wih their selfish attitudes but for now I vot both parties I just agree more with the Republican view point people earning what they have, not having it given to them, as well as having he countries interest at heart over the interest of their party.

also why are all the sources from unreliable sources calling the president a doo doo head on some ignorant site doesn't help your case at all.


Electoral Votes: Bush 289, Kerry 249
Popular Vote: Bush 49.4%, Kerry 48.7%

2007-06-14 07:19:06 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

If you would like to know the Bush Administration cut funding to raising the levies in New Orleans prior to Hurricane Katrina.

The Chimp basically with his corrupt Administrattion have increased the National deficit by 3.25 trillion dollars in six short years and you wonder why people have no use for stupid a'sshole. You Americans have a National Debt of 8.85 Trillion or over $28,000 per person.

You Americans as well better be prepared for your dollar to crash as your governments overspending as well as your own will end up cratering the American Dollar. More countries are changing to the EURO and it will only be time until the Dollar crashes big time and the once great United States will be in a recession on their own.

2007-06-14 08:37:25 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Ok. The guy is responsible for the death of over 3,500 soldiers and thousands of Iraqi citizens for a war that was totally unnecessary. He promised to catch the man responsible for 9/11, but has practically ignored that promise since starting his new war. His war and tax cuts have resulted in record spending deficits. He has resisted laws that would help the environment and cut greenhouse gases. He has allowed wiretapping that violates our constitutional rights. He has lied about the reasons he has done all of this, and when caught in the act, he just lies some more. His educational system is a failure and is sinking struggling schools and children that desperately need help. He has caused our international reputation to fail. He has ignored BOTH sides of the immigration issue while trying to push through a bill that won't solve any of the problems. He has supported corrupt officials and businesses, like Alberto Gonzales and Haliburton, despite them constantly being caught in lies. He has made a mockery of the legal and legislative system by constant attempts to circumvent the law to get his way on all these issues.

Yeah. You're right. I can't think of any reason why I should hate the guy.

p.s. It is funny that you say that Bush is not responsible for the National Debt and that the debt is caused by past actions. When Clinton left office, we had a SURPLUS. That's a fact. So your point would be?

2007-06-14 06:43:47 · answer #3 · answered by Mr. Taco 7 · 2 4

u cant hate him. he did what he concept was once correct! bombed the hell out of the nation suspected of harboring the culprits in the back of the nine/eleven. the general public strain and different stuff. i fully accept as true with over the elimination of Saddam Hussein. however i feel he misplaced his manner after the warfare. its like , now he has no strategy to pass .. and for that reason maintain blowing the horn of putting in democracy!on the fee of what? American squaddies lives? that is flawed! they're combating a warfare which isn't their s. permit the folks of Iraq come to a decision and positioned their possess within the battlefield

2016-09-05 16:35:11 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Our national debt rate is as high as it's ever been. --> because we are at war, war is not cheap, never has been and never will be.

America is at war. --> a war all political leaders supported starting.

He Vetoed the bill to pull the troops out of Iraq. ---> because we are not done in Iraq.

Gas prices are high. --> you can thank OPEC and the oil companies for this one, Bush does not set gas prices.

The whole Hurricane Katrina Incident.--> contrary to popular belief the President's role as Commander-in-Cheif does not include control of the weather; FEMA is not "disaster RESPONSE" they are long-term "distaster RELIEF" (there is a difference); the Federal Government is NOT resposible for making evacuation plans for every city in the U.S., the failed distaster RESPONSE efforts in the days immediately after Katrina is solely the fault of recently re-elected Mayor Ray "Chocolate City" Nagin and then-governor Blanco, NOT President Bush NOR FEMA...
Edit: expecting the Federal Government to be fast under ANY circumstances is foolish; when has the Federal Government done ANYTHING fast? re-read the part I wrote about distaster response and relief and whose responsibility each one is...

Where are the WMD--> all politcal leaders in Washinton in 2003 including Democratic leaders believed Iraq had WMDs...

He uses scare tactics such as "terror attacks and threats" to gain control of the American people--> do you think that terrorist don't want to attack the U.S. even though they state that they do every chance they get? Was 9/11 a scare tactic? Or the Madrid bombings? Or the plot to blow up air planes over the ocean? Or the London subway bombings?

The Patriot act---> see "civil liberties" below

Phone tapping--> the Federal Government IS NOT listening to your phone conversations unless you are a big time criminal, the amount of man power and time it would take for the Feds to monitor every phone in the U.S. 24/7 makes it impossible, it is not happening, phone tapping is the liberal version of a "scare tactic"...

Invasion of privacy--> see phone tapping

Our civil liberties have lessened---> have they? have you recently been arrested because of the clothing you choose to wear? Have your family members been executed because of their religious beliefs? Have you recently been denied employment because of your skin color and been unable to call upon a justice system to make things right? Perhaps you are younger than 16 and have been forced to work in a coal mine for pennys-a-day-wages just so that your family can survive from day-to-day... freedom and safety come with sacrifice, during WWII there were rations on things like food, gas, metal and rubber, and today we have been asked to give up a few conveniencies for the sake of national security. Go tell the widow of a soldier about how hard it has been for you to make those sacrifices since 9/11 because of "mean ol' Mr. Bush" and see what she thinks about your sob story...

2007-06-14 07:05:55 · answer #5 · answered by Ryan F 5 · 3 1

Bush is a smug, self-serving man who has no idea how to do the job stole in the first place. Bush is the son of a powerful man who was conveniently named. Do you really think if it weren't for Bush senior that this idiot ever would have been elected President? I doubt he'd land the night manager position at a Taco Bell!

He feigned Christianity to win votes from right-wing conservatives. I'm sorry, but the man is about as "Christian" as Marilyn Manson or Hunter S. Thompson. During his second campaign, he used conservative hot-points like stem cell research, abortion and gay marriage to provide a smoke screen for how badly he screwed up the war in Iraq. He let Osama Bin Laden go free so we could focus on a war in Iraq. Then he smugly supports his idiotic decisions though it's become painfully obvious to even a four-year-old that almost everyone in this nation is no longer behind him or his decisions.

He cannot even speak intelligently. He sounds like he has a sixth grade education at best. He farted his way though the military... asking Daddy to mask his AWOL records. He then snorted and drank his way through college... which by the way, he got a full-ride at an ivy league school even though he couldn't get anything better than a "C" in high school. Daddy bought him the world and he just sits there like Billy Madison in his own stupid glory like he should be proud of achieving anything other than mediocracy.

That, in a nutshell is why I cannot stand Bush.

2007-06-14 12:28:06 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

Because he IS human, and A human taking in charge of the country[especially America] is Going to make mistakes, and people take those mistakes he makes and holds them against him.
They think just because he is the president he has to be a good, great, guy and make all the right choices all the time.
he is human, just like everyone else.
We make the very worst of choices, and our not supportive citizens makes it hard on him.
Imagine your country hating you?
It flusters him and that even promotes more mistakes.
If people would just express their opinion formally, that's all.

2007-06-14 06:59:18 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1



MENTAL MANIPULATION is a political tool: Any inteligent attacker goes first by attacking his target mentally and then physically. A MAN WITH MENTAL STRENGHT IS STRONGER THAN A MAN WITH PHYSICAL STRENGHT

The easiest way to win a people is by HODWINKING THEM THAT THEIR PROTECTORS ARE THE SOURCES OF THEIR PROBLEMS and therefore must be eliminated. After the source of strenght is eliminated, then PEOPLE WILL BE hoodwinked to ATTACHK THEMSELVES INTERNALLY, after they have reduced themselves to a comfortable extent , THE UNINTELLIGENT PEOPLE BECOMES the Birds prey. Open your eyes!

Every leader faces criticism no matter how good he is. I am not american but i know these things happen.

But i try to respect whoever God has placed there to rule. IT IS NOT AN EASY CAP TO WEAR

I forsee a fall..... if this negative mentallity is not controlled...

2007-06-14 07:11:07 · answer #8 · answered by mail2chik 2 · 1 1

Well lets see: He was never elected president by the voters of this country he was elected by the electoral college. He lost by almost a million votes. This is not including the Florida and Ohio problems with both of his elections which remain unproven.

He helped get Osama Bin Laden's family out of Saudi Arabia because of their safety(wow)

He shifted the war on terror from the place originally was intended for(Afghanistan) to Iraq based on false reports. (not soully his fault)

He is an embarassment when he meets with other worldly leaders.

He is an elitist he got where he is today by the help of his very rich father and grandfather.

Want anymore reasons do your own research.

2007-06-14 06:45:17 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

I dont hate him, I just laugh at him. He always looks like a deer in headlights, unintentionally makes up words...cant pronounce most words correctly.
You seem very hostile toward nonbush supporters. I guess you're part of the small % that thinks he's leading the country in the right direction

only cheney and bush's cronies are worthy of hate..he's too stupid

2007-06-14 06:56:35 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

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