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16 answers

To all his fellow half wits who voted for the other half wit; I am almost 99.999999% certain you will be unable to understand what I am attempting to say. However, just like Plato's hero in the cave parable, I am forced to try and enlighten you to the truth.

The truth is; your past governments placed the tyrannical murderous scumbag known as Saddam Hussein IN power. It was YOUR past governments who supplied the 'monster' with the arms which he used to murder countless Iraqis. It was YOUR past governments who provided him with the ability to produce the poisonous gas which he used to murder the Kurds. Where was your freedom loving conscience then?

Therefore, please don't attempt to insult my intelligence by portraying your fellow half wit as some kind of intelligent freedom loving empathetic politician who invaded a sovereign country to depose such a 'monster' and give the oppressed Iraqis their rightful freedom.

He, like those of you who voted for him, are in my eyes fellow murderous scum who have the blood of countless innocent Iraqi men, women and children on your hands. You should all hang your heads in shame for what you have accomplished. You do not deserve to be called human beings.

The majority of you are uneducated, myopic and insular half wit rednecks, who will almost certainly never travel beyond your country's borders to gain an insight into how the world is. Your pathetic single brain cells' understanding of world politics is fed by tuning into Fox News.

2007-06-15 09:20:13 · answer #1 · answered by Devil's Advocate 3 · 1 0

President of the United States of America George W. Bush understood something that the Democratic Party – The party of Lazy Incompetent And Reckless Sinners (or LIARS) do not understand that dictators like Saddam Hussein who used Weapons of Mass Destructions and genocide against his own people was Wrong and Murder. Today, with Saddam Hussein DEAD, Iraq is moving forward but it is Very Unfortunate that the Liberal Media has to Live In Everyday Sin (or LIES) to the American People and do not Speak The Truth. Today in Iraq, schools are opening where the future leaders of Iraq will be educated. Today, Iraq’s economy is growing and the electronic industry is booming and today, Iraqi’s throughout the country are grateful that the President of the United States of America George W. Bush put his job on the line so that the Iraqi people could have freedom. Where did I hear this from, the Christian Broadcasting Network show The 700 Club which is the ONLY News Show that actually remembers to Tell The Truth like the Bible tells all of us to do.

Today, the Iraqi government and the Iraqi people are trying their very best but they have to deal with two harsh factors. The first harsh factor is the Democratic Party of the United States. Democrats HAVE NOT COMPASSION OR CARE for the Iraqi People and the Iraqi Government who WANT CHANGE. All the Democrats to is make matters worse for President Bush and they are doing everything they can so that America can FAIL in Iraq. The second harsh factor is that governments throughout the world are NOT helping out Iraq. Other than the United Kingdom, I do not see too many nations giving too much help to Iraq and surely the United Nations is Not Helping Much.

As for the Americans who want America to leave Iraq NOW, I would highly recommend you to watch the movie Hotel Rwanda about the Rwandan Genocide; and event I NEVER WANT TO SEE AGAIN ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD IN MY LIFETIME. If the Democratic Party has it their way, the Iraqi Government WILL COLLAPSE AND FAIL and I predict that there will be genocide all throughout the country. When the Rwandan Genocide occurred, Bill Clinton and the Democratic Party DID NOTHING to help the people of Rwanda and Democrats in Congress right now are DOING NOTHING to assist the Iraqi People.

If you do not have the stomach to watch Hotel Rwanda (because I almost cried watching it), I ask that you watch the clip listed below about the Rwandan Genocide and ask yourself if you would like to see an event like this in Iraq. Because I know I don’t, Not Today, Not Tomorrow, and NEVER again in my lifetime because the events that occurred in Rwanda I do not want to see in Iraqi or in any nation on Planet Earth or in the Universe. This is the worst event of genocide that occurred in my lifetime and I NEVER want to such an event occur again.

In closing, I have a quote by Simon Wiesenthal. Wiesental is a Holocaust Survivor and during his lifetime, he was a Human Rights Activist who supported President of the United States of America George W. Bush to go to war with Iraq to remove Saddam Hussein from office. Wiesenthal says “The allies do not seek to conquer Iraq but rather Iraq but rather to confront a dictator who has used weapons of mass destructions and committed genocide against his own people. Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933, but for six years the world did not act. Has he been taken seriously then, the lives of innocent millions may have been spared." Wiesenthal believes that if Adolf Hitler was taken seriously and removed from power, World War II could have been stopped and the history of the world would have been altered forever.

2007-06-16 19:07:57 · answer #2 · answered by Mr. Knowledgeable VI 7 · 0 1

Erm,..... isn't there loads of evidence George wasn't actually elected on either occasion?? Admittedly, Tony only got back into power here by letting the then popular Gordon Brown be the face of Labour in the election, and it was only by a small margin but Britain did choose him, sadly.

2007-06-17 02:50:39 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It is a forced democracy, elected by the invaders and not elected by the people of the Iraq.

2007-06-16 13:01:49 · answer #4 · answered by ifhusain 4 · 0 0

Halfwit! Steady on that's being a bit too complementary.

2007-06-16 02:09:45 · answer #5 · answered by General Guru Master 2 · 0 0

Yeah we get it, we get that the 15 million people of Iraq are free from a sadistic ruler, we get that they now have a free society, we get that they got to elect their own government in 50 years, we get that they now have new schools, new libraries, newer infrastructure, new hospitals, new Private enterprises, and new chance at a better life and all that from a half with, jut think if he was a full wit!

2007-06-14 13:40:19 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

No, since we haven't. But we do see what happens to a country when they cowardly allow a militant, tyrannical, dictator take over a country. We see how a country suffers and cries out for help, and we help. What else you got, genius?

2007-06-14 14:02:45 · answer #7 · answered by Scott B 7 · 1 0

Your the halfwit. You've been brainwashed by the liberal media.

But say what you want - American military men and women have paid with their lives so you could.

2007-06-14 16:52:16 · answer #8 · answered by quarterback 2 · 0 2

Educated urban dwellers never vote for this guy... He get elected by the least educated and most religious the US has to offer... Were sinking in a kind of theocratic system here too look like... Just in name it look different.

2007-06-14 13:40:16 · answer #9 · answered by Jedi squirrels 5 · 1 2

But they have been electing dull witted clowns for so long.

2007-06-16 06:26:38 · answer #10 · answered by manforallseasons 4 · 1 0

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