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Politics - 11 June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

Drug use, "finding religion", offering that the lack of intellect is their "dumb act" and that it can be reversed? Do you think they may be clones?

2007-06-11 23:32:42 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

m party they are?

1. Nearly 1/3 ADMIT to wanting all immigrants to leave the country (only 52% oppose).

2. Majority want all immigration stopped (only 29% oppose).

3. 20% would SERIOUSLY consider voting BNP (the real value is probably higher - 'first past the post' discourages support for smaller parties).

WIth such widepread support amongst the British people don't the BNP deserve more acknowledgment?

2007-06-11 22:43:01 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Would use this process again?
Did you suffer from post abortion guilt?
Why don't you use conterception rather than murdering an innocent child?
Do you believe in execution with out trial? Thats what you have done!

2007-06-11 22:15:50 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why is it that whenerver you criticise the actions of Isreal to the treatment of Palestinians people instantly label you as being "anti-semitic".
I have my own opinion on this case...but to me they play the "ant-semitic" card too much, we in the UK are in a democracy & I have the right to criticise any actions I see that are unjust.
Before any states that I am, I need to say that I am not anit-semitic I am just portraying my opinion

2007-06-11 21:57:28 · 21 answers · asked by aaliyah a 1

Just about everyone, conservative & liberal alike seems to agree that professional politicians are liars, hypocrites, bribe-takers & thieves, or some variation of such suspicious characters. Why wouldn't they be?
Most people agree the system is broken & way out of control.
Many on both sides favor term limits,..yet they elect this same breed time & again as if there's no choice. & they never fix a thing. Things get worse in fact.

50% of the people don't vote at all because of it!!
That's how bad its gotten.

So why not elect the most intelligent creative successful thinkers among us to run the show?
Why not give them a chance?
Can they do worse?
Let them direct the professional bureaucracy.
Mightn't the smartest people have a lot of good ideas?

Many think Reagan, actor/artist. was the best president ever.

These are the people who dictators like Stalin, Mao & Hitler killed because they felt them a rival & threat to their power & propaganda. What does that tell you?

2007-06-11 21:38:57 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-11 21:26:37 · 10 answers · asked by mocnaveky 1

Americas support of Israel makes the Zionist state so powerfull militarily that the issue of reaching a settlement with the Palestinians is not seen as a matter of urgency and so the resistance continues and fuels worldwide hatred and condemnation as well as being one the main drivers of terrorism. Israeli politicians are handcuffed to hardline policies that maintain the status quo by the very fact that the status quo is seen as sustainable. Support for Israel in the U.S. is very well organised and funded and to some extent this gives Israel control over American foriegn policy leaving American politicians hand cuffed to the hardline status quo as well. Is there a way to break the deadlock before the next 911 and the next and the next.

2007-06-11 21:09:20 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

are we in danger for global warming?

2007-06-11 20:39:34 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

God forbid the media report a story about an SUV causing an accident, or the neocons cry a whole river of tears!

2007-06-11 20:36:36 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

has anybody else seen this?

Are Americans aware that the National ID card is coming into effect May 2008? EVERY American citizen MUST have one...without it, you will be denied your bank account, driver's license and the right to fly on an airplane. (to name a few)
In return, you will be giving your government all of your personal information.

2007-06-11 20:04:27 · 7 answers · asked by Happier in China 2

It would eliminate the cost of bussing and the cost of school nutrition programs ....both very costly! There are many other cost effective arguments.

It would also help to eliminate many societal problems with teenagers.

Is homeschooling the way of the future?

2007-06-11 18:46:22 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

The people in the White House offered his millions to shut up. He turned it down,

People mock him as a loon for turning it down, Should He have taking the money and shut up? What would u do????

Please Watch the first 4 minutes of this video before you comment, thanks

2007-06-11 18:10:12 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you think he will stick with his current right hand man, Al Zawahiri? Or do you think he will chose someone more centrist?

2007-06-11 17:55:05 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

...even if it is Albania! Every country the poor guy goes to (including ours) he has to deal with people who protest him, mock him, or in many countries, want to kill him. Just as I knew that every child can succeed at something, every president must have SOME country at some corner of the Earth where the majority of the population doesn't hate him!

2007-06-11 17:51:54 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Am I the only one?

I show people the evidence, I show them the slip ups, I show them over 10 motivations and they dont comprehend it.

They just tell me i need more tin foil comments crap.

Anybody else feel like me?

2007-06-11 17:50:47 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

One of the more slavering Bush apologists on this site (we'll call him "MD 20-20" to preserve his anonymity) recently parroted a right wing slogan. I looked into this slogan because I've heard it so many times. It's the idea that anyone who points out the failure of the current president is a "Bush hater," "sickened," even "obsessed." I wondered where that came from. Here it is:

I looked into the Newt Gingrich GOPAC memo referenced in that article. Here's a slice of it:

The words contained therin are quite illuminating. How often have you heard them in the past decade? A political action committee outlined words and phrases that can be used to control small minded people. And you guys bought it, hook, line and sinker.

When are you going to wake up?

2007-06-11 17:49:18 · 7 answers · asked by Schmorgen 6

They tell me people give them the fingers, Why do people support there government killing there own people on 911

2007-06-11 17:38:17 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

.....I just want to hear what Dems and Libs find to be the worst that could happen politically, if Ron Paul were to be the next president.

2007-06-11 17:31:06 · 18 answers · asked by Joey's Back 6

2007-06-11 17:18:27 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hello could anybody please explain to me how the interests of corporations and governments differ concerning foreign takeovers? And I also was wondering if there any interest groups besides NDP and unions advocating tightening of the investment regulation? I would greatly appreciate if you could clarify these questions to me. Thank you.

2007-06-11 16:20:04 · 1 answers · asked by Sergey K 1

Control of the press, nationalization of corporations both public and private also seems to be the goal of Hugo Chavez and which U.S. political party?

2007-06-11 16:15:41 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know but I wont tell you.

2007-06-11 16:12:45 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

5 minutes? 15 minutes? 30 minutes?

2007-06-11 16:10:25 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Now that we have seen the absolute horror of the Democrat, will they go into hiding?

2007-06-11 15:55:01 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

How can Albanians be cheering for Bush when they've only seen him for a few hours,If they only knew that if he was their president,their borders would have been long gone

2007-06-11 15:49:27 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Top Dems and NOW used to tell us that it was important to stop the beating of women that takes place in many Muslim homes.

However, since Pelosi and Hillary have been put in charge, it no longer seems important to them.

Have Pelosi and Hillary adopted the views of Bin Laden? Are they trying to protect the rights of Muslim men to beat their wives?

2007-06-11 15:42:20 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can you feel the palable senseless misplaced anger?

2007-06-11 15:42:06 · 15 answers · asked by flushles 3

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