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Other - Politics & Government - July 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

2006-07-19 03:32:13 · 7 answers · asked by general 1

I know this leaves the ladies out but I am sure we can figure something out so that they can make their statement also.

2006-07-19 03:31:17 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

Answers below:
Answer YES if you voted for bush twice.
Answer MAYBE if you voted for bush once.
Answer NO if you never voted for bush.

2006-07-19 03:27:00 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-19 03:22:36 · 14 answers · asked by alzghiasi 2

what is going on with the isrealis,palestinians,muslims,jews and christians?how it all started and why cant it just end.i avoid news and conversations on it cuz i just cant figure it out.help!!

2006-07-19 03:08:33 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I need a thorough explanation of this war. What's going on and why?

2006-07-19 03:07:50 · 6 answers · asked by B-Truth 2

There are so many examples where democracy has been given or forced and have become very successful nations that protect individual human rights. The two most noteworthy recent such events have been Japan and Germany. These progressive, successful, prosperous nations were forced to adopt a representative form of government and now are strong adherents to the rights of the individual. Why is it such a persistent MYTH that democracy cannot be given?

2006-07-19 02:56:52 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a Disabled Vietnam Veteran, but my reasoning faculties are intact and it is as crystal clear as water and completely undenialble that...when you have bombings in India, you have war going on in Afghanistan, you have war going on in Iraq, you have a war going on in Gaza and South Lebanon, you have Syria and Libya and North Korea actively plotting to defeat the democracies, you have Ahmadinejad, the leader of Iran, saying publicly he wants to defeat the Americans and utterly wipe Israel from the face of the earth, you have people plotting to blow up New York tunnels, you have Canadians plotting to blow up the Canadian parliament and behead the prime minister...

My point is... we are in a war!

My question is ... WHY can't Left - Wing Democrats
acknowledge this and "act accordingly" for the sake of
the Nation and the US troops at the Fronts!

2006-07-19 02:52:17 · 18 answers · asked by B'klyn Barracuda 3

Well, I am an old political science graduate with an emphasis in international relations. And I wasn't surprised one bit by the Bush tape. Politics are much much dirtier than the genereal public realizes. Most Americans only pay attention to glossy TV ads once every 2 or 4 years. Everything looks nice and clean. Everything comes off as black and white. Men wear suits and pander to audiences. Audiences eat it up, vote (the majority don't), and everyone goes home. But what goes on behind the scenes is probably too much for the general public to stomach. It's like sausage making. We love the result but the actual production is greusome. Things get pretty crude when the door closes. And in some cases, it gets caught on camera. Also, a related story would be the hundreds and hundreds of actual bribes that were caught in Peru. They were made public and it brought down Fujimori. But that is a bit off the subject.

2006-07-19 02:46:53 · 29 answers · asked by cannonball 1

"I like to believe that people in the long run are going to do more to
promote peace than our governments. Indeed, I think that people want peace so much that one of these days governments had better get out of the way and let them have it."

Dwight D. Eisenhower

2006-07-19 02:43:58 · 14 answers · asked by Lou 6

After the bashing of Kerry during the campaign season, do you think they regret their actions of making Bush look stronger on defense, security, and economy?

The same thing happened to Gore with the "Invention of the Internet" and Dean with the screaming frenzy and Tom Daschle with his filibusters. Sometimes I question which side they are really on. What is the U.S. coming to when you can't trust the corporate media anymore?

I hope Yahoo Answers doesn't delete this question.

2006-07-19 02:42:23 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

the statues of gods of rival towns and keep them in their temple as subordinates. Emperors prefer to have one god. Even better, one god that is invisible, so the Emperor can represent the god. What is the religion of democracy?

2006-07-19 02:38:50 · 7 answers · asked by mary_sconster 3

they say he did something wrong? i dont see where he caught two of the real bad people where the past presidents couldnt even get close to doing so!

2006-07-19 02:29:50 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

In Europe they call them Chips and in the US we call them french or freedom fries. Europeans drive on the left side of the road and American on the right. Our car steering are also put on the other side...would it not be cheaper if all cars were made the same. Even our English language is totally differnt from the British English. ex. centre and center...why Why do us americans have to change or do everything differently? We do everything just to stand out.

2006-07-19 02:25:45 · 34 answers · asked by sweet 2

Will the weak government of Lebanon be able to nuture their fledgling democracy to adulthood?

2006-07-19 02:20:05 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Olmert, new presidant in Israel
Hamas, new Gov. in Palestine

Hamas says: we will not attack Israel
Olmert: starts an attack on Gaza

Hamas: Decides to defend, they takw 2 presinors
Olmert: Declares war on Gaza

Hezbollah: Decides to help Hamas, killing 8 Israelies taking 2 presinors
Olmert: Declares was (not on Hezbollah BUT on LEBANON)

Israel has 1000's of presinors - Hamas & Hezbollah only 3
and what happens?

Israel's media made it seem as if they are the innocent ones, while Hamas & Hezbollah are the terrorists.

Today, Israeli melitary shoots the camera man for Al Jazeera Channel, WHY ? because he's showing the fact?

My Question:
Why People? why are you so blind towards the fact & towards your Governments? why are you so ignorant & unfair? or is it that you do know the truth but acting like the USA & the Israeli governments?

2006-07-19 02:13:41 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Of course it was a HUGE conspiracy how could the Princess marry a man of a different religion right?

2006-07-19 02:03:54 · 17 answers · asked by Alie 3

2006-07-19 02:00:07 · 16 answers · asked by sajan 1

I believe that 80-90% of the Muslim world are really agreeable & righteous. However why is it that you keep saying Islam is a "religion of peace" yet you are eerily silent whenever "Muslims" wreck trains, blow up cafes & hotels, do gruesome beheadings, launch rockets into suburbs, crash planes into skyscrapers & other evil acts. I know that the USA, Israel & The West have committed their share of injustice & stupidity (some of us also disagree and protest against it), but while you go on condemning them, burning USA/Israel flags & shouting blasphemies like "God willing Israel will be destroyed!" I hear no condemnation from YOU (the people, not your governments) in fact I see rejoicing, whenever the innocent civilians who belong to the West & Israel are killed by "Muslims". And if you say Osama is a terrorist...why arent you denouncing him more loudly & actively working against him (is he not a greater insult to Islam than the poorly drawn Danish cartoons)?

2006-07-19 01:57:18 · 15 answers · asked by betterdeadthansorry 5

Would conservatives start hating each other instead? Would the extreme conservatives start calling the moderates names like "liberals"? Then would the moderates, or new liberals, be labeled anti-American?

2006-07-19 01:56:17 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Like Virgina, jamestown .......etc. with so much anti british feeling during 1776

2006-07-19 01:44:54 · 12 answers · asked by tausif h 1

"The simple answer is he thinks murder's wrong"

Tony Snow
White House spokesman

Speaking about Bush's veto about more funding to stem cell research, according to his Spokes Person, he vetoed it because he thinks murder is wrong....hmmmm WHAT ABOUT INNOCENT IRAQIS U MORON

2006-07-19 00:51:43 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-19 00:50:16 · 15 answers · asked by divalicious 2

since 2000 years ago it has been persian gulf.but arabs say it is arabic gulf.and an american atlas wrote it arabic gulf.if u were iranian and they wanted to change the name of a part of your country what would u do?

2006-07-19 00:44:57 · 11 answers · asked by march_girl666 2

And is this fact recognized by these governments now and why are the sikhs not mentioned in the remembrances.

2006-07-19 00:40:16 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I would to know if Islam has been established on terrorism bases.

2006-07-19 00:27:43 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-19 00:12:34 · 30 answers · asked by devil_child66662000 2

2006-07-18 23:37:31 · 7 answers · asked by Stefan Amidmaru 1

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