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Olmert, new presidant in Israel
Hamas, new Gov. in Palestine

Hamas says: we will not attack Israel
Olmert: starts an attack on Gaza

Hamas: Decides to defend, they takw 2 presinors
Olmert: Declares war on Gaza

Hezbollah: Decides to help Hamas, killing 8 Israelies taking 2 presinors
Olmert: Declares was (not on Hezbollah BUT on LEBANON)

Israel has 1000's of presinors - Hamas & Hezbollah only 3
and what happens?

Israel's media made it seem as if they are the innocent ones, while Hamas & Hezbollah are the terrorists.

Today, Israeli melitary shoots the camera man for Al Jazeera Channel, WHY ? because he's showing the fact?

My Question:
Why People? why are you so blind towards the fact & towards your Governments? why are you so ignorant & unfair? or is it that you do know the truth but acting like the USA & the Israeli governments?

2006-07-19 02:13:41 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

Don't forget that Israel attacked Palestine 1045 and wanted to make a country called "Israel" by force.

If they claim that it's their country where have they been for 3000 years?

2006-07-19 02:33:11 · update #1

Yes Ayah there you go:

2006-07-19 03:01:42 · update #2

Peace, I am Palestinian and im located in Al Quds, origanally from Nablus. :)

2006-07-19 03:03:30 · update #3

Ok, thank you all for answering, I was attacked from most of you, that I'm an ignorant & cannot see the truth, I respect all your answers.

Just a reminder: how do you want me to be convinced with you while you killed the Messengers of God, (everyone knows that) you wanted to kill Jesus, and you're spreading hate & lies everywhere?

You are (Jews) :)

2006-07-19 03:17:12 · update #4

16 answers

Jews are Jews. They are blind and they are religious maniac. Americans are not very much intelligent and can't understand the whole picture. People from other country's see the whole picture, but unfortunately can't do much to help.

2006-07-19 02:33:53 · answer #1 · answered by nelli 4 · 7 16

Having lived and worked in the Middle East, traveling between Tel Aviv, Gaza, Jerusalem, Janin and Ramallah, as well as other places in the West Bank, and I can tell you -- and everyone else that happens to read this that YOU are full of SH**.

Hamas, Islamic Jihad, etc., dress themselves up with explosive vests and walk into grocery stores and blow up mommies and children buying food for the weekend. I know; I've seen. I've wept.

I myself personally stepped off of a bus in Tel Aviv, and as it rounded the corner, it exploded, killing 22 people, including children and babies.

Hezbollah fires rockets into Northern Israel unprovoked, for no other reason but to further the agenda of "Pushing the Jews into the Sea," as if for some reason Jews don't have a right to live in this world with the rest of us.

Oh, yes, I have seen the suffering of the Palestinians too, there is no doubt about it. But having been there, lived there and experienced it first hand, the reason that Palestine is NOT a country yet is BECAUSE of those terrorist groups. Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, Fatah -- cowards who partied like there was no tomorrow on 9/11 -- I saw it; I was there -- if those militants were really interested in what was best for their people, there would be a Palestine by now, but they are not; they are only interested in pushing their own agenda.

You are a LIAR, and you are preying on people's ignorance -- but I KNOW the truth.

2006-07-19 09:29:12 · answer #2 · answered by Rebecca 7 · 3 0

Just for your knowledge: The prisoners that are held in Israeli jails, are people or terrorists who have committed a crime, such as attempted murder, murder, etc., and in israel their is no death penalty, so they hold them in jails, and yes, the israeli tax payers have to support them, while they eat and sleep and are kept cleaned in the jails in Israel.

If you want to understand the situation, please go to the country, visit, listen, hear, watch the news, which is more than 100% real and not staged propoghanda by governments in the Islamic world.

Also, the Al Jazeera camera man was arrested for showing on his camera, to the arab world and western world, the exact locations of the falling bombs so that the information can be forwarded to the hezbollah. Even Fox News, CNN, Sky news, and BBC cannot, are not allowed, to show on their cameras a view of the bombs coming down to show the area. The camera man from Al Jazeera said on the news, exact location, how far from sea, etc.. All reporters were given rules of that sort. So they arrested him and are exporting him from the country. They aren't going to keep him, he isn't a hostage, my goodness, wake up out there, stop believing your dictators.

2006-07-19 10:01:26 · answer #3 · answered by peace 2 · 1 0

let me show u the right view of this

Hamas digs for long time underground passages to kill solders and take solders ( kindnap)
> "Hamas says: we will not attack Israel"

so that is worng phrase

Hezbollah after 6 years that isreal didnt do any military acts in Lb area
and afer bombing(Hezbollah) "kirat shmona" area for 6 years
and penetrate settlements & killing ppls

kindnap & kills solders

"Hezbollah: Decides to help Hamas, killing 8 Israelies taking 2 presinors"

again u need to learn the history

"Israel has 1000's of presinors - Hamas & Hezbollah only 3"

is really not good equation

1000's of presinors are murderers that did terrorist act

"only 3" = are solders that only wanna protect israel area

again u worng

"Hezbollah are the terrorists."

that is right learn the history

Hezbollah & Hamas use chillds as shield from IDF' and prevent LB's citizens leave the area of fire

that mean they take hostage s >> mean there are terrorists

i dont need to continuse cuz all ur basis "facts" u use is incorrent

then all is too...

2006-07-19 09:46:27 · answer #4 · answered by aviv7337 2 · 1 0

Israel has 1000 prisoners and Palestine has only 3. Well that's because HAMAS KILLS all of the ones they take. People who blame Israel do not read. Anything. And people like you listen to propaganda and take it as truth. But the truth is Hamas doesn't want peace. Everyone except the Palestinians and other people who choose to hate instead of looking at both sides, realize the truth. Sorry no sympathy from me. I do feel sorry for all of the innocents caught in this, but it doesn't seem like their terrorists governments care at all.

2006-07-19 09:30:14 · answer #5 · answered by olderandwiser 4 · 1 0

Truth be told, this fight has been going on so long, there is no memory of what they truly hate for, they are all wrong and at fault by whats going on in the middle east, there are no innocents because they are taught in schools to hate, (all sides are taught to hate) it comes to a point that all they do is hate and then lose the original point of argument, For instance prejudices here in the states will never completed fade because generation to generation still teach there children to hate, but when you ask why the hate, the answers don't make sense anymore because its embedded into them from things that occurred years ago, even a mountain becomes a hill after years of erosion

2006-07-19 09:37:33 · answer #6 · answered by lost&confused 5 · 0 0

Hamas never said they will not attack Israel. They said they want Israel wiped out. Israel withdrew from Gaza, then Hamas responded by firing rockets into residential areas. Hezbollah started doing the same. Then Israel responded.

By the way, Hezbollah is now blocking Lebanese people from fleeing neighborhoods, in some cases shooting them.

2006-07-19 09:17:42 · answer #7 · answered by FCabanski 5 · 2 0

You forgot to mention that Hamas took an israeli soldier hostage and that started the whole thing.

Just thought you'd leave that little fact out of your ranting eh??

2006-07-19 09:18:11 · answer #8 · answered by a1tommyL 5 · 2 0

Omar,you really need to educate yourself on the CORRECT facts before you make such statements!! You seem to be seeing an awful lot that the majority of the world does not!! That said,you are of course entitled to your views and opinions.

2006-07-19 10:05:12 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Hamas is messing with the wrong country..Israel will punish it severely..They are sick of them sending rockets into their country and are planning to wipe them out

2006-07-19 09:18:36 · answer #10 · answered by dwh12345 5 · 2 0

that is the most ignorant, uninformed set of statements I have ever read. Really, you should work for MSNBC. that is right up their street.

You really should do a bit of learning before you spew this crap, and quit reading those damn Blogs!

2006-07-19 09:20:10 · answer #11 · answered by godoompah 5 · 2 0

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