man, i am sick of democrats and republicans. to me, their two sides of the same coin. they sing the same tune, but disagree about the words, and we are not even represented. they have really made our democracy a hypocracy that stops at the polls. that's y we need different parties that focus on humanity first, corporate business later. im sick of big brother hiding under the mask of "democracy" when he's a pure fascist. we need to reform our corupt system. that's why im a democratic socialist. we all need to participate in government more, and throw out the corrupt republicrats, and think about the welfare of the many, instead of the selfish whims of the upper ruling class that is a parasite on our society, and drains tahe average man of his work. they eat from the harvest, but do not plant the seeds or do the reaping. they are pigs that grow fat on our laborm and shape our country by their whims and their interpretation. im sick of them, and still big brother seeks greater controll.
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