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I am a Disabled Vietnam Veteran, but my reasoning faculties are intact and it is as crystal clear as water and completely undenialble that...when you have bombings in India, you have war going on in Afghanistan, you have war going on in Iraq, you have a war going on in Gaza and South Lebanon, you have Syria and Libya and North Korea actively plotting to defeat the democracies, you have Ahmadinejad, the leader of Iran, saying publicly he wants to defeat the Americans and utterly wipe Israel from the face of the earth, you have people plotting to blow up New York tunnels, you have Canadians plotting to blow up the Canadian parliament and behead the prime minister...

My point is... we are in a war!

My question is ... WHY can't Left - Wing Democrats
acknowledge this and "act accordingly" for the sake of
the Nation and the US troops at the Fronts!

2006-07-19 02:52:17 · 18 answers · asked by B'klyn Barracuda 3 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

I am astounded at some of the responses...
I detect disdain in some responses for the military, for the the very brave young men and women that protect our Rights to live as we do,

I am surprised how Liberals are Hell-bent on Bashing-Bush and actuallty think Muslim Madmen and women are the "Good-guys"?

I am disheartened that my service and sacrifice obviously means little as expressed herein by those that probably have never served or would, yet they have no solutions. Only a few actually address the question posed?

I am happy that this forum allows those who review it to see how Liberals really percieve the world and Islamic facism.

If it were Cuba launching missles at Miami and southern Florida..would these same Liberals call for "restraint" and "diplomacy"?

2006-07-19 19:24:04 · update #1

18 answers

read my question. It might help you out.

Well I think everyone should read this and tell me what you think.?

2006-07-19 02:55:32 · answer #1 · answered by TJ 4 · 1 0

Because first, we haven't gotten to the point that we can't pull out of this world wide war. Left wing Democrats want out whether it is World War III or not, before it is too late. Besides, North Korea and Iran aren't fighting yet, they (for now anyway) only want acknowledgement that they are important countries that belong on the world stage. I believe Iran is right this time, Arab nations have no real representation on the five main stations (held by United States, Russia, China, France, and Britain), and I believe North Korea should have some representation as well (but certainly not from Kim Jong Il, someone far more inside his mind than outside). Israel needs to be part of that group too, if that group continues to exist, but I believe all countries should have equal representation, meaning take it away from those five countries rather than give more to other countries. Those five countries have far too much power in the UN, and it prevents the UN from becoming anything worth anything.

Besides, it hasn't become World War III yet. There may be fighting all over the place but there is no specific goal for any of them, and all of them (while interrelated to a point) don't depend on each other, meaning if we stop North Korean aggression, the fight between Israel and Lebanon still goes on and so on. Only when all nations start forming alliances and this truly becomes completely interdependent will it actually be considered world war. This definitely does have the potential though. Which is why Democrats want peace, before it becomes world war.

2006-07-19 03:03:06 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

They do acknowledge this but do you think that you can kill every single Terrorist in the world. As you can see it only takes 19 crazy to flip the world upside down and they don't wear a uniform. We need to attack the cell with special military tactic groups like the Navy Seal and so on. We need to stop putting billions of dollars into Iraq and start putting the money into our homeland security and make sure that's what the money goes to. After all that's what we are supposed to be protecting America. We just have a different take on how this country should be run and the Republican had there chance and this is the result and American does not like the path that they have chosen. I think we can do better but we will not know until we have a change of course. I am a former Marine 8 years 3/2 and I love America but we need better leadership.

2006-07-19 03:02:58 · answer #3 · answered by DEEJay 4 · 0 0

And acknowledging this is a war, even calling it WW-3, changes what? I'm neither left wing nor a democrat, so I'm asking what you think we should be doing.

Does calling it a war mean we as a country can start ignoring our own laws? Does that mean our government can start ignoring constitutional requirements at will? If so, which ones? Just the Bill of Rights and Article III (access to the courts)? Or can the government also suspend elections for the duration of the war?

Acting accordingly means following through with the constitutional principles that this country was founded upon. It means supporting the men and women on the ground, when they are defending this country. But it doesn't mean supporting the illegal actions of a Commander-in-Sheik who willfully violates federal laws, international treaties (which have the same force and effect as federal laws) and explicit Constitutional requirements.

If we are a nation of laws, and if we have any claim of being right, we need to start by adhering to our own laws.

If your argument is that only liberals think we should be following our own laws, then I really have to wonder what conservatives thought they meant when they swore to uphold and defend the constitution. Did they mean only if it's convenient?

2006-07-19 03:05:01 · answer #4 · answered by coragryph 7 · 0 0

Because that is what the conservatives want us to believe and they are nothing but liers. They lied us into the Iraq war, now there might be a real threat and guess what, we are out of legitamite resourse (troops, money, support from the world/fellow Americans). I believe this situation in Isreal and Lebanon can be settled with diplomacy. The strings are out there to be pulled but the question is will Bush/Cheyney pull them. Their judgement is clouded with the fact they are making money off this war and the love they have for an authoritarian government. The answer is not to start bombing everyone who doesn't agree with Bush, because that's everyone, it is to open those communication channels. Stop watching Rush Limpauh, Newt Gingrich, and the Repubes all together, they are relying on you devotion for them and hoping you will never question their actions. Research this sh.it, stop being lazy and open your eyes.

2006-07-19 03:05:04 · answer #5 · answered by LizzieBeth 3 · 0 0

I agree with you and I am a liberal. We are at war and it is world war lll and we started it with the instability we caused in the middle east. I do not however feel that it is so far advanced that proper diplomacy can not save the world from Holocaust. If we continue on the path that George Bush has taken we very well could end life on earth as we know it.

2006-07-19 02:57:13 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Thank you for your service Sir, but we can't continue to use violence to try and topple every hater of Democracy, we must take a good look at this condition and change our system, I don't see America as a Democrecy anymore, if it were , we would not be on everyone's hate list, and we would prosper.We can't stay free while hearding in the masses. America must take care of it's own needs and stop with the rape and pillaging worldwide. This planet is not all ours, to be used and reaped from as we see fit. With all do respect and admiration, thank you for doing what you felt was right !

2006-07-19 03:10:05 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

We better get the Draft started again I say to get all those lefty liberals kids into this war alongside all our patriotic Republicans and I don't wanna hear no crying about deferments either like back in the Nam lousy liberals getting deferments for having pimples on their *** like Rush Limbaugh everyone has to sacrifice damnit we are at war! Fox news told me this is WW III and I believe it!
I have 100 flagnets on my car and I support the troops more than you, you damn commies!

Oh listen to these lefty liberal commie bastards coming out from under their rocks to spew their hate! Our leaders we shall follow into battle Rush, Newt, Cheney, Ashcroft, Armey, Gramm, Delay, Starr and many other Patriots from the Nam those are some real men, oh they were on deferments...N/M

2006-07-19 03:08:12 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because honestly , they dont care, unfortunately we fought many wars so the liberal jacka@@es , I mean democrats, can have freedom to say what they say, the nice thing though is they are burying themselves, Its a shame that they cant be united for the troops that are out there, no matter the reason , we are there and they should truly support it, not just try and consistantly bash the administration, they act like children out on the playground......

2006-07-19 02:57:47 · answer #9 · answered by lost&confused 5 · 0 0

Well, if it was WW III, then all the Countries with Nuclear weapons would be using them one against the other. At that point there really would be WW III. As it is it is just a lot of weak little Countries playing at war with the BIG countries. We all know the BIG countries are going to win either economically or militarily, whichever they choose.

2006-07-19 03:19:00 · answer #10 · answered by Lou 6 · 0 0

i don't understand who Lenny Davis is, yet he replace into no longer "bill Clinton's" Press Secretary -- his White domicile Press Secretaries have been: Dee Dee Myers, Mike McCurry, Joe Lockhart and Jack Siewart. LANNY Davis replace right into a former "lawyer interior the Clinton Adminstration and close chum of Joe Lieberman" (manhattan cases) it is the Cheney speaking component line that Lieberman has been employing and only exhibits that democrats have been suitable to defeat Lieberman interior the regularly occurring. everyone seems to be losing interest with this crap besides.

2016-11-02 08:21:41 · answer #11 · answered by winstanley 4 · 0 0

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