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"I like to believe that people in the long run are going to do more to
promote peace than our governments. Indeed, I think that people want peace so much that one of these days governments had better get out of the way and let them have it."

Dwight D. Eisenhower

2006-07-19 02:43:58 · 14 answers · asked by Lou 6 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

Julianne Fitzgerald
Utah State Coordinator
Campaign for a U.S. Department of Peace

2006-07-19 02:44:14 · update #1

There is fighting and arguing and hitting below the belt sometimes and oftentimes but bottom line I believe, in my humble opinion, that the people on this site are all intelligent.

2006-07-19 05:40:26 · update #2

14 answers

I beleive the comparason is akin to a flea to a dog.

Ike was a great man who fought in wars, that would do ANYTHING to stay out of a war.

W is a pathetic shadow of a soldier that would do anything to stay out of one personaly, but would not hesitate to send others to their deaths.

2006-07-19 02:54:11 · answer #1 · answered by Imaginer 4 · 0 1

Not really a fair question. Based on how he talks, George Bush's intellect is two points above a chimp with a head injury. But there are those with much higher intellects that support the war still, Newt Gingrich, Hilary Clinton, Joe Leiberman (though I'm not sure he is that high up there either, though certainly higher than Bush).

2006-07-19 09:47:17 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

decent question. The answer is that Ike had more brainpower, however, brainpower doesn't make a great President. It's leadership, (Ike had plenty) vision, and a headstrong bent for dismissing public opinion for his short term in office. Like Truman, Bush seems to be of average intelligence, does have leadership among his adherents. His vision will become apparrant only after we see the eventual outcome of our response to Muslim agression of the West.

2006-07-19 10:48:55 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Ike loved America,Where Bush only likes what America can do for him. Where is the intellect in that a two year old would know that.

2006-07-19 10:21:52 · answer #4 · answered by sevenkwalker 2 · 0 0

Granted it is humorous to ridicule the verbal faux pas of our current commander and chief. A cottage industry has been made out of his rhetorical missteps. As much as I loathe both Mr. Bush and his administration, we cannot assess a man’s intelligence purely on the basis of his oratory ineptitude. I have known many individuals, for example, who are engineers and applied science graduates, who are whizzes in the areas of logic and analytical thinking, but are absolutely bumbling children when it comes to writing or articulating themselves in a coherent manner. I would not dare portray these people as dimwitted because of the lack of one skill.

I think when you compare Dwight Eisenhower’s statement to the ramblings of Bush, the comparison is more stark and telling with regards to the moral disparity between the two men than intelligence. Notice how within Eisenhower’s brief comment there is a sense of humility and appreciation for man’s more noble qualities, and humanities laudable pursuit of universal peace. Bush, conversely, spews rhetoric that is replete with cowboy machismo posturing, and a hubris that assumes that the entire world desires his own brand freedom. Furthermore, he seems to take it for granted that it is his sole prerogative, dare I say divine mandate, to impose his freedom on the rest of the global community.

I am always reminded of the humility embodied in John Kerry’s Democratic nomination acceptance speech where he states: “I don't want to claim that God is on our side. As Abraham Lincoln told us, ‘I want to pray humbly that we are on God's side’”.

It is sad that, in the 2004 election, we opted for a man who is the exact antithesis of this humility.

2006-07-19 10:21:29 · answer #5 · answered by Lawrence Louis 7 · 0 0

George is a pinhead compared to Ike. Ike rose to be a general and 2nd in charge of the US army from merit. GWB has never shown any talent for leadership or excellence in anything. He is only president because of his family connections and the corruption now endemic to the American political system

2006-07-19 09:48:43 · answer #6 · answered by Vermin 5 · 0 0

Close, yet so far, far away. If George Bush were a valuable mineral, he would be Fool's Gold. If he were a fertilizer, well you get the drift. Watch your step!

2006-07-19 09:51:08 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

George Bush has an intellect??? Where??? I can't see it.

I don't know, Jesito... Chimps can be bright sometimes, even with head injuries ;)

2006-07-19 09:55:09 · answer #8 · answered by coasterjen 2 · 0 0

Ike played golf, W does not.

2006-07-19 09:47:05 · answer #9 · answered by bullcitydon 2 · 0 0

Bush has no intellect

2006-07-19 09:58:41 · answer #10 · answered by Lee 7 · 0 0

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