Why do people, mostly kids, feel the need to come on here an degredate members of the U.S. Armed Forces. Do not get me wrong here, I'm not asking for their opinion of the war, this isnt about that, weather you support the President's decision to remain in Iraq is entirely irelevant to the fact you should support the Military.
Why do we not respect those who chose to put their life on the line to keep us free? Why do we Tell them what they are doing is wrong, and why the hell do we think its OK to do this stuff? Weather you agree with the fact the U.S. military is in Iraq or not, that doesnt give you a reason to ridicule the people who's job it is to protect you.
Sry, this was mainly a vent question, feel free to post any response you want, its a free country here in the US, many men and women have died to make sure it stays that way, think about them the next time you post anti-American remarks on here.
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