With the situation going on all over the world, where Iran is devoluping nukes and N. Korea has devolpued nukes. Do you think it is time we aid our allies in the east to devolup their own nuclear arsenal. It would increase our relationship with our allies and send a clear warning to our enemies that just because they devolupe nukes does not mean they are more powerful? And now with Russia, China, Iran, N.Korea and a few others are posing a threat, I believe it is time we advance our allies to nuclear powers in order to demonstrate we will not tolerate the posed threats. If I read correctly, today Russia claimed that a space weapons race has begun, and now they are building defenses and selling weapons to Iran. WWIII is comeing and I believe China and Russia will be against the U.S. meaning 2 world powers against 1 world super power. and it would be wise to increase our allies military might while their is still time. What do you think on the subject?
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