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Military - February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Military

when will was end in the middle east

2007-02-08 06:29:52 · 10 answers · asked by Liam 3

can you tell me what you truely do or did on a day schedule. I don't care what the website says, I want truth, the websites lie. I can make a 250 on the army apft test and I am 15 and weak. I want truth. Can anyone give it to me, do your country a favor by telling me the truth.

2007-02-08 06:22:33 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

A friend of mine just told me that the classic fighter jet used by the US Navy, the F-14 Tom Cat was retired in 2006? Really, I just can't believe him. Is that really true?
Any fighter pilots out there? Can anyone please tell me why the greatest of them all, the F-14 Tom Cat is off service? What were it's problems or drawbacks?

2007-02-08 06:19:36 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've read a lot about the items that can be retained by female recruits but the list is different in each Navy website and DEP guide.

These links say that I can bring
6 white cotton full cup bras (including 1 sports bra)

While this page says that I can bring
6 white sports bras and 2 white full cup bras

I know that these items can be purchased at PX store but I want to wear the brand of bra I'm more comfortable wearing. I just want to know if I should bring more sports bras and just 1 full cup size bra, or is it vice versa?

I don't have any courage to ask this question to the male recruiters in the office :)

I'm going to boot camp on Feb. 13 ^_^

2007-02-08 06:17:38 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

it is for school please help

2007-02-08 05:57:45 · 26 answers · asked by kenna 1

2007-02-08 05:40:46 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

November, Specialist Gunn had suffered devastating injuries up and down the left side of his body when a roadside bomb obliterated the Humvee he was driving He also had to deal with the trauma of the sergeant in the seat behind his being ripped to shreds in the explosion.
Soon he was displaying classic symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, (PTSD) - anxiety, insomnia interspersed with recurring nightmares, and extreme agitation.
It used to be accepted practice in the US military not to return a soldier to active duty unless he was fully fit - not just out of consideration for his own needs, but also to protect other members of his unit. In Iraq, however, growing anecdotal evidencesuggests that a new policy is emerging - to patch up the wounded as quickly as possible and ship them straight back, threatening them with disciplinary action or even court martial if they show the slightest reluctance.That, according to the available evidence, is what happened to Jason Gunn.

2007-02-08 05:35:09 · 10 answers · asked by cakid61 1

its a little confusing can someone explain who the US is at war with and why in a understand able manner.

2007-02-08 05:32:59 · 7 answers · asked by redhotgermangrl 3

during the troubles in northern ireland,how many military, and how many civilian personel were killed?

2007-02-08 05:20:04 · 6 answers · asked by gasman 2

Soldiers in Iraq view troop surge as a lost cause. "To be honest, it's going to be like this for a long time to come, no matter what we do," said Hardy, 25, of Atlanta. "I think some people in America don't want to know about all this violence, about all the killings. The people back home are shielded from it; they get it sugar-coated." While senior military officials and the Bush administration say the president's decision to send more American troops to pacify Baghdad will succeed, many of the soldiers who're already there say it's a lost cause. Soldiers interviewed across east Baghdad, said the violence is so out of control that while a surge of 21,500 more American troops may momentarily suppress it, the notion that U.S. forces can bring lasting security to Iraq is misguided. Almost every foot soldier interviewed during a week of patrols on the streets and alleys of east Baghdad said that Bush's plan would halt the bloodshed only temporarily. The soldiers cited a variety of reasons

2007-02-08 05:12:32 · 14 answers · asked by cakid61 1

looking for harry lench

2007-02-08 05:11:43 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Every body out there dosen't give a damn about serving soldiers from day to day, it's only when something happens in the news that every body wants a bit of the action. Well we don't your sympathy we deal with situations eveyday fo our lives, we see our friends fall in battle, or get seriously wounded. We get on with it, so leave us alone, stop your stupid protests about bringing us home, stop sayin that you understand what were going through because you don't. War is war it's going to happen so let us worry about it and you can go on in your lifes, and believe in world peace.

2007-02-08 04:52:20 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

you guys have killed people in iraq and if anything happens you're gonna kill people in iran too, what in the hell is this? can't nobody do thing? are we living in a jungle? hope not

2007-02-08 04:49:28 · 17 answers · asked by hisham m 1

he is 100% disabled from war time by not "100% unemployable". it is straight-out 100%. he suffers from bipolar/anxiety disorder. his va papers say he's "permanantly and totally disabled with no future evaluations scheduled". but he gets bored sitting at home all the time with nothing to do and would like to get a job part time, but we can't afford to loose the bennifits that he has earned. can the v.a. change his rating once he starts working part time? again, he did not file or get approved 100% through unemployability. he was awarded 100% straight-out. i called the v.a. regional office and once i did get them on the phone, they were't that much help.

2007-02-08 04:42:53 · 12 answers · asked by Bad Luck 13 1

OPSEC stands for Operation Security i thought it would be a nice reminder to tell everyone to watch what you say because believe it or not people are looking at this from the other side

2007-02-08 04:31:46 · 12 answers · asked by Mike D 3

I think the libs would get their butts kicked. Conservatives own guns, have served in the military and are not little whiney beetches.

2007-02-08 04:23:56 · 12 answers · asked by Damn Good Dawg 3

And where are you at. God Bless you all.....

2007-02-08 04:06:58 · 17 answers · asked by Jacuzzi Lover 6

And we have a daughter together, she is now 3yrs old.

I need to get her into the D.E.E.R.S program ( health Insurance)
Since my Ex doesn't care to do it, how can I sign her up for it, myself?

2007-02-08 04:01:45 · 11 answers · asked by lvn3814 2

2007-02-08 03:54:56 · 7 answers · asked by Henrriette S 2

Kill innocent Iraqi men ..women.. and children?

2007-02-08 03:50:36 · 30 answers · asked by lipstick_insurgent 1

I went the army website, and it said that if his AIT is 20 weeks or longer, we can relocate to be with him, but he can't actually move in with us until after his 11th week. His AIT is one week shy of 20 weeks (19 weeks). Is there any way to get a Waver for this?! He goes to meps today!! He is going to be an aircraft electrician (15F)!

2007-02-08 03:45:17 · 11 answers · asked by Ashley D 2

He said today : "The enemy knows well that any invasion would be followed by a comprehensive reaction to the invaders and their interests all over the world."
How will they be able to do something like that if they don't have the long range weapons? Or they do have them?

2007-02-08 03:37:26 · 11 answers · asked by BOBINC 1

she doesnt know where he is (he left her) but she is concerned that the military will come looking for her and make her life impossible. What do they do to spouses?

Hes a marine

2007-02-08 03:35:14 · 10 answers · asked by Randy 1

2007-02-08 03:33:22 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

....performing at MIRAMAR AIR BASE this season??

2007-02-08 03:18:43 · 7 answers · asked by lipstick_insurgent 1

That was so those terrorists could shoot down Russian helicopters.

Now OUR helicopters are being shot down.....KARMA for bloodthirsty USA...

2007-02-08 03:16:51 · 11 answers · asked by rattlecattle717 1

2007-02-08 03:01:02 · 6 answers · asked by curiousdns 1

I keep hearing that now is NOT a good time to join the air force and you should switch to or choose another branch because right now it is like they are asking people to leave and go into the army who are already enlisted and there, and I have also heard that people who are joining the air force will mosty likely not get the job they want due to the overfill there. Can someone give me the facts on this?? Anything would be helpful/

2007-02-08 03:00:52 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

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