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Military - November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Military

2006-11-13 01:33:45 · 3 answers · asked by kathy t 1

So the sailors will have somebody to dance with!
(What do you expect from X-Army?)

2006-11-13 01:21:03 · 13 answers · asked by tumbleweed1954 6

A Sargeant told me that, " in six months we could come back," I was just wondering if that was true.

2006-11-13 01:08:42 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'd like to know what 1900 hours is time wise?I have no clue to the military time lines so excuse my ignorance...any help is appreciated..

2006-11-13 00:45:13 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

For those in the Reserve / Nat'l Guard, what are your thoughts about deploying again? Typically the deployments last a year plus moblization time - 16-18 months average. The policy up until now was a 24 month 'cumulative' cap, but it sounds like this may be changed to a 24 'consecutive' cap. Do you think this is going to create problems for the citizen soldiers with employment, morale, etc. Are you going to attempt a fight (speak out, congressional) if you are called again? Thoughts?


2006-11-13 00:06:57 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-12 22:05:20 · 16 answers · asked by reed 1

2006-11-12 19:48:43 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I honestly dont see any reason why people want to get troops out other than
- Save american lives and money
- Because it's Bush and republicans, so whatever they do is dumb and must be opposed
- Because Bush is evil and everything he does must be opposed
Look, i'm sick and tired of hearing this garbage of "GEORGE BUSH WAS WRONG WE MUST GET OUT"... It is a much more complex situation than some people seem to think.

It's like... I honestly dont see that it's going to achieve anything... You really think Iraq with insurgents running rampant with noone to keep them in check would be more stable, and better for the world?

2006-11-12 19:45:33 · 12 answers · asked by victa1234567890 2

Ok my dad has been there three times and I have STRONG belives on what the media is doin'....I think it WRONG that they are ALWAYS lookin at the bad in life...NEVER the good!!
My dad has told us COUNTLESS storys on how the kids there are always makin the cards and all that jazz... there is so much more to write on the good things that are happin over there, but theres not enough space on here!!! You know Im not mad at every one who has there belifes and stuff like that, BUT when ot comes to trash talkin ALL that the soldiers are doin over there jus MAKES ME MAD!!!! .........

I just want to know what you guys think about it!!!!!!

2006-11-12 19:06:32 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

since the u.s armed the taliban with stinger missiles to attack soveit helecopters when the soviets went into afghanistan, so sohuldn.t it be fair for some country to supply the taliban with shoulder launched anti- aircraft missliles to shoot down american choppers. what do people think?

2006-11-12 19:04:22 · 8 answers · asked by mr_truth 1

The consequences of leaving iraq to the fanatics will mean things worse than 9-11. Use tactis deplyoed by saddam hussein and others as cruel as him .

2006-11-12 18:56:00 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I would like to thank you all for serving our country! You risked life and everything to do such a heroic deed. God Bless You All!

2006-11-12 18:33:22 · 9 answers · asked by darlndanna 3

We were shown this video in school about joining the army and it was promoting it. But after taking everything into consideration, what the hell would I get out of it?

The pay is crap
You may have to risk your life
You will not be appreciated (often will be looked down upon especially by anti-war movements)
You may have to leave all your friends and family
What are you actually fighting for? (In the case of those in Iraq)

Now please don't report me for some lame reason, I just want to know why someone would want to join the army

2006-11-12 18:32:25 · 14 answers · asked by master_betty_101 2

Both Iran and Nkorea were termed as evil by the Bush Regime. Iran says its developing nuclear technology for energy generation and not wepons, yet America has not ruled out use of force to stop the Iranians though even U.S officials admit that even if the Iranians are developing wepons they will need a few years to do so. On the other hand the North Koreans have been shouting that they have nuclear wepons and defied the world community by conducting a nuclear test but the U.S doesnt talk of force here. Strange because unlike Iran the North Koreans have missiles that can reach U.S shores and going by the record of North Korea in profiliation it cant be ruled out that they wouldnt give this technology to other countries or groups like it gave missile technology to Pakistan. Use of force against Iran which is few years away from the wepon but only sanctions against NKorea which is has a nuclear wepon and is a bigger threat to the U.S and its allies.

2006-11-12 17:59:26 · 8 answers · asked by ash 2

The present top brass were all *** kissing Bush, Chenny, & Rummy.
All of a sudden, future employment will be based on performance, NOT *** kissing.
What do you think the rank & file are saying about the policy makers? Is there an END STATE yet decided for this war?

2006-11-12 17:50:02 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-12 17:48:46 · 3 answers · asked by Anitha B 1

It does however relate to 9/11. Hint: It cooresponds to one of Al-Qaeda's main goals.

2006-11-12 17:38:58 · 16 answers · asked by Mike F 2

and billions U.S. dollars that are going the corrupted so-called Iraqi government leaders? Surely President Bush has enough intelligence to admit that his so-called victory in Iraq will never happen. There are too many parameters to deal with, Islamic religion and the clerics who has the most influence on the Muslims, more influence than the "elected" officials. Sectarian division of the people of Iraq. Over three years of the U.S. training the Iraqi police and army who refuses to fight their war, police and army who only joined for the pay. Supplied with weapons that are ending up in insurgents hands. Matter of fact, how many here know that some of our U.S. troops killed in Iraq were actually murdered by the same Iraqi police and army they are training?

2006-11-12 17:13:25 · 7 answers · asked by me_worry? 4

2006-11-12 17:09:18 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

head of union army nurses?

2006-11-12 16:51:07 · 2 answers · asked by april4 1

Hi I am 20 years old and I was wanting to know how long does it take to get in the army to fight in iraq. I have not even called the recruiter yets so can some one tell me how long?

2006-11-12 16:44:15 · 4 answers · asked by Brian H 2

The Americans have lost 2800 brave young Men and Britain 125.
They gave their lives for the people of Iraq, who seem not to appreciate it......Why do we poke our noses into other peoples affairs? If Countries don't want Democracy, should we force it upon them?

2006-11-12 16:23:15 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-12 16:22:46 · 16 answers · asked by Robert A 2

It seems that almost every week we here of a bomb or some other means of killing police or potential recruites in Iraq. Why can they not fortify these buildings to the extent an army base is? Also would it not make more sense to hire an absurd number of Iraqi's to police and build their army and help resolve this conflict. I would think that these added police and soldiers would have money to spend from thier wages and help build their own economy, surely this couldn't cost more than the lives of our soldiers!

2006-11-12 16:21:35 · 5 answers · asked by Franksters sportster 2

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