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Military - November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Military

In an age reality TV, how real should we let our television get? Is it fair to the let the media cover the horrible truths of war? Is it fair to have our family members, friends, neighbors and loved ones shown on television in the middle of battle killing and being killed? If so, is there a limit of how far it should go? Was CNN justified to show an American soldier being killed by a sniper? Most people can not handle what happens in war, so why does the media exploit it so intensely?

2006-11-26 00:44:05 · 21 answers · asked by SGT 3

2006-11-26 00:18:23 · 4 answers · asked by neutral 2

What would happen to the Armed Forces if Scotland was to become independent. Would they split up?

2006-11-25 23:53:17 · 11 answers · asked by matt30 2

The swam high schools.

2006-11-25 23:47:44 · 11 answers · asked by MR.D LOVE 3

2006-11-25 23:22:33 · 8 answers · asked by MR.D LOVE 3

Did the US give WMDs to Afganistan.
And Afganistan gave them to Iraq
Iraq sent them to Iran.
Iran split them up and sent some to Korea, India and Pakistan.
And they sent some to Venezuela
And Venezuela passed them over to Israel
And Israel hid them in Palm Beach Florida?.

2006-11-25 22:51:27 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was watching "We Were Soldiers" and there was a scene when the Colonel's personal assistant (Sergeant Major) walked into a room prior to the Colonel and called a room full of lieutenants to attention. Is that just Hollywood or can that happen in the military? If so, under what conditions?

2006-11-25 22:01:11 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-25 21:25:39 · 10 answers · asked by TheGr81 1

my question is, in the army, navy, and airforce; are you considered a soldier, sailor, or airman, by your training instructors in basic, DURING basic training or AFTER basic training is completed? at Marine Corps Recruit Depot, in diego and the island, u are considered scum and maggots until u EARN the title of US Marine

2006-11-25 20:48:28 · 11 answers · asked by Beaujock 1

One of my professors told me this.

2006-11-25 20:04:46 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is a poem i have wrote for the troops god bless all of you.Tell me what you think of this poem

United we stand divided we fall
All for one and one for all
Alone in their bunks as they sleep at night
Pray to god above that they'll be alright
Proud and true for our country they stand
Not knowing what is in store for them,but our country is in their hands.
Many are fallen heros that didnt make it through
But died trying fighting for the red white and blue.
Letters are sent to families and friends saying they love them for this might be the end.
To the ones still fighting through blood and tears
Strong and mighty soldiers with so many fears.
With courage and bravery you get out there and fight.
While were thousand miles away sleeping at night.
I solute to you for all that has been done
In our hearts you are number one

2006-11-25 18:27:49 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think that the worlds governments are obsolete, since being designed after WWII to help the world keep out of a large conflict for at least a little while.
Lets face it the world is crumbling apart. We are losing in Iraq and this is showing that we are not invincible and that we can't just hide behind our reputation for ever we have to prove our selves and the time is now.
Iran is frightening similar to Germany during the 1930's. They want to start an empire that spans the world and they want to kill the Jews and us! Why are we just watching them build this war machine. We should stop these people before they are actually are a threat if they aren't now. If you aren't an american and you are reading this I know that you probably think that I'm a war monger like bush and that I'm the typical violent american. Well maybe but this is true but an issue that should concern all christians and all non-muslim people.

2006-11-25 18:22:41 · 8 answers · asked by Tony 4

I wanna see some helmet cam footage of insurgents getting shot or any good fighting scenes! can i get a link?

2006-11-25 18:09:06 · 2 answers · asked by b3st_1 1

Italians are there too, so this affects me and a friend as well. What are your thoughts? Anything goes! Thanks.

2006-11-25 17:45:03 · 17 answers · asked by ღღღ 7

2006-11-25 17:40:47 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-25 17:38:48 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous


^ i found that on postsecret. and im curious to know how other people would've reacted.
i think if I were in iraq an someone wanted to send me gifts and stuff, to be nice or just for the holidays, I wouldnt've minded. Even if i didnt know them.

would you have told her to leave you alone too?

2006-11-25 17:29:35 · 6 answers · asked by Arpan G 3

I successfully sued to have Kentucky's unconstitutional funeral picketing ban overturned. Perhaps you heard or read about it. Anyway I started getting a whole bunch of empty hollow threats. Everyone that wrote claimed to be a Marine sniper that was at least 6'4 and at least 250 pounds.

So I wonder are all Marines snipers and are all of them that big. Most of the ones that I have seen are actually sort of pitiful looking.

2006-11-25 17:26:45 · 13 answers · asked by bartmcqueary 3

The Hamas terrorists have already violated the cease fire that went into effect, by firing at least one missile into southern Israel early Sunday

The Israeli Prime Minister's Office has responded favorably to PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas offer for a cease fire. Abbas was informed by Hamas of the decision and passed the word to PM Ehud Olmert who confirmed that all the Palestinian terrorist groups led by Hamas agreed to stop firing missile attacks and using suicide bombers.

The Palestinian step is conditional on Israel halting military operations, liquidations and demolitions.

DEBKAfile’s military sources report: Hamas and its allied terrorist groups have been feeling intense heat from successful pinpointed IDF operations taking place in the last week against Qassam missile squads and commanders in the northern Gaza Strip. The terrorists are also worried by the possibility of the former chief of staff Ehud Barak taking over in defense.

Some of this is Copyright 2000-2006 DEBKAfile.

2006-11-25 17:10:04 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I believe the United States needs to lose this War in Iraq because American's need to learn why we should not start Wars.

2006-11-25 16:50:37 · 12 answers · asked by victor charlie 1

I was convicted about six months ago, but by the time I join it will be about two years from now. I have not talked to a recruiter yet just wondering if any of ya'll know. The conviction was in the state of texas, and the branch I was planning on joining was the Marine Corps. I was in the Marine Corps Reserve enlisted for six years and was activated for the war and returned with the plans to rejoin as an officer. I'm wondering if the conviction has ruined those plans. Thanks

2006-11-25 16:35:40 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

i would like to become an internet penpal with any soldier that is fighting for our country..where can i find a web-site that can get me one?? during this time of holidays is very difficult for them without their families, and since I only have my 2 sons and my father (i lost my mom 2 years ago) know what it feels like to not be around all your family. I would like to send x-mas cards to a troop, to brighten up their day..PLEASE HELP

2006-11-25 16:34:16 · 8 answers · asked by becca j 3

It is good Saddam is no longer in power. That aside, we went into Iraq because of lies. Would staying there as long as possible be misdirected pride? We must clean up the mess that we were tricked into, but a real man knows when something is worth standing up for and when he should remain silent. Our fine men and women of the Armed Forces should be proud that they served. What I'm trying to ask is whether we, America, might wind up in an un-winnable situation that we could avoid, but might be led by false pride into getting more of our brave soldiers wounded and killed for little reason? Do we have the men, money, and willpower to continue operations that were initiated by lies and have led us to fighting multiple social movements (insurgencies) in the freaking Middle East? What are your thoughts?

2006-11-25 16:32:28 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

There are many purpose built military vehicles for different things, like I've seen one which looks like a tank but its not for combat but for bridging gaps instead for example. But is there on for knocking down the heaviest walls?

2006-11-25 16:30:27 · 6 answers · asked by Jadey 2

I am honestly thinking about joining the airforce, however I have heard some negative things about females joining the military. FIrst of all, I dont want 2 sexually harassed or not taken seriously. These are my top 2 fears. Is there anyone out there who can give me some honest advice about the airforce. I would also like 2 know how do they go about stationing people. Some people get stationed far away from home, while others are stationed very close to home. How do they go about determining this? Thanks in advance!!

2006-11-25 16:22:42 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-25 16:21:48 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

When you are at MEPS and you sign your contract, does it state your job in the contract? I also heard that you pick 3 or 4 jobs that you like and they choose the one they want you to have. Is this true?

2006-11-25 16:18:35 · 4 answers · asked by Metal 4

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