I think all foreign troops should leave Iraq and let the UN in, as the Iraqi people are decreasing in numbers by the hour and the permanent deploying of foreign troops will just call for more terrorist attacks to population and foreign troops in general. I am italian and we have troops there and it serves no purpose, but fuelling more hatred towards America and their allies.....YES, ALL FOREIGN TROOPS SHOULD LEAVE IRAQ...
2006-11-25 18:05:12
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Oh yes because the UN does such a good job.. NOT
No they shouldn't leave, even if UN peacekeeping troops take over there will be members of different governments military there to assist the UN.
But no I don't think the UN should take over after all they are ineffective these days I think the oil for food program proved just how corrupt they are.
My brother was there for 18 months and he said he will go again if need be but there are people who appreciate what they have done regardless of what a very biased media shows. Have you noticed how little they report of the good things? What about the schools that were opened, playgrounds built, etc?
And to the person who said the US just wants war and oil..
We have our own oil and I think we should start using it and then lets just see what the middle east does without our money.. Hmm.. that would take away quite a bit of terroists funding. Don't bite the hand that feeds you!
We don't want war, we were attacked first. And isn't it the people who are blowing themselves up the ones who are truly the war mongers?
2006-11-25 18:04:59
answer #2
answered by Wicked Good 6
Exactly who do you think the UN troops and personnel are if not foreign troops (to Iraq that is) ??
The UN forces ARE a composite of many nations ----
And the sad fact is they exert about as much true force in any situation as a slice of bread....They would be chopped to pieces within the first six months !!
If and when the present forces within Iraq are removed--on any terms---the country will degrade into chaos and a blood bath will ensue that will make anything that has transpired to this point look like child's play !!! Bush was told this BEFORE he chose to invade---and it didn't mean a single solitary thing to him--he wanted revenge on the man that threatened his daddy !!! That's the exact and primary reason for every single bit of this and the debt will be being paid for a long long long time yet by the entire world !!
2006-11-25 18:13:51
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I think Jerusalem should be declared a world heritage site and the UN headquarters be moved there and let them take over the whole city. The UN was in control of the Iraq situation for 13 years while weapons inspectors were prevented from doing their job, weak resolutions were debated at UN headquarters, and Koffi Annan's son was making big money off the "oil for food" program by allowing funds to be used to purchase things like Mig jets with the latest Russian and French technology we have since discovered buried in the sand in Iraq, something in itself a violation of UN conditions placed on Iraq at the end of the first Gulf War. Gee, those shells containing nerve agents insurgents have tried to use, even though deteorated with age, were still uninspected/undisclosed WMDs. Yes by all means let the UN take over. But who does most of the UN's military heavy lifting? The USA. Of course they are supposed to reimburse us for that service, but somehow we never get that check in the mail, just a request for more funding.
2006-11-25 17:58:55
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
As long as non-Iraqi troops are present, every single country needs to stop playing the politically correct game of "police action." That is what created the US's Vietnam. Our military needs to kick butt, kill the insurgents, then take their names, & keep going if they have to into Syria & Iran. Don't let the UN have anymore power than they have. They will screw everything up if given the chance. Look at Kosovo, the Korean DMZ, & other UN sponsored actions.
2006-11-25 20:14:44
answer #5
answered by Eskimo Mom 4
I think that the UN would just turn around and ask the USA and Britian to put on their ugly blue helmet and go right back in, but this time with so many rules that 25 times the number of deaths for military would happen.
2006-11-26 06:56:36
answer #6
answered by pedohunter1488 4
The US can't leave Iraq without securing the oil.
And yes we do have our own oil, but the international oil market has already factored this into the price of oil. It costs a lot of money just being able to switch the logistical infrastructure from Arab Oil to Alaska Oil. Because it is NOT the same kind of oil. People have no idea how complicated and interdependent the world economy is.
Any interruption in the flow of oil from Iraq will cause prices to go back up, WAY up. Say hello to long lines at the gas pump and out of control inflation because when oil goes up everything goes up.
2006-11-25 19:43:07
answer #7
answered by Phillip 3
The UN is useless.
"U" Useless
"N" Nations
If you want a bigger, non-productive, long term stalemate mess in Iraq...SURE!!
Send the UN in there and let them handle it!
Things may be resolved by the end of the century and Sadam will conveniently escape and become president of Iraq again!
Who's gonna stop him? The UN again?
Right!!! There should be no UN. Just a coverup organization for corruption, and international crime.
2006-11-25 18:59:51
answer #8
answered by konstipashen 5
???? The UN can't even run Haiti & you want them in Iraq? Sorry they Bad guys don't like them either. Remember the UN was there! They got hit with a CAR bomb, and pulled out over 2 years ago.
2006-11-25 18:15:45
answer #9
answered by lana_sands 7
Why should we give the UN yet another chance to embezzle money from the Iraqi people?
2006-11-26 05:13:57
answer #10
answered by MikeGolf 7