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Military - August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Military

i am a senior in high school and i wanted to know if i joined the military if it would be a good enough experience that would make it a good decision for my life. i dont want to make a dumb decision based on nothing and i feel that just reading the marines website might be biased since its goal is to make you join. i am directing this to people who maybe have been in the service so that i can get a true answer about wat is smart or not. also is there maybe a different thing i can do as far as the service that is also smart? thanks

2006-08-14 03:03:47 · 20 answers · asked by twiner 1

Apparently Israel is prepared to give some prisonners in exchange of the 2 israelis soldiers, this is what hesbollah wanted to start with!!! and look now over 1000 people have died , could they not have done this before killing all the civilians? isn't that a waste?

2006-08-14 02:50:33 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've lived in South Korea for almost 7 years teaching English. I've seen a lot of things that North Korea has pulled over the years. If you look at the times that North Korea tested missles, it has been during the World Cup Soccer. Four years ago they dropped a bomb between Japan and South Korea, this year was the long range missle testing.

2006-08-14 02:46:25 · 19 answers · asked by J 1

im going to MEPS next week and i am about an inch and a half on my stomach too big. I am supposed to be 41 inches and i am 42.5. i am 26 weigh 230 im 5'8 with an 18 inch neck. my recruiter told me to keep running and doing my pushups and sit ups and if i dont meet weight the night before MEPS then i should put preperation h on my stomach side and back area and wrap it with seran wrap. he said it will shrink for a short time. is this true? are there any other ways to do it other than what i am doing? if you have any suggestions let me know.

2006-08-14 02:33:17 · 4 answers · asked by daniel e 3

u know what if i had 1 wish...i would wish to go and p*ss on all the graves of the dead rotting bodies of american soldiers!! i think america is a terrorist nation blooding new terrorists....and i spit in the face of the american military...u suck losers.....ameircan troops should hang a 'L' on their forehead.....man what is wrong with ur kind?? man i neva wana go to america...ill become a retard hanging around with fat slob americans saying 'howdy howdy howdy'...omg hahah oh brother...pathetic idiots and losers.....ur president really does typify the typical american....gumby face with a pea brain and a heart that is smaller than a pea!! i think americans r selfish self-absorbed..arrogant fools who cant even win a sport without taking drugs....i bet all the medals america won in olympic games were because they took drugs that coudnt be detected....hopeless race....answer me this...y r u all dumb farts? the only thing america does is spread more terrorism and not destroy it...RETARDS!!

2006-08-14 02:26:36 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-14 02:12:55 · 17 answers · asked by jimy86Leb 2

Were you surprised that Israel seems to have cleared their war plans with the USA a couple of months ago?

2006-08-14 01:40:18 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-14 01:26:47 · 9 answers · asked by ღ♡♥SeNioriTa♡♥ღ 3

Let me make this clear I am not bashing ANY of the services, but from a better standpoint than my dad was _____ . Do you prefer the Army, Marine Corps, Air Force, or Navy? Give me something good to use like a history of their battles or whatever.

Also don't waste your time bashing the forces because I WILL report you without hesitation.

2006-08-14 00:54:58 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-14 00:22:53 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know a lot of people have seen this in the past but I figured I would post it again cause I like the message in it....

A conversation between a Father and Son
Body: The other day, my nine year old son wanted to know why we were at war ..My husband looked at our son and then looked at me. My husband and I were in the Army during the Gulf War and we would be honored to serve and defend our Country again today. I knew that my husband would give him a good explanation. My husband thought for a few minutes and then told my son to go stand in our front living room window.

He said "Son, stand there and tell me what you see?"

"I see trees and cars and our neighbor's houses." he replied.

"OK, now I want you to pretend that our house and our yard is the United States of America and you are President Bush."

Our son giggled and said "OK."

"Now son, I want you to look out the window and pretend that every house and yard on this block is a different country" my husband said.

"OK Dad, I'm pretending."

"Now I want you to stand there and look out the window and pretend you see Saddam come out of his house with his wife, he has her by the hair and is hitting her. You see her bleeding and crying. He hits her in the face, he throws her on the ground, then he starts to kick her to death . Their children run out and are afraid to stop him, they are screaming and crying, they are watching this but do nothing because they are kids and they are afraid of their father. You see all of this, son....what do you do?"


" What do you do son?"

"I'd call the police, Dad."

"OK. Pretend that the police are the United Nations. They take your call. They listen to what you know and saw but they refuse to help. What do you do then son?"

"Dad.......... but the police are supposed to help!" My son starts to whine.

"They don't want to son, because they say that it is not their place or your place to get involved and that you should stay out of it," my husband says.

"But Dad...he killed her!!" my son exclaims.

"I know he did...but the police tell you to stay out of it. Now I want you to look out that window and pretend you see our neighbor who you're pretending is Saddam turn around and do the same thing to his children."

"Daddy...he kills them?"

"Yes son, he does. What do you do?"

"Well, if the police don't want to help, I will go and ask my next door neighbor to help me stop him." our son says.

"Son, our next door neighbor sees what is happening and refuses to get involved as well. He refuses to open the door and help you stop him," my husband says.

"But Dad, I NEED help!!! I can't stop him by myself!!"

"WHAT DO YOU DO SON?" Our son starts to cry.

"OK, no one wants to help you, the man across the street saw you ask for help and saw that no one would help you stop him. He stands taller and puffs out his chest. Guess what he does next son?"

"What Daddy?"

"He walks across the street to the old ladies house and breaks down her door and drags her out, steals all her stuff and ets her house on fire and then...he kills her. He turns around and sees you standing in the window and laughs at you. WHAT DO YOU DO?"


"WHAT DO YOU DO?" Our son is crying and he looks down and he whispers, "I'd close the blinds, Daddy."

My husband looks at our son with tears in his eyes and asks him. "Why?"

"Because Daddy.....the police are supposed to help people who needs them...and they won't help.... You always say that neighbors are supposed to HELP neighbors, but they won't help either...they won't help me stop him...I'm afraid....I can't do it by myself Daddy.....I can't look out my window and just watch him do all these terrible things and...and.....do nothing...so....I'm just going to close the blinds.... so

I can't see what he's doing........and I'm going to pretend that it is not happening."

I start to cry. My husband looks at our nine year old son standing in the window, looking pitiful and ashamed at his answers to my husband's questions and he says...


"Yes, Daddy."

"Open the blinds because that man.... he's at your front door... "WHAT DO YOU DO?"

My son looks at his father, anger and defiance in his eyes. He balls up his tiny fists and looks his father square in the eyes, without hesitation he says: " I DEFEND MY FAMILY DAD!! I'M NOT GONNA LET HIM HURT MOMMY OR MY SISTER, DAD!!! I'M GONNA FIGHT HIM, DAD, I'M GONNA FIGHT HIM!!!!!"

I see a tear roll down my husband's cheek and he grabs our son to his chest and hugs him tight, and says... " It's too late to fight him, he's too strong and he's already at YOUR front door son.....you should have stopped him BEFORE he killed his wife, and his children and the old lady across the way. You have to do what's right, even if you have to do it alone, before its too late." my husband whispers. THAT scenario I just gave you is WHY we are at war with Iraq. When good men stand by and let evil happen son, THAT is the greatest atrocity in the world. "YOU MUST NEVER BE AFRAID TO DO WHAT IS RIGHT EVEN IF YOU HAVE TO DO IT ALONE!" BE PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN! BE PROUD OF OUR TROOPS!! SUPPORT THEM!!! SUPPORT AMERICA SO THAT IN THE FUTURE OUR CHILDREN WILL NEVER HAVE TO CLOSE THEIR BLINDS..."

This should be printed in every newspaper and posted in every school in America. Of course that won't happen so we'll use the interne

2006-08-13 22:47:13 · 25 answers · asked by JB 4

They were to cowardly to join prior to Pearl Harbour. It was Britain who stopped the Germans from taking over the world. The same is true in WW1, they only joined when forced to do so after the Lusitania was sunk and only were involved in one major battle.

2006-08-13 22:20:55 · 31 answers · asked by softenthecorners101 2

Zidane headbutt ? What you think?

2006-08-13 21:40:02 · 19 answers · asked by Madness_75 2

"Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it." -- Ariel Sharon to Shimon Peres, October 3rd, 2001, as reported on Kol Yisrael
FIsrael receive more than 20 billions $ each year from American taxpayers without their consent: 3.7B$ from the Congress Foreign Aid Program, 10B$ Free Loans Guarantee, and 6 to 10 B$ from USA Tax System Loophole as Charity money deducted from American JEWS Taxs to be sent to Israeli Settlements
and yet SPY'S ON USA ---> http://www.wsws.org/articles/2005/may200...

2006-08-13 21:38:37 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am trying to make fun of isreal or anything but...


how could the "claimed to be" most advanced and very powerful army in the world, whose ally is the country with the strongest army in the world, lose a war against a few hundred fighters... not to mention they have no armored Vehicles.


what da HELL happend to Isreal's missile deffense system, which as far as I know is the best and most complex in the world, even better than that of us in America.

They even have the best American anti-missile batteries

Yet all these systems fail to shoot down a single Hizbollah missile(you think they have the best missiles in the world? they look home-made)


don't argue and say they didn't loose, Isreal promised to destroy Hizbollah--- they didn't
now Hizbollah is stronger that ever (maybe they now proved that they are the most powerful army, which is ironic because it is so small)

Last if Hizbollah did all that now I really wonder what Iran can do

2006-08-13 21:02:29 · 18 answers · asked by will 2

2006-08-13 20:59:52 · 3 answers · asked by elias z 1

Im not convinced. Consider these points before answering:

1. Hizbollah have only ever fought Israel.
2. Hizbollah have only ever fought Israel in Lebanon to protect the south of Lebanon from previous Israeli invasion.
3. Hizbollah enjoyed backing from 80% of Christians in Lebanon, 89% of Sunnis in Lebanon and 100% of Shia muslims in in Lebanon.
4. They are an organisation that provide real governance for south Lebanon such as education and heath care.
5. They are said to be one of the least corrupt governing organisations in the world.

What do you think now?

2006-08-13 20:56:30 · 20 answers · asked by peaco1000 5

2006-08-13 20:33:09 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Zionists and racists claim that the Ancient Jews who lived in the Holy Land 3000 years were their ancestors while they deny the contemporary Palestinian people the right to claim their antecessors the Ancient Palestinian People
Palestine was the name of the Holy Land from the Roman time up to now

2006-08-13 19:32:37 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

my grandfather was in the navy for about15 or 20 i don't know but he was a cpo and he had 5 kids and a wife he was probly lost at first but not anymore he has a rank.the ones with no rank are lost

2006-08-13 19:19:24 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-13 19:12:46 · 13 answers · asked by Hea Dude ! 6

This question for those who call themselives free and proud Americans

2006-08-13 19:09:07 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

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