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Law & Ethics - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

I don’t think there is a right or wrong answer for this I just want to hear people’s ideas. Recently a soldier died in Iraq, the family of that soldier sued and won against yahoo for his email password. So here’s the thing, what rights does a dead person have? Was it ethical for the judge to order this? What about the people’s privacy who wrote this person? I know what I think about it, I just want to hear what others think of this.

2006-12-14 06:16:29 · 5 answers · asked by Comnec1 2


i have looked all over the internet for what this is but i cannot find it. what is the definition of speech plus?

2006-12-14 06:16:14 · 2 answers · asked by sabrinaoa07 1

I heard on the news that they were trying to make it illegal to produce violent video games like Grand theft auto. They say video games is to blame for most of the school shootings. I think that is totally BS. They said they did some type of brain scan for people that play video games and it activates a part of the brain that makes them more likely to become violent. I think its absurd to blame video games for school shootings. What do you think?

2006-12-14 06:11:21 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I cannot go to the head supervisor, she will also make my job more miserable if I do. I cannot go to the board we are ran by because the boss will make sure I get fired or quit. When I report it I also must stay anonymous due to worse treatment at work.

2006-12-14 05:48:26 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Discuss one position in favor and one position against the use of the death penalty. Hoe does either position relate to the 8th amendment provision against "cruel and unusual punishment?"

2006-12-14 05:31:38 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

In the wake on the 9/11 tragedy and the perceived constant threat of terrorist acts,what rights/liberties have been compromised by the US government's war on terror?

2006-12-14 05:29:52 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Evaluate our criminal justice system by noting its current problems and how they could influence the way we deal with criminals in this century.

2006-12-14 05:27:08 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Trick Question. Since Law is Mostly Revenue Anyhow. If speed was a concern wouldn't you think the ECU, or Computers would Govern itself for your States Mandated Speed Limit? How far Does Congress have to go until Folks realize that it's Wrong? And wouldn't it be safer to say ALL DRIVERS should pass the State Police Driver Exam for Safety? And yes I understand posted speeds in the cities or other areas, but the Interstates that have 500+ miles of Straight Aways!! LOL What do you think Speeders, or 95% of all Drivers? huh? What is it next, Your allowed to buy a Camera, but can't take the pictures??

2006-12-14 05:23:37 · 6 answers · asked by 1 Man 1 Rule 1 Law - Natures Law 1

2006-12-14 05:21:31 · 2 answers · asked by vaibhav s 1

Let's say you won a case in Canada that made you exempt from Income tax as it was illegal. Later, the government decides to make an amendment that makes Income tax legal. Do you still remain exempt?

2006-12-14 05:15:10 · 3 answers · asked by bigjohnny82 2

My ex committed 3 felonies and was put on probation for 18 months sometime last year. He was due to get off in January 2007. A lot has happened between us this year and because of all the horrible things he did to me ( abuse and what not ) and the not helping support his daughter he claims to love so much, I had a bad taste in my mouth about him. I wrote an anonymous e-mail to the county where his probation was stating that he was actually in another county and not the one he claimed to be in which would be a violation of probation. This was not a lie! I also did it because I have watched him for 2 years get away with EVERYTHING and get off scott free. He has hurt so many people and nothing has happened to him. Well his probation officer e-mailed me back and pinpointed that it was me somehow and even told him! He got irate and threatened me and I e-mailed her back very pissed that she would do something like that knowing he was dangerous!

2006-12-14 04:59:57 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I got the keys to my new house on Nov 1st. The previous owners have left a quantity of their stuff in the garage - we talked about this and I said it would be ok as long as they came and got it soon after they left. The trouble is, I haven't seen them for nearly a month now and I want to get rid of it - its taking up half my garage. Its miscellaneous stuff like a cot, a grinder, go cart, pick axe - just random stuff. Under UK law, can I dispose of it? What should I do - I have no contact number for them and don't know where they have moved to. Please help!

2006-12-14 04:43:31 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

And what would you think? Be honest. I'm wondering what poeple would think in this case. I know if it was a girl getting abused there'd be a big problem.

2006-12-14 04:42:08 · 14 answers · asked by mystique 2

People keep on saying that things should be harder for people in jail. People are always looking for stuff like smoking, TVs and sports to be banned and going on about good food, clothes, medical care. Doesn't everybody deserve that?

Do people who haven't been there not realise how bad and boring it can be. I know that for me being away from my family and friends was tough enough and you are locked up and told what to do and when to do it - so why do some people want to make it even worse? Treating people badly only makes things worse.

I know I'm biased because I've been there but still.

2006-12-14 04:41:54 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-14 04:41:03 · 8 answers · asked by superstes88 3

I have tried legal services and the volunteer lawyer program and they will not accept me. I really need some help on this ASAP. Thanks!

2006-12-14 04:33:19 · 7 answers · asked by msp 1

2006-12-14 04:27:39 · 22 answers · asked by vishnu 1

I sent some Medical Records to an Attorney. and he said there was a case for missed diagnoses, but said his firm does not wish to pursue. If he knows there is a case, what could be the reason not to take it? this is a wrongful death, since the missed diagnoses resulted in a death.

2006-12-14 04:24:43 · 2 answers · asked by mr_nice_guy 1

Respect is earned not given, how come adults expect it of me and dont respect my rights? A cop the other day was yelling and cursing at me, so I asked him what happened to my freedom of speech (if im offended then it goes against my right) he said "I dont give a F*ck, until your 18 you have no F*cking rights", thats bull to me!!

2006-12-14 04:20:50 · 22 answers · asked by chuck_t1010 1

do you think society is to politically correct?

2006-12-14 04:11:49 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

The underlining of places and telephone numbers in my emails by yahoo without my agreement is unconstitutional.
Did the present govt order you to monitor yahoo users like this?

Even if the excuse to do this is linked to some paranoid idea of
national security it is against my American rights and if it continues
I will get another email address. Goodbye Yahoo!

Sally F.

2006-12-14 04:09:58 · 7 answers · asked by sally f 1

2006-12-14 04:08:31 · 9 answers · asked by ? 3

Who would I contact in Ohio to find out the laws/regulations for hot water in facilities that are used by youth and for youth programming?

2006-12-14 03:55:59 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Steve doesn't actually deliver to my house. It is when he is delivering else where in the area that he goes past my house. He will sit in my drive way for a while after he is done and before heading back to the restaurant.
I have called pizza hut. I have told them the situation. He tells them that the people he delivers to live on the same street that I do and he has no choice but to drive past my house. He denies that he sits in my driveway though.
And as far as I know you are not allowed to request certain drivers at our pizza hut. They just don't let him deliver to my house due to the situation.
As for the phone calls, It is hard to actually trace to where he is making them from. The number doesn't come up on caller ID. He won't speak to our machine so there is no way to get a recording of his voice. It seems like he has an answer for everything that we have come up with.
If we were to change our number he would get the new one when
we order pizzas again. my husband says.

2006-12-14 03:45:59 · 4 answers · asked by bikini bandit 2

I have read all your answers, i have even contacted the ambessy in germany. I understand that under current law i am a us citizen and a german citizen. My mother was born over ther and after marring my father moved over to the US. Now my question is, I am 23 and living in the US. I have just got out of the military of the us in april of this year. I am not in the reserves. I am compltley out and can not go back in. I want to apply for dual citizen ship, am i quailfied and if yes how would i apply. I can find not answers to getiing paper work to apply for dual citizen ship. i was born in trhe US. My mother still has her alien card and always uses her german passport when intering germany. My grand mother still lives in Pirmanses. It says that regardless of where i was born i will retain my dual citizienship my enitre life. I want that paper work though and the passport. Please help me. I can find no links for the forms.

2006-12-14 03:40:02 · 3 answers · asked by jewlz c 1

do you think paying a 12% tax out of your income (and mind you in
my opinon current tax laws and loopholes are a criminal way to
steal your hard earned money)would be fair for all.

2006-12-14 03:25:33 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

why do we waste our time and money feeding,educating,and marrying convicted murderers? If they were found guilty (without any doubts) or even confessed, why dont we just put them to death right away? i believe in an eye for an eye. if someone is convicted of rape, cut it off!! and so on.... do you agree??

2006-12-14 03:23:22 · 11 answers · asked by little S 2

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