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Law & Ethics - November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

2006-11-23 22:16:44 · 6 answers · asked by Ledi 1

Is it a criminal offence to record someone shouting at someone else without there knowledge. My boss says it is, but I disagree witth him.

2006-11-23 22:15:34 · 13 answers · asked by Jake M 1

ive been charged with theft of a semi trailer in phx az my codefendant in this case has had his charges dismissed i wasnt even in the truck when we got arrested & didnt even know that the trailer was stolen. my codendant was the driver as well as the owner of the truck. i have been appointed a public defender who when asked if he would find out why his charges were dropped says "they wont tell him" & that is all he says. i was told that they probably made a deal with the codefendant to let him go. i have no record & the plea offered to me was from a class 3 to a class 6 designated felony. if he said it was me shouldnt that be in the discovery? also i have asked for the discovery and recieved only the police report & inditement no other evidence. i am not sure what to do i dont have alot of $ for an atty & dont know anything about the legal system or how to go about clearing myself . is codefendants word creditable? how can i get a pro bono atty. thx for your time & any good advice.

2006-11-23 22:01:12 · 3 answers · asked by scottysnaz 1

2006-11-23 22:00:01 · 2 answers · asked by JEMMA M 1

2006-11-23 21:35:17 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

A person called amit, who have residing in our organisation for a month, theft our laptop and leave the organisation in the night. The police is not filing the FIR for this case? what can we do, as we can't get the assured money from insurance untill the FIR Lodged.

2006-11-23 21:02:48 · 2 answers · asked by Walia 1

This is about bringing change, and yes i am doing piece of work on the oppression of disabled people

2006-11-23 20:46:54 · 8 answers · asked by david.rolph8@btopenworld.com 1

Sgt. supposedly investigating the case is believed to be friends with the offender because spouse once worked at the same school. Sgt. has made no contact in past 30 days.

2006-11-23 20:43:35 · 9 answers · asked by c p 1

Even their military are not very adept with fire arms so how irresponsible is it to let civilians have them?

2006-11-23 20:43:09 · 35 answers · asked by sid 2

If a verbal contract is binding why is an offer to buy a house in England not binding. The conditions are witnessed by a third party, the agent and confirmed in writing, there is an offer and acceptance. There is financial loss should the sale fall through.

2006-11-23 20:35:14 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Some people think that masturbating is sin. Some people think that oral sex is sin. Some people think that the whole sex is sin.
I think that if traditional sex is not sin than masturbation is also not sin.
if somebody wants to be pure, he or she has to abandon any sex.
What makes you worthy if you have sex? From the female point of view, traditional sex is righterious and good because in that way they receive pleasure and make children. In fact, from the male point of view: one can be happy enough even with masturbation with is less sin than traditional sex.
The girls will not agree with me because we live in female world. They rule. They use their body as object of manipulation.
It is the same with job. The bosses employ workers to gain more money. The bosses gain more money like those lover that use oral sex. The bosses always gain more than workers.
The rich countries want to advertise sex because there is connection between sex and income. More sex, more working places.

2006-11-23 20:28:35 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-23 20:23:30 · 11 answers · asked by david.rolph8@btopenworld.com 1

Question :Got A Parking Ticket On Thanksgiving! THANKSGIVING!!!!!!!!!
Question Details:I couldn't believe it! I got a parking ticket today on THANKSGIVING for a rush hour violation but there was no rush hour! I decided to go to a movie in my neighborhood at about 2:40 pm and the movie let out at 4:25. Came back out and and saw across the street where I was parked, the whole four blocks line of cars with parking tickets waving in the wind including mine! It said on the ticket it was for a rush hour violation, but THERE WAS NO RUSH HOUR!!!! It's a holiday and hardly any cars were on the road! This is Chicago, but Chicago streets were slow at this time in this neighborhood. How could I get out of this? I was told there was a sign, but I didn't see a sign about rush hour. I was being so careful to park in a legit spot, but I can't pau $50! No way in hell! It was a holiday! WHat should I do? What letter can I write? It's obvious from the parade of tickets on the other cars, this cop was overzealous and a non-compassionate *** for writing tickets on this day!

2006-11-23 20:14:53 · 11 answers · asked by Sweet P 1

This is very serious question. I am male. In my city, girl behave like their own body is their own property. In fact it is. Therefore, to share such fruits of pleasure they make conditions. I think that the relation between male and female is unfair. Girl do not obey any moral codes and rules in giving or not giving their bodies and love. Therefore, they appear as masters that posses gold or as owners of property that rule over poor people.
So, to be independent means for me to masturbate. In that way I depend on myself and do not beg for sex.
I am witness how sex and love are used for political, religious and egoistic means. The right of girls to give or not to give love is not regulated by any Law so they behave as greedy capitalist.
it is like finding a job. The boss tells you: "This are the conditions - take it or leave it. Or, in worse case, they even do not talk with you.
So, my advice is never to lose your dignity and beg for pleasure. Masturbate. That right is given to you.

2006-11-23 20:07:43 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

one of mine friend who is software engg caught by police in a park with her girl friend but he was not doing anything illegal and both of them are major persons. so can police arrest them in offense of "Awaragardi" . and what type of rights we have against it to expalin poilce that we are not doing any thing wrong.please rply mr

2006-11-23 19:29:05 · 16 answers · asked by vivek s 1

2006-11-23 19:05:19 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

In film,show bussiness,modelings or office works there was also easy access of body contacts among those boss & subordinates or depandents in job. I had gone through many books like that. I had recently read a book og Shouchin Bhowmik on Bombay film industries of early 50's. He wrote about some actor -actress & directors who had body relations, But I hardly learn about their prgnency any time ! why? how they use to control those days. In an articale recently, Puja Bhat wrote; 'I hardly believe that , there ia any virgin actress in Mumbai film industries!" so.............

2006-11-23 18:34:07 · 6 answers · asked by ogmansur 2

How do people even have the nerve to even try and defend the Republicans? It is really quite something.

2006-11-23 18:01:37 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I would ask if it is legal but I know better than that. I am sure Clinton or the liberals have done something to make it o.k. for the Republicans to do whatever they want.

2006-11-23 17:39:46 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I believe:
*the $$ I make belongs to me and my family,not some mid-level governmental functionary,be it Democratic or Republican
*owning a gun doesn't make you a killer
*being a minority doesn't make you noble or victimized,and doesn't entitle you to anything.
*that if you're selling me a Big Mac,try to do it in English.
*fireworks should be legal on the 4th of July.
*everyone has a right to pray to his or her God when and where they want to.
*if you're too stupid to know how a ballot works,I don't want you deciding who should be running the most powerful nation in the world for the next 4 years
*the cops have every right to shoot your sorry *** if you're running from them.I also think they have the right to pull your *** over if you're breaking the law,regardless of what color you are.
*I've never owned a slave,or was a slave,I didn't wander forty years in the desert after getting chased out of Egypt. I haven't burned any witches or been persecuted by the Turks,neither have U

2006-11-23 17:31:23 · 32 answers · asked by sacredtaboo 2

How do you reach Sean Hannity to tell him that the people who ran his board has done something that was wrong and did not protect you from harassment? That you are thinking about reporting the facts to police ,media or lawyer to get the help you need. My cousin was on that board along with another cousin and both were banned because they thought they were the same person. My cousins have what is called adults dmd and sometimes they think faster then they write and therefore misspelling words happen. But instead of ask them they banned them just because a guy call sidestreamer wanted them gone. At this point in time our family hate Sean Hannity and his message board. We feel that Sean Hannity is not as honest or truthfull as he wnats people to believe. We donot understand why we were single out for him to act this way . So how do I reach him to tell him these things. I try to reach him through the website but have not got an answer from any one, So if anyone knows any thing please help!

2006-11-23 17:30:00 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do leaders that are suspected for having sex with people other than who they are married to get investigated very quickly; and leaders that kill innocent people so they can make money don't get investigated at all?
Then the leaders who investigated the other leader for having sex turned out to be the most disgusting gay crack heads on Earth?

2006-11-23 17:21:02 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

why would they do that? don't they want to find out who did it? How much were they paid?

2006-11-23 17:20:08 · 13 answers · asked by sincere12_26 4

I quit my job and my last paycheck bounced. My Bosses also owe me cash for the Last 2 days that I worked. how can I prove they owe me this money and who do i call. HELP! I already sent a certified letter requesting a new check be issued to me in the amount owed to me. They told my former co worker/friend that they wont pay me ill have to take them to court....

2006-11-23 17:03:21 · 13 answers · asked by its me 1

Should child molestors or ppl who have been convicted for rape or a molestor have to have a sign put in their yards or front doors to let everyone know what they have done. I got this idea from Bill Ingel off Comedy Central but i believe just like he said what rights should they have. If you are going to take up for anyone who has done this do not answer this question

2006-11-23 17:01:28 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

he was the leader in Isrsal

2006-11-23 16:57:55 · 2 answers · asked by coonrodbd1 1

There is a program called Give the Gift of Sight at LensCrafters that gives glasses to low income people. I went to get a pair recently. After my first appointment, I recieved a phone call saying my appointment was cancelled because I looked too "rich". I had brought in my own frames to use and I was told that was the reason they thought I had money. I called the manager and she apologized. She said she trains her employees to determine the financial eligibility of clients by their appearance, not financial records. This sounds very strange to me, even discriminatory and could be illegal. Does anyone know if this is illegal and what law it could violate?

2006-11-23 16:38:51 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

If the definition of a resident includes the term "no present intention of leaving" then what if someone has no permanent address but also plans to leave his or her current address to move to an undetermined place. Would that person not be a resident of the current state?

2006-11-23 16:31:16 · 6 answers · asked by presidentrichardnixon 3

2006-11-23 16:20:58 · 14 answers · asked by Gardenfoot 4

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