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Even their military are not very adept with fire arms so how irresponsible is it to let civilians have them?

2006-11-23 20:43:09 · 35 answers · asked by sid 2 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

But surely it means they shoot each other a lot. As for freedom, even America would not let it's civilians own,say, nukes as this would be irresponsible, but it's ok to have guns because they don't kill as many people?
US military is the laughing stock of the rest of the world (they need 5 times the number of troops to get the same job done as anybody else - all the gear and no idea)

2006-11-23 20:53:57 · update #1

Ok - I didn't realise this would be so emotive. Regarding the US military, I'm sorry it comes as a shock to many of you that they are not as good as you have been led to believe. I do agree that for the main part they have the best equipment (with some obvious exceptions such as the NBC suits (heavy,stiff,uncomfortable with just adequate protection)). It's just that all Allied nations are aware that the chances of a blue on blue (i think you call it friendly fire) are much higher when working with the US. I do worry about all the Freddy Mercury facial hair many of them sport as well. Also I do have some familiarity with firearms (you do tend to pick that up after 9 years in infantry, special forces and recce units). I don't understand all the fuss about the constitution: wasn't this written a couple of hundred years ago by men in wigs? Surely what was appropriate at a nation's birth needs to be reviewed as it grows and civilisation develops. Lose the guns and leave it to the cops!

2006-11-24 00:36:14 · update #2

35 answers

have a feeling it kinda makes them feel more superior but on the other hand kinda stupid..........it shouldn't be allowed it will start here and the people will say well if the Americans do it so shall we...I'm ex services 2 and can use a weapon but not on some random civilian that looks at me funny...what gives anyone the right to run round with a gun cos its cool its not lives are at stake and they don't seem to care.........its a killing machine not a toy...

plus on a lighter note i agree more shooting practise should be help on American troops training and more gun banning over there.............its not COOL or CLEVER!!!

2006-11-23 21:01:08 · answer #1 · answered by pebbles 2 · 3 9

Assuming that you are sincerely asking this question and not just trying to get a raise out of people, it is clear that you have little understanding as to American culture and how the laws of the United States work. Reviewing your other questions it appears that you are from England and that makes your perspective strange since much of the law in the United States is evolved from and based on Old English Common Law.

In that context individual rights pre-exist the government, any laws and any Constitution. Keeping and bearing arms is one such right. Those who legally own firearms have very little (statistically small) in the misuse of firearms. Those who intentionally misuse firearms (that is, to harm or coerce others) have the firearms illegally and will obtain such through a black market no matter the laws, similar to what is going on in England.

That the Constitution was written and ratified more than two hundred years ago is true, but that doesn’t make it out of date and it is continually reviewed and periodically (when necessary) altered through the Amendment process.

As to military capability, although my military time was more than 40 years ago, I am a certified firearms instructor and you are quite incorrect about the capability of the U.S. military. The problem that militaries of the West have is that they try to minimize their impact wherever they act. That is, every act is meant to be a surgical insertion.

In general, the militaries Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, of the United States are the finest trained troops in the world. The special units of these militaries (such as the Navy Seals) far exceed the capabilities of any other country.

Be careful what you wish for or you may get it. Here in the United States there is a growing movement to withdraw the United States military from all foreign entanglements leaving those outside of the United States to fend for themselves. It is quite tiresome to hear the continual crying from those who descry the United States. We can easily protect our own borders and interests in the Americas and for some here they would prefer to set here and watch the rest of the world sink into chaos.

2006-11-24 01:24:37 · answer #2 · answered by Randy 7 · 3 0

Oh, I have to differ with you in the question concerning our military and the firearms they have. The US Military has the most advanced weaponry possible, and it is extremely sophisticated.
As far as our right to bare arms in our country, I am glad for it. There are quacks that do get a hold of guns sometimes, mostly because of underground and unorganized means, but we have laws governed by the ATF/FBI that screen a person very carefully before they may obtain their firearm. Our citizens are not running around with M16's shooting people as they please. I don't know where you are getting your information, but it isn't very accurate. If the US is such the laughing stock of the world, why do people want to immigrate to our country?

2006-11-23 23:40:56 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

"Let?" Who would "let" one own a firearm? One of the basic principles of American political philosophy is that there are certain areas, some of which are listed in the Bill of Rights, in which no governing body has any jurisdiction over basic human rights, one of which is the right to arm oneself for defense of self and home. All modern liberal political thought begins with the supposition that in general people will do the right thing, but there will be exceptions. Barring the coming of the perfect benign dictator of ancient Greek thought, and we've certainly waited a while for him to appear, no better system has yet to be devised, so why not leave it alone until something better comes along?
Also, it seems you've (1) had little experience with firearms and (2) never seen a U.S. Marine shoot. Of course, there are huge differences in the concepts of shot placement and military firepower. In certain circumstances it has been military policy to place massive firepower in an area rather than risk the lives of troops. That gives the impression of waste and inefficiency to the unknowing. Get off the political position and educate yourself a bit among various groups of riflemen. You'll be surprised what you learn, and your fear level will go way down, I promise. The presence of a good man armed to the teeth gives me no anxiety at all.

2006-11-23 22:04:24 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Man, you bias are sure showing! 1st off as a former infantry soldier, you are way off on how well folks in the military handle firearms. The amount of non-combatants that are injured or killed in modern warfare is very small compared to previous wars. Check the numbers on the amount of civilians killed in WWII. As for the main part of your question, we own guns because our founding father decided that gun ownership was away to insure the survival of our republic, btw, the oldest and most stable Representative democracy going. We can, with a few exceptions, own guns without any government interference. Long arms i.e. rifles and shotguns are not regulated for the most part. Handguns, are a little different in the fact that there is some regulation of who can own and carry them. In fact the only people in most jurisdictions that cannot own firearms of any type are convict felons.
Personally I have used guns for self-defense, sustenance and for personal enjoyment. It is kind of funny, in places where gun ownership is higher,incidence of violent crime, in fact most crimes, are lower.

2006-11-23 21:19:32 · answer #5 · answered by pblxgshman 2 · 4 1

First off our military men and women who carry and use fire arms are adept with them. I would like to know the reference point from which you draw the conclusion that they are not. There are strict guidelines that a soldier must pass to qualify with a gun before carrying one.
As for the citizens, sure there are some irresponsible people that own guns, however the vast majority of gun owners in America are quite responsible.
To say that we have guns just because can is rather ignorant. Our government can not, at this point anyway, stop our owning guns because we the right to over throw our government if they become out of hand. Also, we have the right keep and bear arms to give us the ability to defend our country and property.

2006-11-23 21:00:24 · answer #6 · answered by Mike E 4 · 5 3

The police rarely come within 2hr of being called where I live. Do you think its wrong of me to have a gun for protection? No one is going to come to my rescue. Why shouldn't I be allowed to defend myself?

Also what about hunting? Is it wrong too? You would be surprised how many people in the US help support themselves with the food they kill themselves. It helps thin the animal population and keeps some people off welfare.

I live in a state with a huge amount of gun owners and yet very few people are killed or injured by guns.

2006-11-23 23:40:24 · answer #7 · answered by FX_Make-upArtist 4 · 4 0

All this "protecting our property" stuff is such BS.

If it's legal for everyone have a gun, it levels the playing field. If someone breaks into your house, they'd probably have the good sense to take a gun with them. And then what? You're at stalemate.

Guns allow absolute control of a situation but this is only meaningful when just ONE person has it. Personally I'd rather only the police could have them, they need something to give them that edge over criminals.

And to the person who said that by this logic, you should ban knives- Knives are intended for cutting food and stuff, not for killing people. Plenty of everyday items can be used to kill someone, we'll never avoid that, but we're talking about guns- they are designed to kill people, it's their purpose, and they make it much quicker and easier than a make-shift weapon ever would. By YOUR logic, we may as well legalise all drugs- you can get high from sniffing nail polish after all.

Edit- Re: what desertfire says... Note that he still hasn't given an actual REASON- Just seems horribly offended by your "questioning constitutional rights". Nice to see how many Americans just accept this stuff as sacred and unquestionable. Ever considered looking at it from different angles other than the ones rammed down your throat at school?

2006-11-23 23:59:55 · answer #8 · answered by - 5 · 1 4

Under the American system, civilians can own guns if approved by the local government units after proper registration and training requirement.

2006-11-23 20:53:45 · answer #9 · answered by FRAGINAL, JTM 7 · 3 1

Let's see, you question Constitutional rights, insult the armed forces of a country at war and you do so while posing like an army surplus peacock... and you did not realize your question was so "emotive"? We'll chalk it up to inbreeding on an island.

But to answer your question - there are a variety of reasons.

2006-11-24 00:49:10 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

because thy are stupid and wimps don't forget it dose not take a brain to fire a gun that why it is perfect for the average American. even there army have trouble with this simple weapon thy keep accidentally shooting the wrong people

2006-11-24 00:19:46 · answer #11 · answered by DARKORD 2 · 0 0

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