I applied in the US DV-lottery, and want to apply for my dad,, but I read that "All entries by an individual will be disqualified if more than ONE entry for that individual is received, regardless of who submitted the entry. You may prepare and submit your own entry, or have someone submit the entry for you.",, and I read when I open the application to enter the information that "Children include all biological children, legally adopted children, and stepchildren who are unmarried and under the age of 21 on the date that you submit your entry. Failure to include all children or inclusion of children who are not your biological children, legally adopted children, and stepchildren (regardless of whether they live with you and/or intend to apply for a visa as your derivative) is grounds for disqualification of the entire entry" ,, so I am afraid if I enter my name and my photo, then my application will be disqualified, and my dad's too,, so , what can I do?
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