Why do Americans not care how our media is covering the war? Does ANYONE care that we have been lied to and deceieved by our government in order for them to make us believe that this war is about our American Freedom when in actuality this war is about Oil, Money, Supperior Power and suppressing the very freedoms (freedom of speech and press) that they so call say that they are preserving in the name of Democracy? We are lucky to be Americans, don't get me wrong, only by what our founding fathers have established. But if our government continues on the road it is on, mark my words, we will slowly but surely see our rights and freedoms (of speech and press mostly) silenced. It is already happening. Wake up! If you want to get the facts the way Free Americans should be getting the facts then tune into Free Speech TV on dish or go to I believe www.fstv.org and see for yourself. I pray for all Americans, and innocent Iraqi people each day. Together we stand, divided we will fall..
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