Given UK troops are sleeping in tents, don't have proper equipment etc etc etc in AFGHANISTAN and Iraq, inspite of the UK Prime Minister, Tony Bliar (sic) PROMISING on Oct 6th 2006, that "whatever our troops want, they will get.." ( the actual transcript by way of a reminder can be found below..)..
I hope someone will really justify the MoD agreeing to pay £1,200 for a door - albeit an oak door, and the TOTAL bill for DOORS alone will come to some £3-MILLION ! OR.. £1,000 for an Office chair, which the TOTAL bill for CHAIRS will TOTAL some £3-MILLION (for a civil servant to sit on whilst paper-pushing in a beautiful EXPENSIVE office, while UK troops have to sleep on camp beds in a tent before going out in thier "war-fighting" patrols on a daily basis in AFGHANISTAN..??). open-plan “highly innovative” office space, costing £27,302 per square metre, with marble and oak features restored to the “highest quality”. whilst thier own UK troops make do with tents ! PLEASE JUSTIFY THIS
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