Not all of us are as you describe. I for one am for peace (obviously). I did not vote for the present administration. I do not back the war in Iraq and I wasn't alive during WWII for the bombing of Japan. However, you also have to look at what the terrorists are doing all over the world. They have killed thousands of innocent people in the name of religion yet you do not question that. We do not live in a peaceful world but the US is not the only aggressor. Also, the US has been accused of invading Iraq to take their oil. Well, where is it? Since the beginning of the war our fuel prices have more than doubled. I can understand your concern but you need to realize there is more than one side to this story and every American is not like those you mentioned in your question.
2007-01-07 15:55:38
answer #1
answered by i have no idea 6
First off, you're using a racial slur when you're referring to the Japanese.
More importantly are the things that respond to your question.
When the United States decided to bomb Japan, it was deemed the best military strategy. Every inch of every tiny atoll in the middle of the Pacific was hard fought, and estimates of casualties was in the hundred thousands. Most every Japanese citizen would have fought our advance, and the government would not have given up.
Yes, using nuclear arms is not palatable, but neither is slaughtering people in one on one fighting. It was the better of two evils.
With Afghanistan, the US deemed that the organization that orchestrated the 9/11 attacks was based there. As such, we went to destroy them and the government that supplied them, and were therefore an assistant to the 9/11 attacks. (Other countries may have been, and those are other topics.)
I disagreed with Iraq. There was little reason to invade. It was a sovereign nation, wholly declawed by the Gulf War.
Iran is a nation that is disregarding international treaties. The USA is one of the nations that can stand up and bare its teeth to show that the international body is serious, and it is doing so. If the UN can't keep one rogue nation from disregarding its treaties, who is to stop all the others?
We are proactively defending our country, our allies.
And if you haven't been paying attention, the previous elected senators/representatives have been changed due to a change in public perception of their quality of work.
2007-01-07 16:01:24
answer #2
answered by K 5
Your argument is mute. You ask why we can't sit and defend our country and not make war. No problem. As long as the Japanese didn't bomb pearl harbor we wouldn't have gone to war with them. The use of the atomic bomb was a simple choice. The Japanese are a proud people who refuse to quit in the face of imminant destruction. The Japanese would have killed thousands of American soldiers, just as American soldiers would have killed thousands of Japanese troops once the ground offensive into mainland Japan happened. .The ground offensive also would have displaced and killed even more civilians. Yes the hydrogen bomb killed and scarred many people, but not as many as the ground war would have.
Attacking Afghanistan as you reffer to it was the most direct route to a terrorist organization that attacked us first. The taliban, which governed the country of Afghanistan, allowed safe haven and training grounds for these people (al-quaida) which then attacked us. If you can remember back to the al-quaida videos shown on tv, showing their fighters training, that was in Afghanistan. I know this for a fact. I have fought in Afghanistan and been to this place.
We have not attacked Iran. I wonder how you get this idea. We don't want Iran creating nuclear weapons, and we have only negotiated with them.
As for Iraq, I hate every bit of it. It is a useless war based on a sons (George W. Bush) revenge for his father (George H. W. Bush) not completing the ousting of Saddam in 1990, and America's lust for oil. I'm sad to say this is one situation that does nothing but make us as Americans look stupid. Being a soldier in the army, this drives me even more crazy than most. I wish I could say something that made a difference but nothing will, and at the end of all of this I don't think Iraq has a chance of coming out of this any better than before we started.
2007-01-07 16:37:25
answer #3
answered by faulball67 2
You try to sound friendly, but this post is clearly anti-American bias.
America stayed out of World War II until the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, so they cannot be blamed for starting that. They were only defending themselves.
Afghanistan, it can be argued, was a similar case. If we believe that the Taliban was protecting Osama bin Ladin, which appears to be true, then the attack on Afghanistan was only a defensive response to a major attack on the World Trade Center.
Iran has not been attacked or invaded, so your argument there is fraudulent.
Thus, your only legitimate question is about Iraq. Personally, I was not in favor of invading Iraq. But I have no tears for Saddam Hussein, who was a vicious murderer of his own people. Regardless of whether this Iraq war was legitimate or not, a single case clearly does not indicate a trend of America as a war-bringer. You've created a series of lies and half-truths to build a false image.
I reject your entire argument, based on your obvious bias against America. I ask you why you choose to focus your hatred on America, when we have done nothing to you.
2007-01-07 15:58:28
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Well--one nitpick--the psycho Iran has for a presiden t has threatened to attack Israel in the past. But "Iran" as such, no. Otherwise, no , the American public isn't buying Bush's propaganda one bit. And if you think the media is helping Bush, you are very much mistaken. By coverig this the way they are, they are keeping people aware of wht's happening without provoking any more of the hysterical yapping from the right wing than we already have. America is watching. And I can sum up what they are thinking very briefly: George, you do not want to pisss us off by attacking Iran. You really don't want to do that.
2016-05-23 07:16:08
answer #5
answered by ? 4
Your premise is 25% true, 75% misunderstanding of America and the role its played in the world. If America hadn't intervened in WWI and WWII the world would now be in a dark age of slavery and oppression. There have definietly been wars where America was wrong such as Vietnam and Iraq but we were right to invade Afganistan - we were attacked and that attack had to be responded to with force and the guilty put down, period. While I am disgusted by Bush and Iraq, he was right to go into Afganistan.
2007-01-07 16:03:25
answer #6
answered by Michael da Man 6
LISTEN HERE! In order for there to be peace in the world, those who are against freedom, liberty and peace for the citizens of whatever country, have to be fought AGAINST: terrorists and those who wish to rule a country with the same or similar evil regime as Saddam Hussein. Those who seek to destroy a country like those who attacked us on 9/11 MUST be dealt with or they will strike again if we let it go and keep ignoring them. We were attacked BEFORE 9/11, but good ol' 'Slick Willie' Bill Clinton did NOTHING to go after those responsible, so therefore, that is the reason why Bush has to deal with them NOW - because he is cleaning up the mess and correcting the screwups from the past. The USS Cole, the embassy attack in Kenya and the '93 World Trade Center attacks were all ignored and brushed off by Clinton. In short, those who seek to bring down a country by attacking and killing innocent people are the reason we are fighting and the reason why we've fought wars in the past. Freedom isn't free and doesn't come cheap! If YOU had a 9/11 attack, would you not want your country to fight against those who killed thousands of your fellow countrymen? I don't think you would take an attack like that sitting down - you'd do something about it instead of letting it go and saying 'oh well - 2,000 innocent people dead isn't worth going to war and fighting against those murderers' - right? It sure sounds to me that you're saying you wouldn't be willing to protect your country from those who are a threat to it, right? Gimme a break!
2007-01-07 15:57:03
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
You have a very thought provoking question, but your premise that it's based on is all wrong. You want the U.S. to stay within its own borders and not attack other countries, but two of the three countries you're using brought the attack to U.S. soil, and one hasn't even been invaded yet.
The U.S. is the strongest nation in the world and to remain that way it has to protect its interests. If we just sat here on our hands all the time, then enemy nations would get stronger and further threaten us. You saw what a handful of terrorists did, just imagine what a large and powerful nation would do. When the USSR was the threat, the peace was kept by matching and staying ahead of their arms development. When they finally collapsed, we changed our focus from large, powerful weapons to small insurgent style fighting. It almost seems like the latter is harder.
2007-01-07 15:53:35
answer #8
answered by jaybird512 2
If you look at history , (ww1 and ww2) america was isolated from the world. We were forced into them, ww2 Japan attacked us we retaliated because we had to otherwise japan would have invaded. And for nuking japan we probably saved alot more lives than the bombs themselves took. Terrorist attacked us on many occastions, bombing barracks in Beruit, Bombing a ship in yemen then Sept 11th attacks we had to do something to stop the plague of Terrorist. Iraq did have have WMD's, they even used some of them on the Kurds. Iran is supporting the destruction of people who want to live in peace. In a sense we are defending our own country. We will do what ever it takes to stop the enemy on his ground before they lay a foot onto this country. Also America has the means to stick up for countrys that cant defend themselves, like kuwait from Iraq in Desert storm. It is our obligation to help others.
2007-01-07 15:59:08
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Well, Japan attacked the US. As did Afghans by way of terrorism. But, you are right. America should carless about what the rest of the world is doing and care more about ourselves. So, we would like Germany to repay their WW1 and WW2 war debts. We would like compensation from all of Europe for our part in the war. Millions of Americans dying to protect their freedom has been repaid with hatred and and anti-Americanism. That might buy a cup of coffee in France, but it does not pay the bills in the US. We want money.
The tens of millions of dollars we gave for tsunami relief should also be returned. America is never praised for their humanitarian efforts, but always criticized for it's military endeavors. It is funny how Europeans keep criticizing the US for being butchers, but the 3 worse cases of genocide in modern times have taken place on European soil. Hitler, Stalin, and Milosevic are responible for more deaths than America ever will be. We no longer ask ourselves if there will be more ethnic cleansing in Europe, but when it will happen.
So, please, stop with the anti-American rhetoric. Please pay attention to your own government and your own problems. Do not make your problems our problems and then we can peacefully co-exist. AND please, the next time your nation suffers from a catastrophy please do not ask for our assitance. When Hurrican Katrina hit the US and killed 1000s of our people, your government was not here helping us out.
2007-01-07 16:01:08
answer #10
answered by Mr Mojo Risin 4