The dream act did not pass.Which have led many illegal children with no hopes and less opportunites in this country. You cut the wings off a young illegal immigrant that has been in this country for a long period of time, honor roll students , top class graduates, high SAT's scores, great athletes, and whats worst they didn't ask to come here they were brought here.You treat us like criminals thinking that we are stealing your money and taking your jobs.Thats not true.We came here with the same purpose as you did .We came here looking for freedom, opportunities, and for a new begining. My question is if the english came here illegaly fought for there independence from the British for and in this country, african americans fought for there equality and freedom in this Country, why can't a simple act that is trying to let illegal students have the same opportunities as a regular citizien not pass.Are u intimidated or jealous? We are not doing nothing wrong we just want equality.
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