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Politics & Government - 9 October 2007

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years than anytime in the last fifty. Even with the post 9/11 spending. How is this possible with the tax cuts provided by the President?

2007-10-09 04:11:30 · 9 answers · asked by hardwoodrods 6 in Politics

Tell Your Members of Congress to
Make Their Earmark Requests Public!

As reported in newspapers like USA Today, CAGW is right now waging an aggressive campaign to determine which members of Congress are willing to pay more than lip service to transparency and accountability. By letter and by phone, we have called on each member of the House and Senate to disclose the earmark requests they submitted to their respective Appropriations Committees.
To date, only 66 Representatives and two Senators have complied with our request. That’s why we need you to check here and call your elected officials if they are listed and ask them to disclose their earmark requests.
The new leadership of the 110th Congress took control in January promising the “most honest, most open, most ethical Congress in history.” We plan to hold them to their word! While House and Senate rules do not require members of Congress to make their earmark requests available to the public, Americans deserve to know on which pet projects their elected representatives would lavish their hard-earned tax dollars.

Transparency is a vital first step toward eliminating the tens of billions of dollars spent on congressional earmarks annually and ending the “culture of corruption” that earmarking breeds.
Help us promote transparency and accountability by calling your elected officials today and asking them to release their earmark requests. And then tell us whether they responded YES or NO!

CAGW is publishing the responses of members of the House and Senate on our website, as well as the lists of earmark requests provided by members.
So why waste your time over which side is spending more? Why not take the time to find out for yourselves and do something about it? I’ve placed my requests because I WANT to know. Will you?

2007-10-09 04:10:58 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

i live in lansing michigan and im sixteen

2007-10-09 04:10:02 · 20 answers · asked by cutie 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

This is my first speeder so I was told by folks to fight it so it won't go against my driving record. I was clocked at 103. Maybe I was, maybe not. But anyway, I don't know the first thing about any of this. What do I say and do. Or should I just cop to it. I really don't want to if it's going to make my insurance go up. No time for silly answers. Please! And also I'm here in California. Oh yeah and someone told me to bring up the radar....what about it? Help me so I don't got to jail in the morning. (kidding).

2007-10-09 04:06:37 · 9 answers · asked by louloutee 3 in Law & Ethics


2007-10-09 04:04:52 · 29 answers · asked by Page 4 in Politics

How about another quote:

"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience." ---C.S. Lewis

Remind you of any government you know?

2007-10-09 04:02:32 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I'm a solid negative on this one, just as I was on the Bible version of this question.

2007-10-09 04:01:01 · 14 answers · asked by Spartacus 3 in Politics

prisoners of war

2007-10-09 04:00:59 · 3 answers · asked by John W 1 in Military

its like asking america to give southern califonia to mexico cos alot of mexican folks leave there.

Dont they understand that the radicals are there to conqure?

2007-10-09 03:59:39 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

"What I want to fix your attention on is the vast overall movement towards the discrediting, and finally the elimination, of every kind of human excellence -- moral, cultural, social or intellectual. And is it not pretty to notice how 'democracy' (in the incantatory sense) is now doing for us the work that was once done by the most ancient dictatorships, and by the same methods? The basic proposal of the new education is to be that dunces and idlers must not be made to feel inferior to intelligent and industrious pupils. That would be 'undemocratic.' Children who are fit to proceed may be artificially kept back, because the others would get a trauma by being left behind. The bright pupil thus remains democratically fettered to his own age group throughout his school career, and a boy who would be capable of tackling Aeschylus or Dante sits listening to his coeval's [of the same age] attempts to spell out A CAT SAT ON A MAT. We may reasonably hope for the virtual abolition of education when 'I'm as good as you' has fully had its way. All incentives to learn and all penalties for not learning will vanish. The few who might want to learn will be prevented; who are they to overtop their fellows? And anyway, the teachers -- or should I say nurses? -- will be far too busy reassuring the dunces and patting them on the back to waste any time on real teaching. We shall no longer have to plan and toil to spread imperturbable conceit and incurable ignorance among men." C. S. Lewis

He’s nailed our public schools of the 21st century, hasn’t he?

There are two items in the Communist Manifesto that stick out like sore thumbs.

1. A progressive graduated income tax.
2. Government education of the children.
And guess what? We have both of those here today.

2007-10-09 03:59:04 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I have court this month I am going to be representing myself. I want to know what it is called or how do I ask for a continuance or a new judge based on bias? I have dealt with this judge in the past he does not like me. The 2x times before was not anything criminal something totally different. This time it is for a driving while under revocation. Which is a long story in itself.

2007-10-09 03:56:05 · 5 answers · asked by lordbuggin_2000 4 in Law & Ethics

I live in FL so it may differ by state.
Does anyone know if I should contact my lawyer to request an extension on my community service or should I contact the court directly or should I go through my probation officer. I am supposed to have completed 100 hours by Dec 10th and I know I am not going to have it done so I am trying to get it extended.

2007-10-09 03:48:14 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Now we have Osama holed up and inaccessible in Pakistan and we sit back and offer rewards while Musharraf negotiates with the sheiks who are hiding him; and we have our allies the Kurds attacking our allies the Turks and neither the US military nor the Iraqi government is willing or able to stop them.

Doesn't this mean that Turkey has the right to invade Iraqi Kurdistan?

2007-10-09 03:46:46 · 6 answers · asked by oimwoomwio 7 in Military

Please state "why?" reasons not reasons for "why not?". Thanks

2007-10-09 03:46:09 · 10 answers · asked by YannicH 2 in Military


wow....our supreme court is sure different than it used to be....

So let me get this straight, if the government is torturing people (hypothetically), a court case will not be allowed to proceed to unmask the abuse..because it will "reveal" govt. secrets?
Anyone else see a certain slippery slope here that goes against the grain of what america stands for ...along several lines?

2007-10-09 03:42:57 · 5 answers · asked by ron j 1 in Politics

According to a Congressional Research Service study, the number of earmarks in spending, or appropriations, bills went from 4,126 in 1994 to 15,877 in 2005. The value of those earmarks doubled to $47.4 billion in the same period. Earmarked projects often include roads, bridges and economic development efforts.


2007-10-09 03:39:32 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I recently got a ticket for 55 in a 40. I saw the police hiding in parking lot of a church. She said there has been some fatalities they and they were trying to get people to slow down. I checked and no one has been killed there.

2007-10-09 03:37:32 · 21 answers · asked by south of france 4 in Law Enforcement & Police

2007-10-09 03:37:24 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

i thought that private hire taxis could only be used when prebooked by phone yet there seems to be a different case

2007-10-09 03:35:54 · 5 answers · asked by patrick j 1 in Law & Ethics

She, by the way, is one of the only candidates who refuses to identify her earmarks ... or "congressionally allocated funds."
Well let's take a look at why.
Between 2002 and 2006, Hillary earmarked more than $2.2 billion in spending bills.
In the 2008 defense spending bill, Hillary managed to attach 26 earmarks worth more than $148 million. This was more than any other Senator except her Democratic compadre Carl Levin ... who is the chairman of the Armed Services Committee.
How about a few local projects including $250,000 to the Seneca Knitting Mill, and $200,000 to the Buffalo Urban Arts Center. And I'm sure that is just the beginning.


Why is she the only candidate who refuses to identify her earmarks? What’s the big deal? How can someone who is one of the biggest contributors to the problem be part of the cure?

Kindly don’t bother with the typical “Look at the money we’re wasting in Iraq.” responses. Just answer the question if that’s why you’re here. Thanks.

2007-10-09 03:34:42 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Mine would be ... Do you feel that all laws should come up for periodic review, to try to keep us from being bogged down by excessive regulation?

2007-10-09 03:32:32 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Me, My Husband and his father run a family towing & automotive business. We are constantly going through drivers, we just recently lost a good employee, his reasoning was he didnt make enough money. We have offered him more numerous times, yet he turned them all down. Odd I thought. Anyhow, this employee is now filing claim after claim, stating we fired him. Which is not true, but that's just the 1st layer of the cake, he has gone above & beyond at trying to put us out of business. We tow for multiple police departments, and he has sent letters to them stating very untrue facts, about my husband & I stealing from the company, and my husbands dad trying to file fraudulant insurance claims. One of our drivers were involved in an accident last week, so he is claiming we went to the scene to take pictures to try and cover it up. Taking pictures of accidents is a standard policy. I am not sure if we can file a lawsuit on this guy for slander, or defamation of character.

2007-10-09 03:31:27 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I live in North Carolina, and I was wondering if anyone knew if I have to be going to a public school to get my license or if it was okay, as long as you are in some type of school?

2007-10-09 03:28:08 · 9 answers · asked by itsjustbrittanybaby 2 in Law & Ethics

I was just wondering what people thought about this. Do you agree with the current laws? Do you think we might change drinking laws to include service members? After that young cop recently shot those folks in Wisconsin , people were upset that he was hired as a deputy at age 19. Many felt that it was too much responsibility for such a young man. I fail to see the difference between a young deputy and a young soldier. What do you think?


2007-10-09 03:27:16 · 11 answers · asked by Billie G 2 in Law & Ethics

This is an economic question to do with SUPPLY and DEMAND. Some ideas and suggestion will be very helpful. Essay form if possible.

2007-10-09 03:26:55 · 8 answers · asked by Drama 1 in Immigration

I have 5 acres of private land, bordered by a private road, of which I own half of, easement, required for utilities.
We have bear, foxes, cats, big ones, and worse of all people who let their pit bull's and other big dogs run loose. I don't want to shoot (anything) but will "if" I have to.

2007-10-09 03:26:41 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Instead of just being like a con and saying supply side economics works better then keynesian economics, and then letting you do the homework, I'm going to spell it out for you all.


2007-10-09 03:26:12 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I got stopped last night and the cop didn't even read the registration or anything he just looked at my licence!

2007-10-09 03:20:21 · 4 answers · asked by dudewheresmycar86 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

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