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Politics & Government - 15 August 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

...about how you or someone you know personally was abused, violated or unfairly accused via the Bush anti-terror policies. We all know the stories you like to recycle based on unverifiable media accounts about which you have no first hand knowledge, but I want to hear about people who's innocence you could testify to who have been unfairly treated.

2007-08-15 21:14:23 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics



Notice the language. Neoconservatives, the Christian Right. This is modern day liberalism. Defending socialism. Putting a happy spin on socialism. Telling us we should support the erosion of freedom.

2007-08-15 20:42:41 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

We took our car to a mechanic to get an estimate on the price it would cost to fix. He said all that the timing belt needed to be replaced. The car set for 6 months and because of hardships, we decided to sell it on ebay. We explained in the listing what the mechanic told us. The winning buyer came to pay for and pick up the car and now she is trying to get us to pay for the repairs. She sd it was going to be over $2000.00 and is not just the timing belt. She claims she is taking it to a shop and they told her we lied to her. We explained we are not mechanics, thats why we put details in listing about what the mechanic said to us and now she is real mad. She said she is going to sue us for $3000.00 if we don't pay for the repairs. Then she sd she talked to the police and they told her my husband is a criminal (he has nothing on his record except a speeding ticket) She also filed some kind of consumer report. We don't want to screw her over, but don't know if she is honest....help

2007-08-15 20:37:39 · 11 answers · asked by cs 1 in Law & Ethics

My boyfriend is a US citizen, he had 2 felony charges, can he still move to other countires, like Hong Kong?

Is the felony equal to spend conviction? or what is those conviction means?

2007-08-15 20:28:49 · 3 answers · asked by Lovely C 1 in Immigration

My daughter's father wants me to cancel the child support case, citing the reason being that they take fees out of the money they take from him and not all of it goes to the baby. Is this true? Or is this just yet another of his billions of excuses and lies?

2007-08-15 20:25:40 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

2007-08-15 20:25:25 · 13 answers · asked by SONKE D 1 in Politics

Would this make a decent slogan?
"Ron Paul heard duty call".
If you have a better one, let's see it.

2007-08-15 20:13:55 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government


If that's enough, what if we start shipping cigarettes and New York's transfats to terrorists worldwide?

2007-08-15 20:11:17 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Both gassed their own people. WHould you have been content if Hitler just killed within his own border? do you know how many german civilians died during our bombing there --- especially Dresden? Tell me what is the difference, except for scale?

2007-08-15 20:01:11 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

If you don't you must not even think about war.Please get on with each other.

2007-08-15 20:00:54 · 10 answers · asked by melbournewooferblue 4 in Other - Politics & Government

when some of their land was taken from them and passed out to the victorrs who gave it to the Jews. People on the losing side of a war are lucky that is all they lose.

2007-08-15 19:53:34 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I call upon all US citizens to create a super petition calling for President Bush to be tried for treason. Why? Is not decieving the public and armed forces in a way that will cause and ultimately harm the nation treason? Is this not what spies, sabatuers, terrorists actually do? Consider what he has done, the cost of US lives, resources, damage to global influence he has done. He wilfully decided to hide the truth and decieved the senate for their approval! I heard no one is above the law, and the power of any government is based within the people's willingness to act and grant power to a person. It's time for the nation once again to bring this message to the government that the people do not work for them, they work for US!! We elect a leader to lead us through trust and belief in their ability. Dubya has decieved us, he should be tried under the conditions. Time Dubya and his administration learned this lesson and paid the price for his crimes.

2007-08-15 19:50:58 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

I know he won't be. But I think that he should be. One of the worst mass murderers of the modern era. Put Rumsfeld, Abrams, Wolfowitz and Cheney in the defendant's chairs right next to him...

2007-08-15 19:48:37 · 24 answers · asked by Steve-O 5 in Politics

Our local council say they have no council houses available and homeless families are offered hostels or told to find private rents.

The roads are in a terrible condition.

We get no recycling collection, just big green wheelie bins into which everything is chucked.

The police are useless - after my partner was threatened with a knife by the local hoodies we rang the police and they said they'd come and take a statement. They never did.

Yet they charge us all nearly £1,000 each per month in Council tax.

Just what the hell are they spending it on then?

Certainly not on "services"!!

2007-08-15 19:47:06 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Honestly I wouldn't vote for his blame America speech, but if I hadn't made up my mind already about him. There is no way I would ever vote for someone who's campaigning people pretty much shove themselves down everyone throats.

2007-08-15 19:31:12 · 17 answers · asked by WCSteel 5 in Elections

Politics are now benifiting politicians. I feel Youngsters are more matured and ethical than the present politicians. We really need to do some thing to change the trend and Youngsters need to choose poitics as professions.

2007-08-15 19:30:54 · 7 answers · asked by Pavan 1 in Politics

Why can't liberals ever asnswer that question with a simple yes.

Mind you I am niether conservative or liberal.

But I think we have it pretty good, I mean there some countries you can go to jail for bad mouthing the president or get your finger cut off for steeling.

We have a lot to work on and change together but there are many palces that are worse and only a few the same or better.

I am starting the Party of Change!


2007-08-15 19:29:51 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I want to become a police officer and I know that part of the taser training is to actually be shot with one. I am just curious how this feels and what to expect.

2007-08-15 19:27:27 · 12 answers · asked by iwannabeanofficer 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

Just looking for fun, creative answers from libs and cons.

2007-08-15 19:23:53 · 10 answers · asked by rabble rouser 6 in Politics

2007-08-15 19:13:29 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Wireless company said we either let them trim our trees at their expense so they can have a signal at the next town over or they will move their antennae and we get no wireless. Then told the tree trimmers to down any trees in the way of their signal on our property basically without our permission, and we have to deal with at least three downed 20+ foot tall cottonwoods on our own. Do we have any rights?

2007-08-15 19:12:05 · 5 answers · asked by Compassion 2 in Law & Ethics

I'm a mother of 2. I'm an IT professional making 58K a year I live in California. I have 65% legal custody however in reality it's more like 80%. My ex is taking me back to court. He was ordered to pay $51 dollars a month for child support and half of the daycare fees which at that time total was $411 dollars that he was ordered to pay. I just got noticed he want's the C.S to be modified. He has never held a job for over 2 months. He is currently unemployed but just recently got his B.A is graphic design. Could I ask the Judge to stop basing his wages on minumum wage and ask to base them on his degree? I was told this could be done but it doesn't sound fare since the market is, well you know..
Please advise...I can't afford another lawyer . The odds are on his side since he is the parent making less.

2007-08-15 19:05:15 · 2 answers · asked by Rosie_M 2 in Law & Ethics

It has been over a week and I have still not heard from my Fiance in Iraq... I know blackouts happen but other people from Camp Taji have been able to get online... I have not gotten a phone call nor has he been online at all... I know this is part of being a military spouse/girlfriend, but Im just really worried that I havent heard anything from anyone, and i know in the military that no news is good news (for the most part). is there anyway to find out if he is injured or at worst dead? I know i shouldnt be worried, but I am this is the love of my life and Im new to this and not sure what to think right now... Please any advice?

2007-08-15 18:59:27 · 17 answers · asked by Puppylove2_2000 1 in Military

look here now I am watching CBC report there is so many new comers and immigrant and Canadian born are sleeping on street as homeless , hard to land job short of housing , so expensive for living mismanagement by Canadian government costing the immigrant to became homeless, end to so many problems or divorce...and no one here to help them ,what you thinks this is crime Canada should have answer if they can not support why asking for immigrant?

2007-08-15 18:52:56 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

2007-08-15 18:50:22 · 10 answers · asked by jobgonetocheaplabor 3 in Government

only you can tell us what its like being directly involved in the wars we have so tell us your experience. if you had to do it all over again would you still make the same choices to serve and do whatever you did to serve? you are in my prayers. get home soon and most definetly safe!

2007-08-15 18:47:44 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Is everything from Government down to the poorest individual American just grist for the corporate mill?

Has American 'society' no value or purpose aside from that which it's directed to have from the board-rooms of America?

2007-08-15 18:47:18 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

He says what he means and means what he says

why not?

2007-08-15 18:45:16 · 17 answers · asked by ForeverFREE 4 in Politics

And then I'll be able to say "Ha Ha, I was right"

"The Spartans do not ask how many but where they are - Agis II of Sparta"

2007-08-15 18:43:54 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

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