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Politics & Government - 20 July 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

I am planing on going through the DEP , Delayed Entry Program next summer sense you have to be 17 and a junior starting as a senior next summer.

But i talked to a recruiter online and he said that the Active US NAVY DEP , that you dont go through a Basic training during your summer, i know that i will , but what do you think im i right?

Also would i be a good candidate?

I weigh : 230-7

Age: 17

S: Chic

i am 5' "11

2007-07-20 12:40:55 · 9 answers · asked by Yvonne 3 in Military

2007-07-20 12:40:51 · 11 answers · asked by 6th Finger 2 in Elections

The tool might go down his throat. I can see how that would be confusing? Barbara wanted him to shave his **** and walk backwards but he didn't listen.

2007-07-20 12:37:12 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

What do you think about private millitaries such as blackwater, dyncorp, or triple canopy being in iraq? Should they, shouldn't they, good idea, bad idea???

2007-07-20 12:35:32 · 11 answers · asked by Mark 1 in Military

This is aimed at Cons who still support the war. Why are they not as eager to help the American people with their tax dollars? I mean if they are so charitable with their money for those desperate Iraqi civilians...than why not to the people that are desperately poor here in the U.S.? It makes me wonder if they are really "helping" Iraqis like they say or just adding that in to make the war look better and make them look like they are doing the Iraqis good when their homes are being destroyed, their children seeing the sights of war and having troops in Iraq is just drawing more terrorists into the area.

2007-07-20 12:33:12 · 16 answers · asked by Lindsey G 5 in Politics

2007-07-20 12:31:21 · 18 answers · asked by eldude 5 in Government

So a Ku Kluks Klan member approaches a gay black man at the H.E.B. Grocery store. The KKK member hates and despises gays, women, and minorities. He shows his displeasure with the black man by beating the crap out of him in the fresh fruit isle. Punched him in both eyes, the mouth knocking out teeth and the nose. Broke his face in and there was blood everywhere. And all over the black mans Abercrombie and Fich.


The black man was full blown HIV positive. The white KKK member found out yesterday that he was infected with the gay disease and he got it from the black man that he beat up in a hate crime. He is also in jail behind bars. Does the White man get what he deserves for hurting someone out of hate? Does he deserve the AIDS infection he got from beating someone up for being black and gay?

2007-07-20 12:30:19 · 16 answers · asked by ev1go 2 in Law & Ethics

Hi folks!

Can an employer legally reduce your previous wage of say $8.50/hr to minimum wage if you quit? There was no notice nor any discussion prior. Thank you very much!

2007-07-20 12:28:15 · 12 answers · asked by Shane B 1 in Law & Ethics

This is really weird question.. I've heard of co-workers hitting and flirting on some of their female co-workers and some female co-workers getting jelous and rude at other females who work with them?

So the question is, Does being beautiful pay off in a work place? I want to get into Policing, but Im scared of some things that may happen. such as what IF a co-worker flirts/hits on you, or stare non stop. A female begins to be rude to you. Because I really cant handle flirting, or stares esp in a WORK PLACE, Im really annoyed by it.
So in Policing is there an equal chance of a female - male relationship, or would the males treat you differently since you look good and a female?

(sorry if this question mayb seem rude, but I seen acts like this happen)

2007-07-20 12:26:05 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

Bill Clinton pardoned Marc Rich, a man wanted by the Justice Dept for selling illegal Iranian oil under a US embargo and later found out to be selling illegal Iraqi oil under a UN embargo and the largest private donor to the Clinton presidental library.

Denise Rich, the wife of Saddam's personal oil broker, donated millions to the democrat party.


How much do you think the Clinton's profited from the suffering of the Iraqi people while helping to support one of the worst dictators in modern history?

2007-07-20 12:25:48 · 13 answers · asked by ? 5 in Politics

During Bush's reelection campaign in 2004 he stated:

"I support the removal of Thimerosal from vaccines on the childhood national vaccine schedule. During a second term as President, I will continue to support increased funding to support a wide variety of research initiatives aimed at seeking definitive causes and/or triggers of autism. It is important to note that while there are many possible theories about causes or triggers of autism, no one material has been definitely included or excluded."

President Bush is to veto a bill that would ban mercury in flu vaccines for children despite its known links to autism and other neurological disorders. The White House stated on Tuesday that President
Bush would veto the FY 2008 HHS-Labor-Education Appropriations Bill because of the cost and "objectionable provisions" such as a measure to ban the use of childhood flu vaccines that contain thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative.

2007-07-20 12:25:30 · 14 answers · asked by This Is Not Honor 4 in Other - Politics & Government

Is it legal for the police to come in to my home and search for anyone? Aren't there any guidelines? The police keep coming to my house and looking for some one who no longer stays here- although I've told them this each time. I am not on probation or parole myself. And how come sometimes they ask if they can come in- and do not come in if I say "no"- and sometimes they DON'T ask and they just come in? The last time they kept me out on my own front porch for 30 minutes while they were alone in my home "searching" for this person. Was this legal? How do I find out my rights in this situation?

2007-07-20 12:24:10 · 11 answers · asked by i_need_answers_please! 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

I know for a Democrat, it is obama, but who is going to represent the Republican side?

2007-07-20 12:22:59 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

Since there are more scientists to prove man can’t change the climate, Gore is hiding. The nations and people of the world are smarter than Al Gore and his government funded science buddies

2007-07-20 12:21:39 · 17 answers · asked by mission_viejo_california 2 in Politics

Should conscription be reintroduced. Might even cut the crime figures as a bonus.

2007-07-20 12:20:07 · 17 answers · asked by Radiator 4 in Military

2007-07-20 12:18:56 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

After all, they have nothing to hide....right?

2007-07-20 12:17:41 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

That would be some pretty strong evidence. Except if all planets are warming, then why is Mercury rapidly cooling?


Last time I checked, Mercury was a planet in our solar system. And what about Venus, Saturn, and Uranus? And the fact that solar activity has been ruled out as a major factor in the acceleration of global warming over the past 40 years?


Can any reasonable person who reads all the scientific evidence possibly remain a global warming denier?


2007-07-20 12:11:04 · 23 answers · asked by Dana1981 7 in Politics

While Bush goes in to have a colonosopy? (can't imagine what all they'll find!)
It's not like Cheney hasn't been president already but I wouldn't put anything past that semi-human jerk.
Anyone's thoughts?

2007-07-20 12:08:01 · 11 answers · asked by Cindy P 4 in Politics

I was in the Army Security Agency, in the mid to late 1950's, and the early 1960's ! ( I have been told that the old A.S.A. no longer exists) I went to where it never existed, did what never happened, at a time that wasn't, and we supported ALL military activities, especially us on the ground !!!!! I am EXTREMLY PROUD TO HAVE TWO (2) HONORABLE DISCHARGES !!! Since I am well over the age of proficiency in hand to hand, have fought 8 tumors and had 1 heart attack, and 1 bout of massive blood hemorage, I, several years ago, acquired a Remington rifle, in .308 , equiped it with a good 4 X 16 scope, had it accurized to put 5 rounds into 5 inches @ 1000 yards, and keep "enough" rounds for my comfort!!! My question is : How many of us old vet's are ready to do what is necessary, to defend this / our country ??? I know 99.999 percent will, the question is , by count, how many??? 1, 2, 3 million?? Any one have an educated guess??
Uncle Wil

2007-07-20 12:05:02 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

2007-07-20 12:02:17 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

What would John Kerry have done if he was president on 9/11 2001. He would probably say we deserved it and did nothing. There are no democrats wanting to protect us now and don’t expect them to protect us from the next attack. If Bill Clinton would have taken one of the many chances he had to take out Bin Laden, we wouldn’t be in this war.

2007-07-20 11:58:05 · 28 answers · asked by mission_viejo_california 2 in Politics

Why do people run around scraping up other people's SUVs?

2007-07-20 11:57:30 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

If not, how do you make a CORRECT one that follows the law?

Isn't it like:
© Copyright 2007- Tyler Austin. All rights reserved.


2007-07-20 11:54:23 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

READ this excerpt from AP:

SUNAPEE, N.H. - Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama said Thursday the United States cannot use its military to solve humanitarian problems and that preventing a potential genocide in Iraq isn't a good enough reason to keep U.S. forces there.

"Well, look, if that's the criteria by which we are making decisions on the deployment of U.S. forces, then by that argument you would have 300,000 troops in the Congo right now — where millions have been slaughtered as a consequence of ethnic strife — which we haven't done," Obama said in an interview with The Associated Press.

"We would be deploying unilaterally and occupying the Sudan, which we haven't done. Those of us who care about Darfur don't think it would be a good idea," he said.

2007-07-20 11:53:49 · 24 answers · asked by Not so looney afterall 5 in Politics

when we landed in San Fran in 69 the hippies and protesters took it out on the troops like it was our fault.

2007-07-20 11:52:51 · 18 answers · asked by bkrboyz 4 in Military

2007-07-20 11:52:44 · 8 answers · asked by ADELA R 1 in Law & Ethics

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