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Politics & Government - 13 July 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Sen. David Vitter, R., Louisiana, who campaigned in November on a family values and sanctity of marriage platform, was recently unmasked as a patron of the DC madame's "escort" service. Vittner also said Clinton was "morally unfit to govern" while he was having a year long relationship with a New Orleans prostitute.

Isn't it time for Republican voters to vote on the issues and the politican records of their candidates?

2007-07-13 06:24:27 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-07-13 06:24:00 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Will the Bush Administration declare Marshal Law before or after the ’08 election?

2007-07-13 06:22:33 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Rumors on the internet are that Fred Thompson attended a gay nightclub with Mark Foley at the 2000 GOP convention. If this turned out to be true would you still vote for him or would you discriminate against him based on his sexual orientation?


2007-07-13 06:18:27 · 14 answers · asked by Jason 4 in Other - Politics & Government

2007-07-13 06:17:07 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Sorry, this is not a question but a statement. I want to say thank you for serving and doing what you do each day to protect the way me and mine live. Thank you for the freedoms we have. I wish you the best and will keep you all in my prayers.

The reason for this is that I answered a question where this "person" was being quite derogatory about soldiers & being sick of them being called heroes. He blamed them for things happening in his neighborhoods & in his life it seems. .

I guess he couldn't take the truth of my answer so he reported me for abuse. I didn't really say anything different than others but I guess I challenged his manhood by suggesting he might be afraid to take charge of his own life & just blamed others for his troubles.

Oh well, to each his own. But anyway, I added my thank you into that question. Since it was deleted I wanted to say it again. Thanks and bless you.

2007-07-13 06:15:04 · 16 answers · asked by lilith663 6 in Military

This is a gift for their 1-year celebration of victory over Israel.
Sarkozy recognized Hezballah as a political party.

2007-07-13 06:14:48 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

It wants the best for the poor. (cuba,china,soviet union did not do true communism)

2007-07-13 06:14:23 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

how many more lives will be lost?

2007-07-13 06:13:24 · 5 answers · asked by dan the man 2 in Military

I am a proud gun owner and i think that in todays society owning a firearm is a good saftey precaution. I dont plan on killing anyone but the mere sight of a gun can scare most criminals away. Most people know that the police can be a little slow in an emergency if you can even call them at all so why rely on others for your personal protection. you have a right to defend you, your property, and others from harm so why not use it?

2007-07-13 06:11:48 · 18 answers · asked by Zackman 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

a case decided by the Nebraska Supreme Court.
a provision in the Nebraska constitution.
a rule created by a Nebraska state administrative agency.
a statute enacted by the Nebraska legislature.
which one of the four?

2007-07-13 06:11:03 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Can Police Officer give another Police Officer (on duty or off duty) ticket for speeding or reckless driving ?

That got me wondering and told her I'd ask people on Yahoo if any police officers are reading this!

I couldn't answer truthfully because I know a friend that has a brother in law that is an officer and he always waives tickets for his family back then when he was an officer.

Other thing is a relative of mine waives tickets for me or my family if we parked without permit at the campus when we go visit her at work. That is totally different than police.


2007-07-13 06:10:15 · 20 answers · asked by Little J 4 in Law Enforcement & Police

Betty Williams, who won the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE in 1977, recently said at a speech:

"Right now, I would love to kill George Bush."


Why is no one calling for her prize to be stripped? In my opinion, anyone threatening to kill another should not have a Nobel PEACE prize, right?

Or is OK, because it's Bush? Well?

2007-07-13 06:10:09 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Seems to me, our current political climate is nothing close to what the founding fathers wanted. Can't we just sell/lease the Constitution to a developing country who needs one? We'll have to include an expiration date of 200 years.

2007-07-13 06:09:24 · 18 answers · asked by Thundercat 7 in Other - Politics & Government

1.Is the Initiative, Referendum, or Recall used in Florida????
2. What unit (or units) of government can enact regulations about each of the following:
a. Construction and use of sidewalks?
b. Layout and construction of county roads?
c. Safety on highways?
d. License the sale of intoxicating liquors?
e. License teachers in public schools?
f. Provide fire protection?
g. Protect property from theft or burglary?
h. Coin money and control the issuing of paper money?
3. How many state judicial districts are there, in Florida?What are the boundaries of Florida judicial district?
4.Who is judge of Florida judicial district? How was he selected? What is the length of his term?
5.Which of these courts are found in Jacksonville: Police court? Municipal court? County court? Justice-of-the-peace court?
6. Is there a juvenile court in Jacksonville? What kinds of cases does it handle?

if you could help that would be AWESOME!


2007-07-13 06:08:13 · 1 answers · asked by &heats;woohoo 2 in Government

July 09, 2007
Media Silence on Antiwar Violence (updated)
Patrick Poole
An Air Force airman was shot by antiwar protestor on July 4th, but the establishment media and liberal blogs yawn. Airman Jonathan Schrieken, 22, is fighting for his life after being shot in the heart by a gunman intending to make an antiwar statement, while standing outside his home near McGuire Air Force Base in New Jersey on July 4th. Airman Schrieken, a loadmaster with the 6th Airlift Squadron based at McGuire, remains in critical condition at a Camden, New Jersey hospital.

The antiwar gunman, Matthew J. Marren, killed himself after shooting Schrieken and left two suicide notes explaining that he was "mad at the government".

Meanwhile, the establishment media ignores the story. The initial Associated Press report on the incident never mentioned Marren's motive for shooting Schrieken. The first media outlet to discuss Marren's intent to make an antiwar statement on the 4th of July by killing a member of our military was Phillyburbs.com, and the story has only gained national attention after a post over the weekend at LittleGreenFootballs.com.

A member of Marren's family described to Phillyburbs.com his reasons behind the attack:

Marren's aunt, Terina Henderson of Trion, Ga., said she spoke to Marren's mother yesterday who told her Marren left two notes, one in his home and one in his car, indicating he was upset with the government.

She said she did not know the exact wording in the notes, but said Marren was "mad at the government and wanted to make a statement ... that's why he did what he did on the Fourth of July."
Over at LGF, a friend of the Schrieken family described the attack:

He had been on leave here in Ohio and got back to his home off base and was unpacking stuff from his car when this 22 year old guy walked up to him and asked him if he lived in the house. When Jon said yes, the guy said "not any more" and shot him point blank in the chest. He tried to shoot him again, but his gun jammed. Jonathan made it into the house. The guy then shot himself.
This makes it clear that Marren had nothing short of murder on his mind. Providentially, the gun jammed, allowing for Schrieken to escape into his house, where he lived with several other Airmen.

If Airman Schrieken had been an abortionist or homosexual, this story would be front page news for the New York Times and the lead story on CBS News with Katie Couric for at least the next month. But since Schrieken is serving in the military, even his hometown newspaper, the Columbus Dispatch, has ignored this story.

Predictably, a law enforcement spokesman says that Marren's suicide notes "were indicative of an individual suffering from mental-health problems", but that raises the question of how anyone could identify anyone suffering from mental-health problems amidst those devoted to bizarre conspiracy theories and the virulent anti-Americanism of the antiwar movement. If anything, Marren would have fit right in unnoticed.

It is also worth noting that Marren was merely following the logic of the anti-war movement's standard public rhetoric. Their language is laced with suggestive undertones justifying attacks against our military, calling our armed forces fighting the War on Terror "baby-killers", constantly invoking the specter of Abu Ghraib, and citing their grossly inflated statistics of civilians accidentally killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. Such reckless and unbalanced rhetoric (they're not quite as adept at keeping statistics on those murdered by terrorists) fuels the hatred that drives someone like Marren to violence against a member of our own military.

Antiwar supporters will no doubt disclaim any responsibility for Marren's attack, but in any other circumstance involving someone engaged in a politically incorrect crime, Leftists would not hesitate to point their fingers at the conservative movement. One might recall the attack on "right-wing talk radio" following Matthew Shepherd's murder and Hillary Clinton's indictment of the same after the Oklahoma City bombing. Add to that the attacks by the ACLU and others on the pro-life movement after the shootings of two abortion doctors in the 1990s.

But now that someone has acted on the antiwar movement's anti-military rhetoric, don't expect to hear any apologies from Cindy Sheehan, International A.N.S.W.E.R., Daily Kos, or Rep. John Murtha. And certainly don't expect the establishment media to give this heart-rending story the coverage it deserves.

I hope that Airman Schrieken will quickly and fully recover from his injuries. Realistically, his injuries may very well force him out of the military. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Schrieken family.


Readers wishing to send Airman Schieken a get-well card and thank him for his service to our country can reach him at:

Jonathan Schrieken
Room 720 by the door
Cooper University Hospital
1 Cooper Plaza
Camden NJ 08103

2007-07-13 06:04:07 · 14 answers · asked by JB 4 in Military

The Brookings Institute recently published a report dated 31 May 2007. I've looked at their data and analyzed it from a military mindset, as clear from politics as I can be in this debate. http://blog.360.yahoo.com/blog-DfkctJU7dK5B7LcNROoyVQ--;_ylt=AiNXZokI1G6zowgYXNnJS9nlAOJ3?cq=1
Will you look at it and give an honest opinion or will you forego the information and answer along party lines?
How many insurgents are estimated to be in Iraq?
How many of them are estimated to be foreigners?
What are the strength and losses of the Iraqi Police and Military?
How many unarmed civilians are killed in an average month by our enemy and how many by our soldiers?

Do you really know who our enemy is and what he wants?

2007-07-13 05:59:15 · 7 answers · asked by John T 6 in Politics

Iran, Nicaragua, Afganistan, Angola, Lebanon?

2007-07-13 05:51:17 · 19 answers · asked by Bonneville P 2 in Politics

Would you cover the following under a Universal Health Care System?
1. Sex change operation
2. Breast reduction / enlargement
3. Partial Birth Abortion (Where mother's life is NOT in jeopardy)
4. Alcohol Rehab centers?

I am not trying to be a "troll", or anything, but am curious what you feel should/should not be covered.

Thank You.

2007-07-13 05:49:50 · 17 answers · asked by Supercell 5 in Politics

I’ll excuse some people on the Left for their ignorance of the Constitution and the basic laws and rule of procedure. But I will not forgive the political demagogues and “journalists” who spout political attacks against the Bush Administration under the guise of principle. The Libby affair is just one example. They pretend to be shocked and offended that the President commuted Libby’s sentence. They claim that it is some kind of attack on the rule of law. They suggest that he could not possibly have respect for the decision of the jury if he sets aside part of their judgment. Additionally they act as if this were some invention of Bush that never has been used by a President before. I refuse to believe that these people are this ignorant. Therefore, their attacks cannot be anything but politically motivated. Few things irritate me more than feigned ignorance and sanctimony.

2007-07-13 05:45:23 · 10 answers · asked by flightleader 4 in Other - Politics & Government

I watch MSNBC frequently and I have seen Pat Buchanan on there many times. I think he is a very honest and smart man. I am a traditional conservative, but I have lost trust in the government, so I am more of a paleoconservative. I think Buchanan would have been a hell of a lot better President than Bush. I trust old style conservatives like Buchanan more than the neo-cons of today that are harming America. He reminds me of the type of man who would best bring moral and family values back to America.

2007-07-13 05:44:05 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

As talk of war dominates debate in Congress, Rajan Zed brought a message of peace Thursday in the first Hindu prayer given on the floor of the U.S. Senate.


"Lord Jesus, have mercy on us," one shouted before he was escorted out. "We shall have no other God before you."

2007-07-13 05:39:43 · 10 answers · asked by GO HILLARY 7 in Politics

On June 12 2007 the CDC once again has been robbed. 22 million dollars worth of computers and "scientific equipment" just got gone with all the security the CDC has. Naturally they suspect it's an inside job. The Andrew Speaker case has many twists as to how he so easily got through the Canadian border and we all know the borders are wide open, his father-in-law worked at the CDC with the TB and now there is a law-suit because he more than likely did spread TB. The FBI have never solved the Antrax scare that was directly linked with the CDC. Somebody or several people working in the CDC are obviously corrupt and the failed terrorist attacks in London all involved doctors. Do you see a connection?
Speaker spreads TB

CDC tightens security after 9/11
CDC antrax theory
Another CDC break in
CDC missing 22 million in equipment

2007-07-13 05:39:16 · 1 answers · asked by Enigma 6 in Government

2007-07-13 05:39:10 · 14 answers · asked by apple1212 2 in Elections

my boyfriend joined the reserves back in dec. and was supposed to get a sign up bonus and never got it. we just had a baby and I don't want him to leave. can he get outta it because he never got the bonus? If not is ther any other way for him to get out?

2007-07-13 05:38:21 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

What is your view and what do propose we should do about it?

2007-07-13 05:37:50 · 11 answers · asked by RC78541 2 in Immigration

I recently had a soldier order a CD from me. His address was an APO that said United States and had a zip code, but I had to fill out a customs form. Does mail to these types of addresses always go overseas? How does it work??

2007-07-13 05:34:14 · 7 answers · asked by boinga28 2 in Military

I have a long time friend I just recently found again, and he tells me he was discharged dishonorably from the marines. He told me that he was lax in his duties and late sometimes, and did not take authority well. Can you get discharged from the marines for this? Or is there something more that he is not telling me? He is such a bright individual and his life is pretty scummy right now, I'm led to believe that there is more that he is not telling me.

2007-07-13 05:34:08 · 16 answers · asked by marcelswifeee 3 in Military

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