99%of Americans Are Net Losers Under Bush Tax and Spending Policies.From 2001 to 2006, the typical middleincome American has received a tax cut totaling $1,855 per family member.But that family’s share of the added national debt burden is $8,936 per person.This means that the net impact of the Bush fiscal policies on the middle 20%is an added burden of $7,081per American—or $28,322 for a family of four. The benefits and burdens of the Bush fiscal policies will not be felt equally by all.Because the benefits of the Bush tax cuts have gone primarily to the wealthiest 1% of Americans, this small group still comes out ahead even after the added debt burden is factored in. But the other 99% of American families are net losers from the Bush administration’s fiscal policies- leaving the vast majority to pick up the tab for a redistribution of income towards the wealthiest few.Put another way, if you’re among the 99%of Americans who lose, then for every $1.00 in tax cuts the federal government
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