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Politics & Government - 15 April 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Out of the two listed above which program is more competitve when it comes to getting a pilot slot?

2007-04-15 11:00:01 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

2007-04-15 10:55:56 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-04-15 10:53:27 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Hijackers still alive.

FBI says no hard evidence linking Bin Laden to 911


Bin Laden not wanted for 911 attacks on FBI most wanted list.


2007-04-15 10:52:56 · 16 answers · asked by captpcb216 2 in Other - Politics & Government

Consider that if the above proposition fails, the Americans will have no body to elect to goverment to do what the electorate want. What does that say for democracy in America in 2007?

2007-04-15 10:52:27 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

I know the answer to this question. Just polling people to see who knows the difference and what they are? Is the USA a Republic or a Democracy?

2007-04-15 10:51:48 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

My trashy neighbors have this huge trailer right behind their house. It can get really windy here, and the other day a board from their trailer crashed into the awning of my house and made a large dent. They leave their junk out there, and whenever it's windy, their stuff just blows into everyone's yard. There is no reasoning with these people. What can I do about this?

2007-04-15 10:50:09 · 8 answers · asked by Joy 1 in Law & Ethics

The temperature of jet fuel fires do not exceed 1,800°F under optimal conditions

Underwriters Laboratories certified that the steel used would not lose strength in a 6 hour 2,000°F fire.

The melting point of steel is about 2,700°F.

2007-04-15 10:40:46 · 13 answers · asked by ladykofnyc 3 in Politics

2007-04-15 10:34:15 · 18 answers · asked by Laughing Man Copycat 5 in Politics

When I asked this question an hour ago three of you answered me with a question.
I was unable to address your questions because none of you allow email contact.
So tell me this.
Why do you ask questions but not allow answers?
Doesn't that seem just a little stupid to you?

2007-04-15 10:29:45 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics


ok so i live in ontario canada
and 420 is comming up in like 6 days
so i am wondering if it is LEGAL to smoke pot on this day
dont be sarcastic i need the truth

2007-04-15 10:28:32 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

Concerning email contact on here.
1.Dont want the hate mail......I am normally an a s s on here and have only recieved 1 hatemail!
2. Dont want to share personnal information.........when you email through here you do not get a personnal email address!
3. I dont want to debate with idiots...........Then you might as well not come to this site!

2007-04-15 10:28:27 · 4 answers · asked by NO SOUP 4 U! 1 in Politics

war footing and meant to be alert when so near a known agressor`s territrory?

2007-04-15 10:26:58 · 4 answers · asked by amos 3 in Military

Lying about WMD's......completely fabricating Niger Yellowcake story! Many in his cabinet told him not to use that so called evidence and he did in a speech to the public anyway!
Infringing on the constitution--which he took an oath to uphold by the way--with the enactment of the Patriot Act and the 2007 Defense Authorization Act.
Creating the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) making way for the North American Union.
That's why the borders STILL are not secured!
Allowing torture of men,women & children at Abu Ghraib--breaking all of the laws within the Geneva Convention in regard to torture!
Invading Iraq without UN approval ---all the time using the UN's sanctions violations by Saddam as their justification for the invasion! (So every other country should follow UN rules but US)

That's just what I can think of now!

What else will it take?

2007-04-15 10:26:44 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Some of the more right wing answer gurus here have posted that the 46 million Americans without health care may be in that situation by choice and are waiting for the government to bail them out. I think that is a self centered insulated point of view.

So have you had an honest American friend or family member who by no "choice" of their own suffer a serious illness or loss due to no healthcare?

2007-04-15 10:25:08 · 16 answers · asked by meanpressure0 3 in Politics

Please tell me why--without citing her 'experience' of being first lady. She was NOT president--she was an OCCUPANT in the white house. Her only contribution during the administration was a failed health care plan--ravaged with scandal. Bill barely mentions Hillary in his memoirs and Hillary herself does not boast of any white house accomplishments in her own book. Now she is claiming to have been a major player in her husband's presidency as if her 'role' slipped BOTH their minds while writing their respective books. So given that she doesn't have the 'experience' what are you basing your decision on? Gender? Do you really think Hillary will 'share' her presidency with Bill and you will have HIM back? This is a serious question--why???? I can't come up with ONE reason to vote for her. Enlighten me.

2007-04-15 10:24:13 · 16 answers · asked by Cherie 6 in Politics

What else defines you as conservative republican besides being against gay marriage, abortion and for the death penalty?
Is that a "religious value"?..... Because I am atheist and I am against gay marriage, against abortion and I am for the death penalty as well.
what about greed, bribery and militarization? is that a religious value? Can you point out to me where that is in your gospel?

2007-04-15 10:21:04 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

When in fact they would never win an election anywhere if it were not for the uneducated, welfare dependant, minorities.

Any dem that sees this will say the same about white trailer trash. However, it is a known fact that most "trailor trash" still have jobs.

2007-04-15 10:17:42 · 24 answers · asked by scottdman2003 5 in Politics

i live in an apartment complex, and i want to put a 'missing cat' sign on all my neighbors doors. i think someone might have "adopted" her cuz they think she's a stray. but my husband says its illegal to put signs on peoples' doors unless you hand it right to the person. who's right??

2007-04-15 10:11:49 · 5 answers · asked by marleygirl 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

I decided that we should only support the soldiers who are in War but questioning the judgements of Bush and the illegal War. Because I noticed that there have been few so called war veterans, soldiers who are gung ho about the war and how they say Bush is God or what not. So I decided that if they want to fight and go die for Bush then why should we feel sorry for them?

2007-04-15 10:06:21 · 22 answers · asked by What's the truth? 1 in Military

Why shouldn't we have hundreds of thousands of inviro-vegan
activists to pass out liflets & brochores on thousands of
intersections to incourage the people to become an inviro-
vegan & care about our endangered earth instead of hundreds
of thousands of demagogic chritian evangelists , Jehovas
witnesses & other nonsense ones who are guilty of causing
oceans of innocent animals blood by encouragement of their
evil & vampire God Jooses .

2007-04-15 10:05:01 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

Did you know, for instance, that never before in the history of the world has a steel building collapsed due to fire? Yet on 9-11, three of them did just that in seven hours – with WTC 7 not even being hit by an airliner.

Furthermore, it takes a temperature of 2,795 degrees to melt construction grade steel, yet the highest temperature jet fuel can reach is 1,517 degrees. Plus, all the jet fuel burned off within two minutes of the towers being struck, while two independent studies proved that the fires within each tower never rose above 500-600 degrees. In fact, FEMA revealed in their final report that, “The heat produced by burning jet fuel does not by itself appear to have been sufficient to initiate the structural collapse.”

Also, the WTC towers were designed to withstand the impact from a Boeing 707 (similar to a Boeing 767), and each floor was designed to hold 2,600,000 pounds beyond its own weight. Likewise, the steel used in these structures was rated to hold five-times its normal load. MIT professor Thomas Eager admitted as much when declaring, “The impact of the airplanes would have been insignificant” in toppling the towers.

Also, how do we explain the pools of molten steel which were found bubbling 70 feet beneath the towers five weeks after 9-11? Incidentally, a temperature of 5,182 degrees is needed to transform steel into a liquefied state. Do you think fires that FEMA admitted “would have burned at, or below, temperatures typical in office fires” could have produced such extremes? Even NYFD audiotapes of firefighters who reached the South tower’s impact point reveal that they “judged the blazes to be manageable” and were easily extinguishable in less than an hour.

Even more interesting is the South Tower. Even though it experienced a less forceful hit than the North Tower and had smaller fires, it fell in only half the time of its counterpart (56 minutes). It takes five-times that long to cook a turkey! Plus, the South Tower’s cap, which initially tipped 23 degrees past vertical, suddenly reversed direction, then dropped vertically, defying Newton’s First Law of Motion.

Most incriminating, though, is the resistance-free speed (a mere 10 seconds) at which the towers collapsed. To put this matter into perspective, if you were standing atop the WTC towers, and at the precise moment when they began to fall you dropped a football over the side, you and the football would have hit the ground at nearly the exact same moment. In other words, 200,000 tons of steel, 425,000 cubic yards of concrete, and all the walls, desks and floors provided no resistance whatsoever. Not only does such a collapse defy Galileo’s Law of Falling Bodies, it is physically impossible unless all resistance was removed via a controlled demolition.
Of course there’s more (seismographic data, the ridiculous pancake & truss-bolt theories, and the complete vaporization of nearly all the concrete into a fine microscopic dust),

2007-04-15 10:04:51 · 11 answers · asked by perrrfection 3 in Other - Politics & Government

Nickname for the leaders of China, Russia, Great Britain, and the U.S.2. Secret supporters of the enemy within a nation: the __ column 3. Name of the German air force: __ 4. German submarines: __ 4. Enforced military service ordered by the government: __ 5. German secret police : __ 6. Name given to Japanese sucide planes: __ 7. Nickname for the route over the Himalaya Mountains : the __ 8. Nickname for the Invasion of Normandy: __ 9. Term for a woman worker in a defense plant: __ the riveter 10 Term by which the Royal Air Force was oerhaps best known: __ 11. Restricting the amounts and kinds of products that American civilians could buy during the war years; __ 12. Policy which allowed the U. S. governmeny to loan or rent war implements to friendly nations: __ 13. General Erwin Rommel: the __ Fox 14. American volunteer pilots in China led by General Chennault: Flying __ 15. Groups of German submarines huntig together: __ packs

2007-04-15 10:04:25 · 10 answers · asked by mom21 1 in Military

(I haven't seen it). I already know the story of Xerxes and Thermopylae, so no Wiki answers, please. And no rants. Just an honest, balanced answer, if you can.

2007-04-15 10:00:43 · 9 answers · asked by Alice K 7 in Other - Politics & Government

PS I know where he is!

2007-04-15 10:00:40 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

If none of the above apply please add your own.

2007-04-15 10:00:17 · 20 answers · asked by Stealth 2 in Elections

You would think that one of our basic freedoms would be to be allowed to spend our education dollars where we want them spent, they are our dollars and our children?

So would you support vouchers nationally? Would you support our rights to educate our children with our money?

2007-04-15 09:58:18 · 7 answers · asked by rmagedon 6 in Government

fedest.com, questions and answers