Uuuh - Bzzzzzzt. Check it out and come back later to tell us;
..if you have the guts.
2007-04-15 10:21:55
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You are right about most trailer trash having jobs, but what you don't mention is that most of them have more than one job because they can't make ends meet otherwise.
Well, if you consider that more liberals live in BLUE states and more conservatives in RED states, then you are mistaken about whom undereducated people are voting.
Statistically speaking, the BLUE states have better education systems, higher standard of living, contribute more tax dollars to the federal budget, take less tax dollars from the federal budget, have a lower rate of divorce and teen pregnancy, lower crime rates and better health coverage.
Those are the facts, you can look it up on the internet if you don't believe me.
So GWB's policies, which aren't actually conservative, are hurting the overwhelming majority of the people who voted for him. No problem for me, I have more money in my pocket, a single job that pays well, an excellent education and top-notch health care.
Most of you will assume that this means I'm liberal and send hate emails, and therein lies your problem: you hate anyone who doesn't agree with your thinking 100% and assume they must be liberal. How foolish is that?
2007-04-15 11:27:17
answer #2
answered by BOOM 7
Many liberals, 70% are of protected class status, get free education so I would say that they are pretty well educated. Education though, as we all know, is not a measurement for being smart. (Not saying anybody is smart or dumb, just pointing this fact out)
Greyghost; you could be correct but did you know that President Bush is the only president that has ever had a masters degree?
Captancollector; thanks for backing up what I was saying with facts. More Dems get to go to college than Reps. I was sure I was correct about that!
Hemmingway; I must disagree with you, I think it should be “uneducated, welfare dependent minorities”; rather than “uneducated, Welfare-Dependent, minorities.” Of course I don't claim to be super intelligent person (or is that Super-Intelligent person) LOL
Jon M: you are so correct about education and it is such a shame. I've spent many years of my life going to school and have gotten, among lesser degrees a BSEE and an MBA, both of which I proud of but only because I got them while being a working class person. I enjoyed the class time but it was a waste of time. The educational system needs to be torn down and rebuilt with the idea of giving people a useful education.
Anthonyincs; once again I find myself knowing you to be polarized against my own beliefs but by God I sure do agree with your right and ability to express yourself. Usually a class act! You're the type of person that I would love to debate; intelligent, resourceful but probably open minded enough to concede a few points if shown the facts.
2007-04-15 10:24:37
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Since I know you're too lazy to actually go read what argyl posted here's a sampling of ye of no knowledge
Voted D R
No High School (3%) 64% 35%
H.S. Graduate (21%) 55% 44%
Some College (31%) 51% 47%
College Graduate (27%) 49% 49%
Postgraduate (18%) 58% 41%
2007-04-15 10:25:58
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
It's because most liberals, as with many conservatives are in fact, educated. Usually the better educated a person is, the more open minded they are to new ideas and points of view. Bush, a substandard student in college, is a Republican, and Gore, an above average student in college, is a Dem. Just an illustration.
2007-04-15 10:22:35
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Trailer Trash with low wage jobs because their Republican heroes backed Wal-Mart in free trade agreements and now their American job is done over seas.
Trailer Trash who have no health care thanks to Republicans and their "small government"
Trailer Trash who should be making a living wage but can't because every time it comes up for a vote Republicans vote it down because it would mean less money in their pockets.
If the Trailer Trash gave it a second thought they might not back their Republican heroes who want nothing more than to make more Trailer Trash slaves.
2007-04-15 10:32:55
answer #6
answered by meanpressure0 3
Apparently we ARE well-educated. Listen to the talk radio morons sometime. At least once a day they or their callers will go into a diatribe against us "liberal elitists" with our Volvos and our money and our gated communities and our expensive hobbies. It's just jealousy, since the average conservative lacks the creativity and the smarts to cut the mustard in a free society without lying, cheating, and stealing..
I used to think there was a certain nobility to the working poor, but whenever I try to deal with them as equals they crap all over my head with resentment. So, screw 'em! I guess I AM in fact better than they are!
2007-04-15 10:36:49
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
You are right. The American electorate has "dumbed" down. Just look at Bush and the hayseed cro-mags who voted for him!
P.S. The Red States are mostly welfare states. They get more from the federal govt. than they pay in in taxes.
Sorry to burst you bubble. Facts below.
2007-04-15 10:24:45
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
This the best you can do, Sparky?
Typical of the inflammatory slurs posted here; like a bag of potato chips ("most of this is air").
BA in English Lit. with secondary certification, and honors in 3 major subjects.
Yes, I'm educated. Are you?
2007-04-15 10:31:55
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Because the leaders of Academia are extremely left-leaning. I am just as educated as anyone my age, but am Conservative. What we call education today is a waste of time anyway, I haven't learned anything new in school in years, though that could be a product of my chosen topic of study, as there really isn't much innovation in the line of History.
2007-04-15 10:28:51
answer #10
answered by Jon M 4
Hey, Mr. Linguistics. "Welfare-Dependent" should have been hyphenated because both adjectives modify the noun, "uneducated".
We don't consider our "base" to be "uneducated, welfare-dependent minorities". Instead, we simply call them people.
Don't you just hate it when Liberals show how educated they are?
2007-04-15 10:27:13
answer #11
answered by Hemingway 4