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Politics & Government - 28 March 2007

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Will Bush celebrate by refraining from lying on that day?? You would think he could handle that for one day out of the year.

2007-03-28 17:18:31 · 8 answers · asked by truth seeker 7 in Politics

If you're unfamiliar see fairtax.org before answering.

2007-03-28 17:18:21 · 9 answers · asked by simply_annoyed 3 in Other - Politics & Government

A friend of mine who speaks hardly any english had an old phone bill unpaid for a breach of contract and it was around $750 and he never paid. The debt was sold to a local attorney who garnished his bank account and took $1775. He was mailed a $6 check along with the garnishment paper work(no letter of explanation, I assuming it was overage). This was a month and half ago. The original debt is still showing on his credit report. Today I contacted the lawyers office on his behalf and talk to an extremely rude lady(she was an attorney) and would not fax a paid in full letter saying he still owes another $357 and would not breakdown the charges and say that he had the breakdown already.
I got so upset! But then I reminded myself that this was not my battle and wondered why I was so worked up. She was really rude basically a BIAAAAATCH! How can I help him? With out getting involved where It is taking up to much of mine time. Can he sue in small claims court to get an explaination?

2007-03-28 17:17:50 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Don't give me retoric, i want real answers

2007-03-28 17:16:44 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

And when they get elected, they prove it.

2007-03-28 17:16:31 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

The qualities that make a great leader seem to me to be directly opposed to the qualities that make a successful politician.

The qualities that make a great relationship partner also seem directly opposed the the qualities that make one successful at dating.

Do you want a leader who is able to talk and talk and say nothing? makes promoses he knows he will never fulfil? puts his finger to the wind to make decisions? makes speaches that other people have written? has good soundbites? Cateres to the lowest common denominator?

Do you want a boyfriend who makes passes at every woman he meets? has a rolladex full of girls numbers? knows how to play you? Do you really want a girlfriend who likes hanging out in bars? flirts with every guy? dresses like a hooker? Spends hours in front of a mirror?

Is there a word for a process that works to exclude the desired charactor traits and rewards the undesired traits?

2007-03-28 17:14:43 · 1 answers · asked by tenbadthings 5 in Other - Politics & Government

Is it because they realized that with Iraq war, US is occuppied and weaken, that now is the best time for them to make a move, knowing that US will not bother with them?

2007-03-28 17:13:02 · 18 answers · asked by PROUD TO BE A LIBERAL TEEN! 4 in Politics

You two fight like a married couple, regurgitating the thoughtless diatribes of your favorite radio talkshow hosts, politicans, blogs, whatever. Get a clue and form your own opinions. I know crafing an argument beyond "dumb neocon/lib" requires a semi-intelligent thought, but you should really try it sometime- I highly recommend it.

Are you even aware of what your respective politicians are doing?

Domestically, George Bush creates even more bureaucracy with the Department of Homeland Security, No Child Left Behind, and Medicare. He currently pledges to renew the assault weapons ban if it passes Congress- real conservative guy.

Meanwhile the liberals fold like a house of cards to every whim of the warhawks. I do have to at least give them credit for sticking to their age-old agenda of victimizing everyone and providing a government solution to everything, lest a citizen have to think/act for him or herself.

You are all morons. Enjoy your RFID chips.

2007-03-28 17:11:23 · 15 answers · asked by einzelgaenger08 3 in Government

April 30 is . . . . National Honesty Day

My President GWB celebrates this day and I plan to send him a card!


2007-03-28 17:09:59 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-03-28 17:03:26 · 2 answers · asked by shoody 1 in Government

The Iraqis want us out of their country (at least some do), and we want our troops home.

Instead of stating "we will be out of Iraq in ____ months" why are we not stating, "...our presence will be available for you until these [very specific and finite] goals for your country have been met by your people"?

For instance: "...the Iraqi government, in partnership with the USA, declare that the following sovereign goals will be met by our [Iraqi] people prior to the departure of U.S troops..."

This would allow them the responsibility to act on their own behalf and meet goals that they establish for themselves.

Without a clearly defined picture of what a 'win' looks like, I highly doubt we can create it, and I can't imagine we will recognize it if we see it. What defines success? And can we reach the benchmarks that we don't know about in "time"?

Perhaps this is already being done and I don't know about it?

Educate me~

2007-03-28 17:02:22 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-03-28 17:02:19 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

I get the feeling that if ever elected, she would unveil some dark anti-american plan that would ruin our nation. She seems like the sort who has been working on a secret plan to steal our freedom, like she did with healthcare.

The other contenders seem more genuine.

2007-03-28 17:01:02 · 9 answers · asked by WJ 7 in Elections

If I were to sell an Xbox 360 / and some games...do I need to include copyrights? I've never sold on Ebay and I'm confused by what I do need vs what I don't.

2007-03-28 16:59:43 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics


2007-03-28 16:57:01 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

2007-03-28 16:54:31 · 33 answers · asked by Answer man 1 in Politics

Seems to be a lot of liberals...

2007-03-28 16:53:01 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

The dumbing down of America's education system at its best. I encourage my children to work with Legos and call it fuel for the brain. Better than having them sit at a video game or watching mindless television.

What will be next?

2007-03-28 16:52:21 · 20 answers · asked by anamericanangel 1 in Politics

Officials at Deerfield High School in Deerfield, Ill., have ordered their 14-year-old freshman class into a "gay" indoctrination seminar, after having them sign a confidentiality agreement promising not to tell their parents. "This is unbelievable," said Matt Barber, policy director for cultural issues for Concerned Women for America. "It's not enough that students at Deerfield High are being exposed to improper and offensive material relative to unhealthy and high-risk homosexual behavior, but they've essentially been told by teachers to lie to their parents about it."

2007-03-28 16:51:30 · 17 answers · asked by real american for america 1 in Law & Ethics

Help needed. Husband waiting on mexican gov. for a apt for a guest visa. Need a Doctor that will help me apply for a Hardship to expidite case. Have a 5 yr old son.

2007-03-28 16:50:30 · 2 answers · asked by Randy W 1 in Immigration

Imagine, you are struggling with the loss of a loved one and here come these folks constructing all sorts of fantasies saying that they were killed by their own government.

2007-03-28 16:49:53 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

What if the soldier has a DD214 from active duty, from prior service. Couldn't he use that for employment references?

2007-03-28 16:48:07 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Hey, I have a simple question that I have no answer to!...How long does one stay in jail for violating probation? He actually had a DUI, didn't finish his classes...and cops came to his house and arrested him. Thanks!

2007-03-28 16:48:01 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

The only ones I know are students and Profs and according to some people on answers I should be dead by now.

2007-03-28 16:46:09 · 21 answers · asked by gloria w 3 in Other - Politics & Government

Economist Paul Roberts wrote on January 21, 2003, "Will America become a Third World country in 20 years?" In the Christian Science Monitor, December 11, 2003, "But as the US economy shifted toward service jobs, factory jobs have steadily lost-in fact in just the past 39 months, some 2.8 million jobs vanished."

Where are they going? China. India. Mexico. Deep into the Third World. "You Americans have lived an artificially high standard of living for a long time," a man working one our jobs outsourced to India wrote me. "It's time you Americans drop to the poverty levels of the rest of the Third World."

American jobs are offshored, insourced and outsourced at such blinding speed that millions of American citizens stand in unemployment lines every morning while the rest of us go to work, that is, if we still have jobs.

America's middle class is being dismantled by jobs exported to cheap-labor Third World countries. CEOs and corporations that enjoy the luxuries of America's hard won freedom care not a tinker's dam whether you have a job or not-or a living wage. But the American man and woman on the street--the ones with two kids, a mortgage and bills coming out of their ears--stand powerless as their jobs vanish.

Worse, our Congress upped the H-1B visas by another 20,000 again this year. That quota rise spits in the face of thousands of American IT workers standing in unemployment lines. Our Congress gave out nearly one million H-1B visas in the past decade. Congress facilitates outsourcing, insourcing and offshoring! Why complain? You just re-elected most of them back into Congress. Cannon, Kennedy, McCain, Udall, Degette, Pelosi, Allard, Dillon, Kyle, Kolbe, Flake and the list continues.

Paul Hamilton write his story, "You have to work in the Silicone Valley for a while to really understand what it is like to be a white male in the IT business now days. I've worked for the Chinese, Iranians and Indians. I could tell you some horror stories ...HORROR stories! My career went to China, India and the WWW a long time ago though.

"Today, I am a plumber. I started a new career and things are that tough here in California. I was lucky enough to get on with Marina Plumbing which is a huge Corporation that does the plumbing on new construction...think BIG housing subdivisions.

"I look around on the job site and I am the only white male in a sea of Mexicans. Few of these Mexicans speak English. There are usually several boom boxes blaring Maruichi music all day long. The Mexicans OWN ALL THE TRADES! The concrete workers, the framers, the heavy equipment operators, the roofers and even the truck drivers delivering building materials--ALL are Mexicans.

"President Bush is 100 percent off the mark, or he is crazy... or?" "I was the leading channel rep in the Silicone Valley for high end CISCO switches. For a year and a half I have been in IBM's Presidents club before. I wonder what the Germans thought circa 37, 38, 39 when the SS was taking over and doing the dirty work for Hitler? Were the Germans just sitting around wondering what was going on? Were they just sitting there in disbelief? I hear our esteemed President talking about Mexican Amnesty and think about how they have already brought misery to an already dead-broke state and wonder what the hell?"

But there is another ominous skullduggery afoot across this country. It's the importation of illegal aliens by major US companies who thwart Federal Laws in order to 'lose' American workers and then, wholesale, break OSHA standards at will. How? Because illegal aliens will not make a whimper for fear of losing their jobs.

The displacement of American workers proceeds methodically. American corporations sacrifice American workers in the name of profit. Over 200,000 illegal aliens swarm the Colorado job market. They displace Denver pavers, roofers, landscapers, beef processing plants, framers, dry wallers and virtually have taken over all fast food restaurants.

This story repeats millions of times. A recent television news broadcast by one of the big three showed a man who had just made the 'Wall of Unemployment Shame' in his workplace, which included 1,000 fellow employees who had been laid off. Formerly making $22.00 an hour, he's now driving a delivery truck for $11.00 an hour. His wife and children struggle with their new financial reality.

Currently, 15 million illegal aliens commandeer jobs away from American citizens. If they don't steal those jobs, they depress the wages to the point of legalized slavery. We have an estimated one million illegal alien Chinese in this country (Source: March 2005 Forbes Magazine). At the same time, we outsource jobs to China where a billion people can't wait to make 50 cents an hour. Human smugglers bringing illegals into America make $7 billion annually according to the report.

Do they work the jobs Americans won't do? False! If American doctors were paid $5.00 an hour they wouldn't be working those hospital jobs either.

You have to ask yourself if you want illegal immigrant doctors working at minimum wage to perform a by-pass heart surgery on you? Would you like an illegal immigrant lawyer defending you in court for $5.00 an hour? How about a $5.00 an hour illegal immigrant college professor teaching your kids calculus? How about an illegal alien truck driver driving down the road at 70 MPH with 80,000 pounds of steel, no ability to read English and a fifth grade education-from Mexico's educational system?

Meanwhile, profits soar for corporations while the middle class of America plummets into worsening unemployment. Will America drop into Third World conditions as economist Paul Roberts predicts? At the current rate of 4.1 million legal and illegal newcomers imported into the United States annually, it's only a matter of time before, we too, manifest conditions of the Third World. You can't drown the labor market with millions of people and expect to keep your wages high when immigrants will undercut you.

That's why the pay in China or India is less than $10.00 per day. They have 2.4 billion people in those two countries. That's why they live subsistence lives. In time, that reality will manifest itself in America as the middle class vanishes. It's already happening. You need look no further than California as an example of the first Third World State of America.

Call your representative at 1-877-762-8762 and ask if he or she is on the Tom Tancredo Immigration Reform Caucus in the US House of Representatives? If your rep isn't--demand that he join because you are sick and tired of Americans jobs being given away to illegal aliens. You're sick of H-1B and L-1 visas as well as offshoring, insourcing and outsourcing. Make that call today!

2007-03-28 16:42:50 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

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