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Politics & Government - 24 March 2007

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They were interlocking pieces

2007-03-24 03:56:36 · 4 answers · asked by joseph laosk 1 in Military

Basically I'm a center left Independent, who shares some views with the GOP, but some more with the DNC.

But I find myself gagging at the thought of affilliating with one party or another, or seeing people in support their party 100% right or wrong. It's embarrassing to see such ignorant partisan nonsense.

I ask the GOP and the Dems here, those who strongly support their party anyway...aren't you embarrassed to defend your party when it does stupid things?

Wouldn't it be more respectful to say "yes, my party screwed up, you're right'? Or do you honestly believe your party is always right and millions of Americans just don't know any better generally needing the leadership of your party to lead the rest of us like children?

2007-03-24 03:56:16 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

why do united states citizens call themselves americans. what about other people from south america and canada and mexico....i realize that USA has America at the end. but what would happen if canada had a civil war and then got together as the united provinces of america. does that make them americans too?

2007-03-24 03:56:13 · 9 answers · asked by its not gay if... 2 in Politics

could you kill a person?

Would you smoke pot if it was illegal?

If you could would you have world peace or be a millionaire?

2007-03-24 03:52:38 · 19 answers · asked by shortysherry46 3 in Law & Ethics

Should i veto this resolution regarding the expansion of the role and contribution of women in the United Nations field-based operations, including at the decision-making level, and especially among military observers and civilian police?

2007-03-24 03:52:14 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Iran has been at war with the West for decades: Western-owned oil fields nationalized, the hostage crisis, Beirut, threatening nukes + missiles, a fatwa on Salman Rushdie, threatening Israel, training Iraqis & providing IEDs to them to kill my countrymen, repeatedly [for decades] screaming "death to America, death to Israel"... and more.

Today, they've snagged English marines that will no doubt be "negotiated" [translate appeased] away.

Iran is something of a super-sized penitentiary. They have power, power of the fist & boot, to the extent that we knuckle under to their bombastic foreign policy by rewarding them with alms. John Bolton, the last of Bush's admin worth his salt, has it right: regime change is a required step to diminish this Iranian threat.

Unfortunately, Bush has burned out his "democracy" message on a bunch of primitive hoodlums, where he should have merely put down the threat that was Sadam & co.

2007-03-24 03:52:08 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Why do you think that the international community failed to respond with enough force in order to prevent the genocide of 1994? If you've seen the movie, Hotel Rwanda, how did you feel after watching it. All your answers are very much appreciated. Thank you.

2007-03-24 03:51:35 · 7 answers · asked by blue.dragon 3 in Politics

RUSH: Here now the Reverend Sharpton in a press conference today responding to the three detectives who have been indicted in the Sean Bell shooting. Listen carefully.

SHARPTON: As we listen to the announcement of the district attorney, it falls short of what we would want. Clearly in our judgment all five officers should have been shot -- should have been charged. (gasps, laughter) Let me be clear. All five officers shot. All five officers shot. We do not endorse their being shot.

RUSH: Then why didn't you say charged the next three times instead of all five officers being shot? The reason two of them weren't charged is, I think, they were auxiliary cops and they were unarmed. I think the auxiliary cops didn't have any weapons. Anyway, that's the Reverend Sharpton with the faux pas, the slip of the tongue. "In our judgment, all five officers should have been shot." The Reverend Sharpton is still hanging out, when he's not following this story, outside campaign headquarters of Barack Obama.

(Playing of Al Sharpton/Obama spoof.)

RUSH: The Reverend Sharpton is still clearly upset.

2007-03-24 03:48:16 · 14 answers · asked by GREAT_AMERICAN 1 in Politics

2007-03-24 03:47:20 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

According to one study, there are over 80 million Americans between the ages of 26-46 (born from 1961-1981) that make up my generation, the so called Gen-X, or 13th gen.

Considering we still tune out (lowest voting rates) in politics, rarely vote, have only a 14% national leadership share (Gen X in the House, Senate, and Governors) where other generations were higher when they were at the same age..

Can America afford to have this generation ignore its responsibility to participate more, and can this generation afford ignoring its responsibility?

For the record, I vote. But I understand why so many people my age don't.

Not interested in hearing answers about Gen X being spoiled and whiners, because that argument also applies to older and younger generations as well, for different reasons.

2007-03-24 03:47:14 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

I'm a Democrat, but I really think that if we cave on the Iraq war funding and withdrawal issues we will also LOSE the election. Even if you don't like, believe or trust a lot of the Republican candidates, you might not vote for Democrats you see as incompetent, weak and stupid. The question is - which is worse, poor and evil leadership or no leadership at all? I think this was a set up from the start.
What is your opinion? Can you express it without being abusive and personally insulting?

2007-03-24 03:43:52 · 17 answers · asked by Zelda Hunter 7 in Politics

What type of vehicle do you think would be most and least likely to draw attention?

2007-03-24 03:43:12 · 11 answers · asked by Bob 4 in Law Enforcement & Police

2007-03-24 03:42:49 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

Embarassing, cranky old Republican dope, Sen. Inhofe from Oklahoma, got a good old fashioned *****-slapping in the Senate last week. The whiny dork kept asking Gore questions and trying to interrupt him 15 seconds into the answer. Sen. Barbara Boxer finally had to step in and make it clear who the boss is.


2007-03-24 03:42:02 · 5 answers · asked by celticexpress 4 in Other - Politics & Government

2007-03-24 03:41:39 · 2 answers · asked by chykedon 1 in Other - Politics & Government

Have you ever noticed that it seems ok for the BRITS to bad mouth the U.S. and/or our military, but when you get in THEIR FACE for it, they go running to MOMMY YAHOO and you get YOUR comment deleted? They (BRITS) can dish it out, but typically, they can't take it. Should I be surprised?

2007-03-24 03:40:53 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

2007-03-24 03:39:56 · 2 answers · asked by racegirl801 1 in Law & Ethics

Which basically states that within a year,Al will pratice what he preaches, and live excatley the way he tells everyone else to

2007-03-24 03:38:12 · 10 answers · asked by BAARAAACK 5 in Politics

desribe the two types of anticompetitive behavior to be illegal

2007-03-24 03:37:14 · 2 answers · asked by racegirl801 1 in Law & Ethics

Only criminals in my mind. From the popularity of American idol, I would guess the desire to be famous and have the media put your life on the big screen is in the majority. The IRS, phone companies, ISPs and insurance companies have everything anyway. What else is there?

2007-03-24 03:33:58 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Rep. Patrick Murphy, an American hero who actually served in Iraq for years, has stated that we have no clear mission in Iraq and that we are caught up in someone else's civil war. Why do lobotimized conservative drones, who continuously fetishize the value of opinions of "boots on the ground" utterly disregard them when they differ with the deserter in chief?


2007-03-24 03:31:19 · 6 answers · asked by celticexpress 4 in Military

Have you ever noticed when he hugs her it's very cold and robot like. Even the Clintons and the Bushes have better chemistry.

I just find it odd that when Mrs. Edwards announced that she had cancer again, John was intent on campaigning and taking a sick woman with him. I have family that went through chemo and fought cancer. You are NOT able to continue doing what you normally did despite what Mrs. Edwards says. I feel sorry for the woman.

How do you feel about them?

2007-03-24 03:30:27 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

New Orleans Residents Arming Themselves
NEW ORLEANS (March 24) - Sixty-four-year-old Vivian Westerman rode out Hurricane Katrina in her 19th-century house. So terrible was the experience that she wanted two things before the 2006 season arrived: a backup power source and a gun.

"I got a 6,000-watt generator and the cutest little Smith & Wesson, snub-nose .38 you ever saw," she boasted. "I've never been more confident."

People across New Orleans are arming themselves - not only against the possibility of another storm bringing anarchy, but against the violence that has engulfed the metropolitan area in the 19 months since Katrina , making New Orleans the nation's murder capital.

National Guardsmen and state police are patrolling the streets of New Orleans. In neighboring Jefferson Parish, which posted a record 66 homicides in 2006, the sheriff sent armored vehicles to protect high-crime neighborhoods.

In New Orleans, police have accused the district attorney of failing to prosecute many suspects. Prosecutors have accused the police of not bringing them solid cases.

2007-03-24 03:29:08 · 13 answers · asked by marnefirstinfantry 5 in Law & Ethics

2007-03-24 03:29:07 · 3 answers · asked by paguys2 1 in Law & Ethics

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