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Politics & Government - 20 March 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

From the Age of 8 to 11 yrs my Son was put in a situation where if I knew about it He would have been protected, My son was told never to tell his Mom or you will never see me again, (Marijuana grow op in his Home)..this effected my son for years, in school, with his friends and between us, I never knew why He was so angry, kept so much inside of him, until one day He spilt the beens and I had him taken away, He still has night mares, he still seeks councelling...now He is 18 and wants to sue His father for introducing Marijuana to him at the age of 8, the loss of his school years and the anger that came between him and I, He is a smart Kid and knows that any Father with any morals would not have put him through Hell, could this Law Suit take place in Canada?(His father and I are devorced and He had his Son on weakends at his House).

2007-03-20 08:15:13 · 6 answers · asked by somewhere over the Rainbow 1 in Law & Ethics

Now that the St. Pat's Day anti-war protests are over , I have a novel idea: how about an anti-terror protest? Let's go all the way back to 1979 and start counting the deaths and intimidation of Americans at the hands of Islamic Jihadists. Instead of laying the more than 3,000 deaths of American soldiers at the hands of your own government, how about blaming the people who killed them: Islamic Jihadists. My tally puts us at about 7,000 Americans sacrificed to the cauldron of Islamic extremism. And all we get are a bunch of people amassing in D.C. to blame America first. Must be the same people worshipping Hugo Chavez and his newspaper closing administration, while at the same time condemning President Bush for enacting anti-terror spy programs. Only in America!

2007-03-20 08:14:21 · 10 answers · asked by Whootziedude 4 in Politics

2007-03-20 08:11:11 · 5 answers · asked by LINDALUE 1 in Law & Ethics

..rather your taxes went to the benefits system ..(ie. uneployed or single mothers) or to fund illegal wars ....

or maybe even the olympics...

Either way... whats the point of blaming each other... if there were no benefits we would still pay taxes...

We have new nuclear weapons systems to fund!!

2007-03-20 08:11:00 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

I mean, hell I LOVE the guy but in the face of all this opposition about him staging 9/11 and using false pretenses and multiple lies to sell us an illegal war of conquest.......sheesh, it's hard to keep going.

2007-03-20 08:09:58 · 13 answers · asked by Joe Dumbamerikan 1 in Politics

2007-03-20 08:09:29 · 4 answers · asked by LINDALUE 1 in Law & Ethics

in school we are doing debates and i was just wondering about peoples thoughts on if the U.S should continue to use death penalty?? so...do you think the U.S should continue to use death penalty?? why or why not?? plz help lol thx much

2007-03-20 08:09:21 · 11 answers · asked by rootbeerrox2121 2 in Law & Ethics

to what battalion , regiment , brigade , division ...this company is ?

2007-03-20 08:09:20 · 7 answers · asked by thomas sts 1 in Military

What do you think about the new law allowing schools to ban muslim veils. Do you think this is a sensible law or will it only make things more difficult and encourage some girls not to attend school?

2007-03-20 08:08:16 · 42 answers · asked by sabrina 5 in Law & Ethics

The job requires you to be Commander in Chief.

2007-03-20 08:07:59 · 15 answers · asked by Johnathan 2 in Elections

Tax my car, tax my income, tax my bank account(that holds money from my income that has already been taxed), tax my purchases, tax my interest gained, what is the deal?

2007-03-20 08:07:50 · 9 answers · asked by Fiesty Redhead 2 in Law & Ethics

When I look down this long list,I think having the courage to protect us from the Arabs is the biggset.

2007-03-20 08:07:47 · 16 answers · asked by green 2 in Politics

Around 4 years back, I was arrested in US on a shoplifting case (petty larceny) and it was a misdemeanour. However the charges were dropped after I did community service. I plan to visit UK this year. Will the UK Immigration people come to know of it?
Shall they grant me a visa? Is there a risk of my visa getting denied from the UK people?

2007-03-20 08:06:55 · 4 answers · asked by Peter Pan 1 in Embassies & Consulates

We live in TX, my husband has a daughter from a previous relationship that we pay child support for & she lives in Ohio. Admittedly, communication is few & far between (both parties guilty). Now we're trying to get into contact with her, but so far have had no luck. We're using mutual friends, but it seems the Ex isn't willing to give us contact info.
I know there are Father's Rights, but am not sure how it works when you live in a different state than the child. Can someone enlighten us, please?
Thanks! :)

2007-03-20 08:05:02 · 6 answers · asked by Alize 1 in Law & Ethics

Is this the best people have to ***** about?
- his lack of experience... see Lincoln and Wilson
- he smokes ciggarettes... Bush had a DUI
- he's not black enough?... is that something to even complain about?
- his track record... ask Libby, B. Clinton, etc.. what a track record they have?
- his religion... J.F.K. was roman catholic, so what?
- he's too smooth and articulate and cautious... so what?
- he had parking ticket... just like you and I in the past
- because its not his time.... NOW IS THE TIME!

So if anyone has anything to argue than whats been said already, then please let me know?
Seek something other than FOXNEWS vs. OBAMA to rebutle this answer.

2007-03-20 08:03:47 · 14 answers · asked by 2008 matters 3 in Elections

But while half of the country is trying to wake it, the other half is trying to lull it back to sleep. Remember wht happened in WW II, when the giant woke, tyrany in the world was defeated.

2007-03-20 08:02:52 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Regarding Iraq - republicans believe that a campaign to discredit the administration is occurring.

We can't trust the Iraqi citizens who say there is no law and call their "democratic leadership" gangsters and crooks. Just about every Iraqi blog talks about raping, looting and false imprisonment and thats it.

We can't trust the US soldiers who say the primary mission has been to protect corporate convoys moving oil supplies in, out and around the country.

We can't trust the UN who claims we have breached various pieces of the Geneva convention.

We can't trust the journalists who report back that there is nothing but chaos and caused by a sabotaged infrastructure in that country.

We can't trust the Generals who step forward and claim this war was mismanaged and with no clear morale objective has damaged the willl and psyche of their soldiers.

We can't trust our international allies (for the last 200 years) that refused to participate.

So who's perspective is most trustworthy?

2007-03-20 08:02:31 · 4 answers · asked by Nicholas J 7 in Politics

for domestic violence?

2007-03-20 08:02:05 · 1 answers · asked by ♦ Phoenix Rising♦ 6 in Law & Ethics

I you run each day for maybe 15 minutes, then do moderately heavy weights and a ot of push-ups, pull ups, will you be ready within 1 1/2 months? I know they all say they build you up once you get there but being prepared would surely make it easier, we all know how hard it is to do things when your muscles are tired from the prior days workouts.

I weigh about 165-170 and am 5'11

2007-03-20 08:01:39 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

2007-03-20 08:01:38 · 14 answers · asked by Joe Dumbamerikan 1 in Politics

Do you think they should all get education and jobs and stop whining?

2007-03-20 08:01:03 · 21 answers · asked by Antis Suck 3 in Immigration

I do not support gay marriage, but I support gay civil unions and gay couples right to adopt children. If there is a shortage of good parents, then should it matter if a couple is Gay?

I am against abortion on demand but I have to ask this in protest of much answer I read from other pro-lifers in a recent abortion question. This is why I am a pariah to both sides.

2007-03-20 07:59:19 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

For instance... They have said so often that Iraq posed a threat to the USA so often that they now actually believe this was the case. I can understand If they said threat to Israel, but the US, never was, never will be.....

I could give you at least another 20 examples of the rubbish these people spout and believe.. Like we have the strongest economy for 30 years.. even though everyone with Fiscal knowledge and House starts tell a recession is just around the corner.

When are you Paranoid Lemmings going to stop lying to yourselves....? That's worst than lying to me.

2007-03-20 07:58:42 · 19 answers · asked by Blessed 1 in Politics

I got hit by a pickup about 14 years ago (I was about 7 y/o then) and took the guy who hit me to court to sue him over it. And now I found out that I really got more money (about 9-10 times as much) then I orginally thought I had. And I'd like to find the paper to find out exactly how much money I really got out of the settlement, and who paid what bills and stuff like that. My question is, could I go to my local courthouse to find that stuff or would I have to go to the county courthouse to find it and get copies? I don't wanna do anything online. Rather do it in person so I know what papers I need and what I don't need, and to see if theres any papers I didn't think of that I might need. Any help would be great.

2007-03-20 07:57:33 · 9 answers · asked by ffasheepdog 3 in Law & Ethics

2007-03-20 07:56:59 · 12 answers · asked by Joe Dumbamerikan 1 in Politics

Alot of people dont like that video, but I think its hillarious. Has anyone seen it? What are your views?

2007-03-20 07:56:46 · 3 answers · asked by 2008 matters 3 in Elections

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