If WB GOVT is Really Interested for Industrialization and Benefit of Bengal, It Can Use
1. BARREN LAND of 1000 * n Sq.Km in Jhargram, Bankura, Bishnupur, Purulia, Kharagpur area AT FREE OF COST (good road).
2. Also Land of Closed Industries (Almost 100%) in Bengal
Instead of above, it is using THE MOST FERTILE LAND in SINGUR, the most remote village NANDIGRAM, etc even AT VERY HIGH PRICE.
Population is Increasing and Govt is Forcing to Decrease Cultivable Land. Is It Intended to Create an Artificial Food Scarcity?
More over ALMOST 100% industries in Bengal are closed and the Govt knows the fate of these new upcoming industries…….CLOSED BEFORE START?
Since these fertile lands will no longer be available for food grain production, there will be starvation. Moreover, industries will be closed before they start production AND PEOPLE WILL REGAIN UNEMPLOYMENT. CONCLUTION- WB will be permanent state of STARVING POOR COMMUNIST. –EXCELLENT LONGTERM STRATEGY OF CPM.
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