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Politics & Government - 15 March 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

A lot of answers I read talk about how it takes 2 to make a child and that entitles the woman to child support. If that is the case, why is it that its the womans choice alone to unmake the child?

2007-03-15 08:57:03 · 14 answers · asked by danzahn 5 in Law & Ethics

2007-03-15 08:56:56 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Since WW II.. when America could no longer be an isolationist nation... we have always had that "evil" nation or ideology that was out to destroy us.. at least in our own minds... is America as a nation just paranoid? I mean seriously... the Cold War and Communism... now Radical Islam and the Middle East... and they are already trying to prep China as our next big enemy in 30-40 years... Paranoia... is it everywhere.. or am I just paranoid... :P

2007-03-15 08:56:40 · 7 answers · asked by pip 7 in Politics

Global warming is still very much debatable, despite what Al Gore says. In fact, the earth has only been warming since the 1970s. Before that, the earth had been cooling since the 1940s. Time Magazine even had an issue (I heard it was an issue in June 1974) with a cover story going into how we were headed for an ice age because of global cooling! How about the "Little Ice Age" that lasted for several hundred years, up to about 1850? Obviously humans have way more to learn about the earth, like how it warms and cools naturally. So why should they be passing laws based on faulty "science"?

2007-03-15 08:55:15 · 19 answers · asked by Galaxie Girl 6 in Politics

Also any ideas for homecoming would be great as well. Thanks to all!!

2007-03-15 08:55:05 · 12 answers · asked by crystal g 1 in Military

- Resistant to lasers weaponry.
- Immune to radar detection.
- Has a range of 11000km (6900miles)
- 22.7 m long
- 1.72 m wide
- Has other complex facilities that renders the USA anti-missile defense obsolete.

TSAR BOMBA - that one is the most insane and I'll not waste time explaining its mysteries.
- By the way they were all made by the Russians.

2007-03-15 08:51:28 · 5 answers · asked by worldcomingtoanend 2 in Military

Or is it simply a matter of Fox News-lovin' hard-right necons & Daily Kos-lovin' moonbat liberals are the most involved in the political process and vocal in stating their analyses?

Has it always been this crazy or did it originate at some point in time? (Say, like, when the Vietnam protesting counterculture got a foothold in the Democratic party.)

Is the red-state/blue-state phenomenon a temporary structure or is this the way things will be ad infinitum?

2007-03-15 08:51:22 · 19 answers · asked by S1 2 in Elections

Houses in urban and suburban areas all over the country have increased from 50% to 200%, in some cases adding $250,000 worth of value on a 100,000 dollar house.

So how much has your house increased in value, and what city do you live in/near?

2007-03-15 08:50:04 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

2007-03-15 08:49:26 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

I was recruited out of a high school. Worked for me.

Government School, Government Military

Makes sense to me. What do you think?

2007-03-15 08:49:24 · 32 answers · asked by hoodyhudak 1 in Military

I think the liberals' idea of voluntary abortion is a great idea, especially if it means less liberals in the future to vote.

Don't you agree?

2007-03-15 08:49:06 · 23 answers · asked by junglekat75 2 in Politics

2007-03-15 08:48:30 · 16 answers · asked by sixsgm 4 in Politics

I am a 20 year old southern girl who is patriotic beyond anything else. I have a HUGE family. I have 13 siblings. I have 16 aunts and 17 uncles. I have my grandparents, my great grandparents, cousins, 8 nieces, 5 nephews, and my dad, my step mom, my adopted mom, (my biological mom died at 36 years old last Jan of a drug overdose), and my entire adopted family and step family and biological family. I've just recently found my biological family and am currently living with them. For the past 2 years I have been thinking really seriously about joining the ARMY and going into Intel since I have a fasicnation with computers and the like but I am a female and I have heard conflicting views from everyone in my family on women joining the ARMY and also if I do join I really want to be able to meet my daddy before he dies and he doesn't get out of prison for 4 more years. He can't seem to get me on his visitation list for some odd reason and I don't want him to die before I meet him like my mom

2007-03-15 08:48:04 · 14 answers · asked by ? 2 in Military

My daughter just turned 21 but a couple of months before her birthday, she got an MIP (minor in possession) ticket while visiting friends at an out of town college. We are in California and so is the college but the court would only allow her to to take an alcohol/substance abuse class in their jurisdition which because of work, she couldn't do. (Santa Barbara Court suspends your license unless you take their class). So, she received a mandatory 1 year suspension of her license. The ticket did not involve driving whatsoever. The judge gave her a provisional, to drive to and from work. Question is, will she have points on her DMV record? She was not required to get an SR22 so insurance won't know about the suspention until she comes up for renewal several months from now? Will this affect her insurance rates?

2007-03-15 08:47:32 · 4 answers · asked by MommaWorries2Much 2 in Law & Ethics


Marys father has 5 daughters
whats the name of the last daughter

2007-03-15 08:47:05 · 14 answers · asked by yvvash 1 in Military

never heard of this before for a DUI but I am under 21, however I feel as though drugs are irrelevant..Has anyone ever heard of this

2007-03-15 08:47:04 · 9 answers · asked by marissa w 2 in Law & Ethics

ok Part one,

Why cant abortion protesters find a better way to protest than having graphic images of an aborted fetus(not baby) and/or their parts on a giant poster board ???

I understand that the truth is harsh and hard but you dont see war protesters using graphic images of dead or dismembered soldiers to get their point across do you ???

Part 2

Due to the above I have had to explaine to my children what those posters are of and why people would use them,

Keep in mind that my kids are at an age where they barely have a concept of what the diffrences in boys and girls are why should I now be forced to explain this issue to minds that are absolutly NOT ready to undestand anything about this issue when its obvious that I made the right choice 2 consecutive times

as wrong as abortion is, its a morel and ethical wrong.
and as far as I know when a so-called democratic government starts dictating your morals and ethics, democracy ends and dictatorship begins

2007-03-15 08:46:37 · 12 answers · asked by blackplatnium007 2 in Law & Ethics


2007-03-15 08:44:51 · 9 answers · asked by NoMoreMexicanBandido 1 in Immigration

What do I need to know about royalties and copyright infringement?

2007-03-15 08:44:41 · 3 answers · asked by Sarah J 1 in Law & Ethics

2007-03-15 08:44:11 · 15 answers · asked by ill knock the shit out of ya s 1 in Politics

Very superstitious. . . . . . .writing's on the wall
Very superstitious. . . . .. . ladder's bout to fall
Thirteen month old baby. . . .broke the lookin glass
Seven years of bad luck. . . . the good things in your past

When you be-lieve in things. . .that you don't understand
Then you suf-fer
Superstition ain't the way

Very superstitious. . . . wash your face and hands
Rid me of the problem. . . do all that you can
keep me in a day-dream. . . keep me goin strong
You don't want to save me. . . sad is my song

When you be-lieve in things, you don't understand
then you suf-fer
Superstition ain't the way. . .yeh, yeh, yeh

Honestly, what do you think troubles folks when they believe wild conspiracy theories ?

2007-03-15 08:43:57 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-03-15 08:43:30 · 3 answers · asked by victory 2 in Government

I can come up with 5 major issues that I can't stand about him...what can you come up with????

2007-03-15 08:41:45 · 4 answers · asked by YRofTexas 6 in Politics

On this question about Sheik Mohhamad....Their actually seems to be people that support the guy that cut Daniel Pearls head off and put it up on a video!!! Even you far left liberals should show a little outrage!!! Well, after reading what a lot of you America hating,so called Americans say I am not a least bit surprised

2007-03-15 08:41:08 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I don't think anytime soon. It will be so funny when a Democrat gets elected President and we stay the course. We will be there at least 10-20 years.

2007-03-15 08:40:56 · 19 answers · asked by Samantha 6 in Military

It's difficult to get the mix that appeal to libertarians, there are only so many Ron Pauls to go around.

The Republicans pay lip service to libertarian ideals on the economic front and respect the second amendment, but trample libertarian ideals with their social conservatism.

The Dems pay lip service to civil liberties, but are not respecters of free markets and economic freedom, rather trying to import a European style socialism to foist on US citizens.

Is there any viable R or D candidate out there who you, libertarian-minded voters, consider anywhere near your ideals? Bill Richardson with his socially liberal ideals & some semblance of financial restraint? Rudy Guiliani?

From a libertarian persective, what are the candidates' strengths and shortcomings? Are there any that would NOT expand government and increase spending? Are there any that WOULD respect personal liberty and free markets? What's the score? Discuss.

2007-03-15 08:40:00 · 9 answers · asked by S1 2 in Elections

If you did, how can you complain in the same breath about Hitler, Kim Jung Ill, Saddam?

2007-03-15 08:39:47 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics


2007-03-15 08:39:19 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

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