I completely agree. Should we be doing things that will help the environment, yes, but not at the expense of jobs, and higher cost. And anything we do should be because it is better for America not because we have incomplete science.
2007-03-15 09:01:40
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
No, Government shouldn't be legislating on the belief that Global Warming is being sped up by human activity. For one thing they need to look at all the evidence the scientists are gathering and they will understand that it's a natural cycle and we aren't going to cause the cycle to spin out of control and cause the Earth to warm up to the point that we all perish and die from natural disasters and what not.
What they need to keep doing (as they have been doing) is legislate changes based on pollution control, because it's "The Right Thing to Do." people are getting sick everyday because of poor air quality and water quality. And we all need to work hard to clean up the air we breath and the water we drink. (Although, there will still be days, where the air quality will be bad because of the cloud cover not allowing the emissions from escaping from the surface.)
They can't just legislate that we all need to buy a new electric car or hybrid or one that burns ethonol, since most of us can't afford that. And to think a change like that can happen over night - just because we are getting squeezed at the gas pump isn't even realistic.
Another comment I read on YA a while back from someone was that this person felt we should all ride bikes. (Fine wonderful) but again not 100% doable or realistic. I'm sure everyone would love to live close enough to work or close to a bike path that leads to their jobs so they can do that. (Good for the environment and all our health) but it's not something that will happen, because most people don't live close enough to work to make that a viable option.
(I live close to work {6 miles} but I don't have a viable bike route to even attempt riding a bike to work during the Spring, Summer and Fall months. {I live in Minnesota so biking all year round is out of the question.})
So people need to wake up and think more reasonably about this whole thing and realize change can't happen over night and that you can't dictate that people have to do something, because it's human nature to rebel when being dictated to.
2007-03-16 09:28:15
answer #2
answered by Mikira 5
No this is not a government issue.. it is a consumer issue.
People can complain all they want about big SUV's or airplanes or whatever the complaint of the day may be. The reaility is our economy is driven by consumer demand. As long as we as Americans continue to support companies with questionable enviornmental practices, these companies will keep on polluting all day long.
So instead of blaming the government, take a look in the mirror and see how your own decisions really fit with what you believe. Some people are extremely enviormentally aware, and I think that is a good thing. If those green people want to really make a difference they should spend some time and effort educating others rather than these silly complaints about the government.
2007-03-15 16:00:33
answer #3
answered by Snap 4
Yes. The Minnesota State Legislature is taking up a bill to slaughter all cows within its judicial borders. As you can imagine, the farmers around here are a little concerned. Last I heard a rider has been attached to the bill to place power generating wind machines on the properties, with favorable lease agreements, of those farmers who will be surrendering their cows for the good of us all.
2007-03-15 16:03:34
answer #4
answered by Gus K 3
No. Global warming is a joke. NASA data has proved that the "Little Ice Age" was caused by less light reaching the earth ("solar variability", which means changes in the sun).
NASA's data about the little ice age. http://tinyurl.com/227h3p or ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/climate_forcing/solar_variability/bard_irradiance.txt (This data can be copied and pasted it into Excel to chart it.)
1) 6,000 years ago, the earth was hotter than it is today. 6,000 years is less than a second when compared with the age of the earth.
2) Temperatures dropped in the 1950's and 1990's when CO2 levels were increasing.
3) 140,000 years ago the earth had record CO2 levels and there were no gasoline powered cars.
4) 20,000 years ago, Canada was one big ice cube and half of the U.S. was covered with Ice. The grand canyon was formed by melting ice ages over 20 million years.
5) The temperature of the Earth has only increased by 0.65 of a degree in the last 110 years. There were faster increases in temperatures around 10,000 years ago and there were no gasoline powered cars during that time
7) NASA has said that great temperature changes are normal. Just 10,000 years ago, the earth warmed up extremely in less than 20 years. There were not many people around at that time.
"Rapid changes between ice ages and warm periods (called interglacials) are recorded in the Greenland ice sheet. Occurring over ONE OR TWO DECADES, the warming of the Earth at the end of the last ice age "
8) NASA scientific data has shown most of the changes of temperature are due to changes in the Sun. Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto all have global warming right now
9) Also, strong hurricanes are normal. Hundreds of years ago, they used to sink ships off of the coast of Florida.
10) THIS GLACIER DIDN'T EXIST 7,000 YEARS ago. And that was after the Ice Age.
"A few thousand years ago, there were no glaciers here at all"..."Back then we would have been standing in the middle of a forest"
Russian Expert Predicts Global Cooling from 2012
2007-03-15 15:57:29
answer #5
answered by a bush family member 7
The government legislates on a lot of things based on belief. If we can spend trillions on a war based on nothing but belief and hunches, I think we can prepare for a very likely reality of climate change.
If there is no evidence of global warming, then why are all the polar ice caps melting like they never have before? That's an indisputable fact you can see right now.
2007-03-15 16:01:15
answer #6
answered by Underground Man 6
I hardly call it 'faulty science', but here goes...pollution has been regulated for years, air quality, water quality, etc...CFCs have been banned for years on account of the hole in the ozone layer. there is precedence, in fact ALL of these clean measures got passed DESPITE political opposition from the right. And none of them has harmed us, and all of them have benefitted us. We are the only developed country that doesn't care about the amount of NON RENEWABLE resources we use up, and as a result, use up more than the rest of the world. i don't care about how anyone feels about the guy who narrated the movie that got people talking about this issue...I care about the future of our planet and it's ever dwindling resources. yes, the government should regulate this, as businesses never will, on their own.
2007-03-15 16:03:19
answer #7
answered by hichefheidi 6
Global Warming is not our fault. Otherwise we would still be in the Ice Age!
2007-03-15 16:09:05
answer #8
answered by TRUE PATRIOT 6
The only reason people don't believe in global warming is because the Bush administration hired scientists that would rebuke that claim. An administration that's obsessed with oil sure doesn't want people thinking that oil is bad for the environment.
FYI: The Bush administration HAS admitted that Global Warming is real. If you took the time and followed the evidence, maybe you'd understand that too. Otherwise, we'll jsut have to wait until Manhattan is underwater to get you nonbelievers to understand.
2007-03-15 16:00:58
answer #9
answered by Falling2Rust 2
I laugh at how gullible people are. I'm going to make a documentary about how the sky is falling. I'll get Rosie O'Donell to narate it so she can get an Oscar, and I can win a Nobel Peace Prize.
2007-03-15 16:05:59
answer #10
answered by mbush40 6