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Politics & Government - 4 March 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

OKLAHOMA CITY - Cherokee Nation members voted Saturday to revoke the tribal citizenship of an estimated 2,800 descendants of the people the Cherokee once owned as slaves.

2007-03-04 04:54:52 · 12 answers · asked by TD1HOGY2K 1 in Immigration

Now, exactly how do you do it??
You want it done 9/11, When do you start planning?? Who do you contact? Are you the one to make the contacts?? Who is in it with you??
AND, how does this eventually get made public, so there is enough evidence to arrest him. Not impeach, but Arrest!

2007-03-04 04:51:14 · 8 answers · asked by Barry auh2o 7 in Government

2007-03-04 04:48:52 · 14 answers · asked by kramer 1 in Elections

I am trying to find a suitable future career for my boyfriend who is currently a submariner in the royal navy, preferably one which will be able to utilise the skills which he has gained from this job. I hope someone can help me, as I am completely stuck for ideas!

2007-03-04 04:48:22 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Doesn't that make Bush our chief enemy in the war on terror?

2007-03-04 04:47:54 · 20 answers · asked by Longhaired Freaky Person 4 in Politics

dont say that it is the womans right , because no one tells the woman she has to get pregnant , she does that on her own . she makes the decision to have unprotected sex .if abortion is made illegal that doesnt take any right away from the woman , but it does the child , doesnt the child have the right to live . rape or incest is a different story . if the baby is a different blood type , or has a penus , how can that be the womans body there has been cases when the baby is trying to get away from the abortion needle how sad

2007-03-04 04:47:12 · 3 answers · asked by kramer 1 in Elections

Our neighbor's daughter threw a huge party (over 200 people), when they were out of town. The parents knew there would be alchohol present. Wouldn't they get a citation of some sort because they were aware that minors would be drinking? The kids were also charging people to come into the party. Does the law apply differently in different states? We live in California.

2007-03-04 04:45:42 · 10 answers · asked by vik 3 in Law Enforcement & Police


Anyone know any court cases or anything useful I can use in my paper on hate speech? I am against it if that helps.

2007-03-04 04:44:09 · 7 answers · asked by Timmy T 2 in Government

Countries got Presidents, Prime Ministers and Chancellors as its head of the state. States got Chief Ministers, Governors, Senators, etc. In this case we can insist for a head of the World. Give the quality of your nominee!

2007-03-04 04:43:41 · 7 answers · asked by Expression 5 in Elections

2007-03-04 04:43:04 · 3 answers · asked by dmann 3 in Politics

They attack them constantly, try to demoralize them , and give
information to the enemy.

2007-03-04 04:42:38 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I say something on 24 season2 about how there is some clause in the constitution about how the Executive Branch can silence the press in times of a national crisis? Is that true?

2007-03-04 04:42:30 · 3 answers · asked by Timmy T 2 in Government

Clearly, you people are pissed off with illegal immigrants coming here and you people are always blabbing away with out taking any action. I want some REAL ideas of how we can lower the amount of immigrants coming here illegally and I want non violent serious answers.

2007-03-04 04:41:52 · 13 answers · asked by Dougy 3 in Immigration

2007-03-04 04:40:25 · 2 answers · asked by Ryan S 1 in Law & Ethics

Is the genocide in Darfur still going on?

2007-03-04 04:39:34 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Why do so many people get away with extreme speeding and tailgateing? I do a lot of driving for my job, and I just see this everyday, some jerk literaly 10 feet from someones bumper,( a lot of times, it's mine,) flashing headlights, and acting very unfreindly. why do these people feel they have the right to disobey the laws of the highway, and why is no one stopping them. I think this is one of the most disrespectful and dangerous activities on the roads today, and it's just getting worse all the time, I am not a snitchy person, but I really want to stop these people, is there something I can do that would actualy help stop this?

2007-03-04 04:37:37 · 4 answers · asked by Big hands Big feet 7 in Law Enforcement & Police

coming home after a wedding killing the driver and decapitating the 6 year old flower girl. The mother is seen cradeling her baby's head sitting on the side of the road. He goes to trial and is conviced of 2nd degree murder and gets 18 to life. The murders mother and father compares the court proceedings to a lynching in the south, even though their son had been arrested for driving on the wrong side of the road in his home state and lost his license to multiple DWI's. The young murderer shows no remose spending his time in the prison library day in, day out, reading.


What is wrong with people that they compare a fair trial that gave their son a light conviction to the lynching of black people in the south? She complained that she would only get to see her son a couple times a week when the families of the little girl and driver never get to see their loved one again.

2007-03-04 04:36:51 · 4 answers · asked by FaerieWhings 7 in Law & Ethics

Well there has never been "proof that he has ever lied" but it was his job to make dictions with the best interest of all Americans. He actually told the terrorist to bring it on. Now I know all you bush lickers will be saying he never said that but if go back and watch the speech he gave after 911 just like hulk Hogan! Thank god we all are all able to sleep better now that sodam insane can’t use all those diabolical weapons to destroy the United States and humanity as we know it. I know that’s not his fault he is only the president he didn’t get the right info in time. Well it really worked out for the better because now terrorist don’t have to come here to kill us well just go to them. Why are people so willing to make and accept excuses (which some may be just) some of these same people will run back into Berger king ready to fight because I forgot to not put pickles on there burger. (They never told me not to put pickles on that one)

2007-03-04 04:36:07 · 9 answers · asked by tony cola 2 in Politics

2007-03-04 04:35:57 · 9 answers · asked by Jess 1 in Government

I have a french Gras rifle, 11 mm in great shape with the bayonet. I understand that very few of these rifles exhist without the M80 modification. Mine has not been modified. How much is this rifle worth?

2007-03-04 04:34:19 · 3 answers · asked by Mark W 2 in Military

Didnt we used to lead the world in education?

What was that dumbing down thing? Who decided to make the tests easier instead of making us learn more? Who's in control of this?

2007-03-04 04:33:44 · 13 answers · asked by ignuusfatuus 2 in Immigration

Ruth carelessly parks her car on a steep hill, leaving the car in neutral and failing to engage the parking brake. The car rolls down the hill and knocks down an electric line. The sparks from the broken line ignite a grass fire. The fire spreads until it reaches a barn one mile away. The barn houses dynamite , and the burning barn explodes, causing part of the roof to fall on and injure a passing motorist Jim. Can Jim recover damages from Ruth? Why or why not?

2007-03-04 04:31:35 · 6 answers · asked by yeah 1 in Law & Ethics


2007-03-04 04:29:58 · 12 answers · asked by surfergirl52493 1 in Politics

if they brought it back .

2007-03-04 04:28:07 · 11 answers · asked by krazy miss speler 06 2 in Law & Ethics

Where is Michael Moore when you need him??? Did the Republicans put him out of business? Will Michael return with another Bush movie? Oh Michael speak!

2007-03-04 04:27:08 · 16 answers · asked by mr bliss 2 in Politics

Why can't the ______________ political party just accept my views and agree with me? Don't they know that whomever thinks differently than I, is most certainly evil?

Why do they all make huge lumping assumptions about me and my peers? And they ALL do it!

How can people NOT hate ____________ when I disagree with that person so much!?!

Don't people know that _______________ views on _________ topic are all lies!?!?? Why can't they see the obvious lies!?!??

Why are all __________ hateful bigoted liars that are bad people?

Insert nouns into the blanks and you have alot of deeply opinionated statements disguised as questions. I don't think I need to tell YOU how rampant they are. There's a VERY distinct difference between honestly asking people to make comparisons and preaching. To avoid being any more of a hypocrite, here's my question:

How can we (the sane) properly deal with these statements disguised as questions?

2007-03-04 04:25:04 · 11 answers · asked by The_Music_Man 3 in Other - Politics & Government

I was to contact Kenneth Rooney claims agent rooney07@yahoo.co.uk. and asking for pertinent personal information like my annual income. Also to call this number 011-44-704-570-0222. If this is a scam please do something.

2007-03-04 04:24:44 · 2 answers · asked by Virgil G 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

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