Declaring the beginning of a new chapter of peaceful democratic interaction by ending the armed conflict taking place in the country since 1996, based on the comprehensive peace accord between the two parties in order to accomplish, through the constituent assembly, certainty of sovereiginty of the Nepali people, progressive political outlet, democratic restructuring of the state, and social-economical-cultural transformation Nepal is in a way of forming a new state.
The government to ensure the Nepali people sovereginty has declared constituent assembly in the month of Jestha, 064 (May-June, 2007). But, ongoing conflict in the country is challanging the constituent assembly in time. In the other hand, maoists activities are creating chaos and people suspect if the election remains free and fair.
In this context, all Nepali people suspect if political parties can safe land the country in a peaceful way? How is going to be the political future of Nepal in the coming days?
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WPD Nepal