Hate is too strong a word. After all, over 50% of the voting public put him in office twice...so he must have some appeal to some people. You can't say all those who voted for him were stupid. Personally, I believe he doesn't understand the world. I think his world view is limited and unrealistic. I think his religious views are narrow and unrealistic. I think he lives in a mental world where he believes he knows better than anyone else how the world should be run. I believe he has no understanding of how to deal with a problem other than to hit it with the heaviest hammer he can find. I am very disappointed with our country that more than half the voters believed this man who accepts creationism as truth, and force as a solution to political problems, deserved to be at the head of this country. This makes me sad. I don't hate Bush, I am just very disappointed with him.
2007-02-14 18:29:57
answer #1
answered by judgebill 7
I have had my doubts from time to time about what he is doing, but I've never hated him. Could we say we could do any better in his positon? Of course we couldn't.
He's aging quickly and I've got a funny feeling he isn't very well. Can anyone imagine the stress any president is under. Look back at Bill Clinton. Sure, he had the sex scandle and what he did when he lied facing the public. It was morally and ethically wrong; however, compare the photo's of him when he first took office, then look at him before leaving office.
Every single president goes in looking physically fine and comes out looking like they've aged 20 years. The responsibility of running a nation, and being in charge of the way of existance for millions and millions of people for only a given period of time of 4 to 8 years is harder than what anyone can imagine.
People wonder why each President takes time at Camp David. Sometimes it's just for a break, but more times than not, they are involved in meetings with the joint chiefs, the military, members of the senate who also go there; they have press briefings before information is released...it's not fun and games.
And other people make fun of him for going to take time for himself in Texas. He has family who really would like to see him in the 4-8 years he's away.
There are many, many aspects of government issues that we cannot profess to understand. His schedulers give each person with an appointment only so many minutes with him, then that's it. They do brust back into his office and tell him (or any president) they have one minute to get to the back lawn to jump onto the helicoptor and they're off to the next appointment. They sometimes have to go 16-18 hours out of most days...5 for certain. And in cases of war, then sometimes they don't even get to sleep.
Life is easy on the outside of the White House, but on the inside it is a different story. All we see is the polished glory; we don't see any of the misery and pain they go though as an individual.
GWB has always had a problem with sentence structure, and public speaking abilities. It's a part of his scholastic record; and his IQ is only at 91; however, even the people who gathered this information stated he is not a dummy.
My oldest son also had a speech issue when he was younger, but by the early 1980's many things had changed and he got help. That help was not available for GWB. However, if we would not poke fun of any other citizen and expressed our caring for them and hoped they could get help, why can't people be understanding of a leader with 'not so perfect' scholastic skills?
If these presidents, no matter who, didn't want to help citizens, and didn't think they could make a difference in peoples lives, they would have chosen something else to do. But they didn't. GWB has put though several good programs, and the tax reform and rebates were one. He was balancing the budget until 9/11 and Iraq.
So, that's how I feel. Not that it really makes any difference to anyone; just me. I attempt to keep digging for the positive and try to minimize the negative of everyone.
2007-02-15 03:27:40
answer #2
answered by chole_24 5
Actually, I pityhim more than I dislike him. Watched him speak to the press on CNN yesterday. He has aged so rapidly; his mumblings and sentences seem tacky and jumbled up; he looks like he's seriously falling apart, physically and mentally. The man is heading downhill, psychologically. He does look ill, confused, and weak. I won't be surprised if he should get a stroke in the near future.
2007-02-15 02:46:44
answer #3
answered by United_Peace 5
Do you like liars who get other peoples kids get killed?
He was never that stupid or misinformed. The lies were told to get a war started to enrich the people who supported him.
Love and blessings Don
2007-02-17 14:20:22
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I do not hate Pres. Bush. If you guys hate him, you should hate Clinton more because he let Osama bin Laden go... Pres. Bush statement from Iraq was gotten from Clinton administration regarding Saddam Husein, try to research all the dems recording in regards of Iraq & Saddam Husein, especially from Bill Clinton who believed he had WMD, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Joe Biden, John Edwards. And because of politically incorrect they tried to blame Bush on what they did... Hope it will help.
For you so-called 'Peace Lover', sometimes you have to destroy evil, and you can not sit down and negotiate with them. Then, it will bring true peace.
2007-02-15 02:30:52
answer #5
answered by sam71 2
I hate him because he's a part of a overall system that will end up with a one world democratic system where the rich men of the world will rule, and the population will be treated as animals and think it's right because evolution tells us just that. We're animals.
2007-02-15 02:24:36
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I Don't, even if I do not agree with every thing he has done.
2007-02-15 03:26:46
answer #7
answered by .45 Peacemaker 7
He does not tell the truth with the Democrats just behind.
2007-02-15 02:24:41
answer #8
answered by Bad Axe 2
Because he believes himself to be entitled. He gets angry when people question him, and he doesn't want to listen to the advice of his people, his congress, his allies, or his generals. Because he came out in favor of torture, and chose to tap phones of American citizens without getting warrants, and is holding hundreds of suspects in Gitmo without right to counsel or to a speedy trial. He has stomped all over the Constitution, and doesn't seem to realize he's done anything wrong. This is why I soooo strongly dislike him (hate is a strong word)
2007-02-15 02:25:18
answer #9
answered by Vaughn 6
I don't hate bush.
2007-02-15 02:25:31
answer #10
answered by Anonymous