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Politics & Government - 11 February 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

With Iraq it was WMD and with Iran it's Nukes. US wants to control the oil resources and it has been decided long back.

2007-02-11 20:31:32 · 16 answers · asked by anonymouslook 2 in Politics

Im still lost as to how the Iraqis were a direct threat to the US (and please dont pull out tired lines like they MAY have had WMD's). I can name MANY countries that DO have WMD's ........... I dont see us invading them anytime soon.

I specifically want to know what clear and imminent danger Iraq posed to the US that made it worth us sending over 3000 soldiers to their deaths for.

2007-02-11 20:29:43 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

In the 90's the US military did a war game on just what it would take to secure and subdue Iraq. They came to the conclusion that it would take 400,000 troops 4 to 5 years to achieve the objectives of setting up a democracy in iraq and that then it may not work. They predicted nearly 100% the things that have happened over the past 5 years. It is public record that vet benifits have been cut and that troops are getting poor equipment and not enough of it.
So I ask you who is it that is really not supporting our troops?
I am very proud of our troops and have done much to show it but I do not think given what we know they need and given what they are being supplied with they're mission can be successful therefore why throw teir lives away over an incompetent commander and chief that has armchair quartedbacked his generals since day one?

2007-02-11 20:25:26 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government



2007-02-11 20:20:00 · 3 answers · asked by Tahunuva913 1 in Immigration

After reading and asking several questions on this Q & A program, I have repeatedly laughed at the stupid answers and questions asked by people who consider themselves loyal Bush fans and strong conservatives. From what I have read they are not conservatives at all. They appear to me to be dumb rednecks. If you are a religious person and a Republican by choice, you should be embarrassed at the answers given by those out there claiming to be one of you.

2007-02-11 20:13:14 · 15 answers · asked by MICHAEL M 2 in Politics

So iraq has mass graves caused by Saddam, what are this graves?here?

2007-02-11 20:11:00 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Barack Obama confesses to smoking pot, using cocaine and only considered using heroin... My point of view. He was honest unlike past candidates and presidents. It all happened a long time ago. He has come clean and stayed clean. His career has thrived. He sets a good example for the people who use drugs and think they have no way out.Unfortunately drug users past and present are a major percentage of our country's people.You know what I think. Now I want to know what you think...

2007-02-11 20:05:51 · 6 answers · asked by JAMIE 2 in Elections

2007-02-11 20:04:32 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

the present goverment seems hell bent on attacking Iran and escalating the war in the middle east... what do you think ?

2007-02-11 19:57:46 · 18 answers · asked by Clive Roland 5 in Other - Politics & Government

2007-02-11 19:55:49 · 9 answers · asked by americanmalearlington 4 in Elections

Be original!

2007-02-11 19:52:39 · 21 answers · asked by Specialist McKay 4 in Politics

I heard that Donald Rumsfeld still has an office at the Pentagon.
I have to wonder if this new Iran evidence is real. Given the track record (WMDs in Iraq, a non existent Al-Queda connection) of the people concerned, I'm very sceptical.
They want to escalate the war for political reasons!
I say impeach and prosecute or this is going to turn into War without end!

2007-02-11 19:51:28 · 23 answers · asked by Chessmistress1000 3 in Other - Politics & Government

2007-02-11 19:48:30 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Every chance they get? So he isn't the best of speakers, that doesn't speak for his courage or his conviction. I for one refuse to watch any footage that depicts him in a negative light. Absolutely refuse.

2007-02-11 19:44:25 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I was going 80mph (traffic speed) on the I-5 South in California (speed limit 65mph). An Oceanside Police Department officer got on the freeway and pulled me over. I mentioned that I was just following traffic and he replied, "Then you're just unlucky." I'm wondering if he can even give me a citation even though he's not CHP, and also how my chances are if I want to contest the citation (given that he is not CHP and that i was following the general flow of traffic).


2007-02-11 19:42:28 · 18 answers · asked by jaminewok 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

The United States has low unemployment but high poverty, because people are forced to take low-wage McJobs that can't lift them out of poverty. Western European countries have higher unemployment but much lower poverty rates, because of their generous welfare states.

2007-02-11 19:40:43 · 11 answers · asked by Longhaired Freaky Person 4 in Politics

yo check it there is these groups of dogs in my area and oneday they was lookin at each other and showin them teeth and i stepped in that onetime and stopped the war

has this ever happened to u?

2007-02-11 19:38:43 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Who decided it & did all the other nations accept it?

2007-02-11 19:29:24 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

How far do we go to combat the War in the Middle East..?

Would an all out military invasion of Iran be in order...a boycott...increased border patrols of Iran...other..?

The military command in Baghdad denied, however, that any newly smuggled Iranian weapons were behind the five U.S. military helicopter crashes since Jan. 20 - four that were shot out of the sky by insurgent gunfire.

A fifth crash has tentatively been blamed on mechanical failure. In the same period, two private security company helicopters also have crashed but the cause was unclear.

The deadly and highly sophisticated weapons the U.S. military said it traced to Iran are known as "explosively formed penetrators," or EFPs.

The presentation was the result of weeks of preparation and revisions as U.S. officials put together a package of material to support the Bush administration's claims of Iranian intercession on behalf of militant Iraqis fighting American forces.

2007-02-11 19:29:21 · 15 answers · asked by marnefirstinfantry 5 in Military

I want to apply for a teaching position at a community college in the US, but I am a Canadian citizen who lives in Canada. I have a PhD and meet all the requirements for the jobs I have looked at. Do you think they are aware that I can get a TN Visa easily (a visa for Canadians who have certain occupations, like college instructor, that legally allows them to live and work in the US)? Or will they not even consider my application because I am a non-US citizen?

2007-02-11 19:25:08 · 5 answers · asked by Rachel 1 in Immigration

first it was the thing about him going to an Islamic school in Indonesia and now it's because he admitted in one of his books to smoking Marijuana and snorting Cocaine. what someone did in the past is where it should be. in the past. He wrote about it in the book because that was part of his life. He is an honest person who is very capable of leading this country in the right direction. skin color shouldnt matter at all. that is what is wrong with this country. a person can't be president because he or she is not a WHITE MALE. since when are whit males more qualified to be in the oval office than anyone else?

2007-02-11 19:20:29 · 19 answers · asked by SNUFF1209 1 in Elections

I used to date someone in that field and they told me that if they weren't wearing heels of like 7 in. then what they did could be called prostitution.

I was wondering if this law was real or not, or at least what the specifics were.

2007-02-11 19:14:07 · 7 answers · asked by matt_tarwater 2 in Law & Ethics

I am researching on child labour, and im a bit confused. The UNCRC says that a child has the "right to develop themselves to their maximum potential". What does this mean? Does a child have the right to go to school, even if they do not have the money?

Still, that is just an example. My main question is "what is a right?". I understand that there are lines to be drawn here, but where?

2007-02-11 19:13:42 · 6 answers · asked by Charles W 2 in Law & Ethics

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