well, if these "evidence" were true, then it would be the Bushwhacker's fault as usual. We are trying to end the war in iraq but he seems to revel in it like some maniac, making enemies left and right. Nothing that comes out of his mouth is believable -- he has not an ounce of credibility left in him. I'm glad his term as president is coming to an end, but he sure is gonna pass on his mess to the next president in command.
2007-02-11 20:11:44
answer #1
answered by xander 5
I'm going to take this from a broader perspective that I think strikes at the heart of the real issue.
I personally feel that Iran and Al Qaeda were the real culprits and that Saddam was a personal vendetta, used as a justification to get the proverbial foot in the door in the Mid-East as it pertains to a troop build-up. That said, it would be a grave mistake to label George W. Bush as the boy who cried wolf (remember, just because you can't prove that a fifth-time armed robber was behind a crime does not make him innocent, just not PROVEN; so if charges in this mythical courtroom were to be filed by the allegedly slandered party (Iraq's Hussein), they would amount to Libel or Slander, not falsehood per se).
But perhaps if the American populace votes against the Republicans in the next election and then afterward the Iranian leadership were to show their hand to be less benevolent than world opinion supposes it to be we would then be forced to admit, cover-up or none, that we would eventually have to destroy the Iranian government, no matter our distaste for the loss of American life and the increase to our National budget all of this would imply. This of course assumes that Iran will not act until after the election. If they were to act before that time the Republicans (alleged or real deviousness notwithstanding,) will win IF they can put a woman on the ballot as that issue will be very important this year of all years and if they can spin this (hint: the more serious the atrocities the less spin needed - so some cynics would say that the Republican leadership would need to and WILL manufacure a calamity before the elections- I do not personally agree but I am apparently a voice crying in the wilderness).
I happen to believe that the Mid-East will eventually provide the seeds of the world coming against it if for no other reason than there is so much sectarian hatred that stops life on a daily basis - or if you want, that life in the Mid-East IS violence.
As I see it, we in the U.S. are at a crossroads, much like we were in 1859; I am not sure what the rest of the world would perceive from any such future Iranian-caused calamity; but, using the French as a gauge, they will most likely gloat at our destruction (like Joseph's brothers who pushed him in the ditch) while being two-faced about wanting to help, much the same as they were in the present crisis when they did an about face once they realized the loss of arms sales their criticisim of Iraq and ratification of U.S. policy would engender had they not shifted course and hijacked the momentum of World opinion.
2007-02-15 06:57:06
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Only an idiot would deny where the weapons come from. Do you think that they just magically appear? The Iraqis don't have the factories to make all of these Russian weapons. So, lets look at the facts and only the facts. The president of Iran has publicly vowed to help the insurgents defeat the Americans not just in Iraq, but all over the world. They have assassinated Christian leaders in Lebanon and many Iranian insurgents have been caught in Iran. Aside from the fact that you hate bush instead of hating terrorists, do you hate the U.S. as well? Do you hate the people of this nation more than you do the terrorists? Who's side are you on? The terrorists? It seems like it. Those of you on the far left just make it to easy to expose your fraud, hypocrisy, lies and liking the enemy more than your own country. Just recently the DNC had at its convention an Imam who supports terrorism give a speech. What is next? Are you going to wave the white flag at Iran and ask them to just come in and take over? The Dem. party already takes money from these murderers. And yes, this is a fact. It is on record of being done by proxy through one of Pelosi's attorneys. You all that know of this and condone it should be tried and found guilty of treason and then shot in the public square for all the world to see and get the clear message that the U.S. is fed up.
How far do we go with war? How about all the way to the point that the enemy poses no threat to the world ever again.
2007-02-11 19:49:29
answer #3
answered by celticwarrior7758 4
The administration will be extremely hard pressed to prove it. Even if the weapons are of Iranian manufacture they are sold all over the middle east so the militants can get them anywhere. This just shows that the Russian made gear that Saddam had is now either used up or harder to come by so they are importing from other sources. I wouldn't be surprised if you start seeing Chinese and European and older US weapons as the war goes on. the world has quite the weapons surplus in many countries inventories. This is a time when they can sell them and get some money back in there banks.
2007-02-12 06:10:25
answer #4
answered by brian L 6
I think truthfully the best thing for people to do is to quit talking about this. The administration said 20 times already we're NOT going into Iran. When the heck is everyone going to listen and stop hanging on to every single word from the media, who are full of poopy to begin with?
Yeah, militants keep coming over into Iraq and killing our guys. The president has a right to say something to at least make a point to Iran. We can't go there anyway because even if congress approves additional troops, WHICH THEY HAVE NOT yet done that, nor have they approved the money our guys that are there need, we wouldn't have enough people to go fight without taking every single military person, leaving us high, dry and vulnerable. Do people really think the president is that stupid?
The EFP's they are talking about are capable of piercing our armored vehicles and that's bad. I don't count the private security forces. They are there because they choose to be and are not part of the military. Since they do not have the right equipment, they have no business there. Several of our guys have been killed trying to protect them. That's just WRONG.
2007-02-11 19:39:23
answer #5
answered by chole_24 5
The evidence of weapons supplied by Iran can be true. But why cry foul, instead of accepting what it is?. The U.S. did the same thing in the past, and everybody knows this. The U.S. supplied weapons to Saddam during the Iran-Iraq War. The U.S. sold huge quantities of weapons to Iran during the Iran-Contra deal. The U.S. supplied weapons to Afghan mujahedeens during the Soviet-Afghan War (including Stinger missiles that shot down Soviet helicopters).
So what's the big deal about the Iranian arms found in Iraq?. The U.S. is just getting a dose of its own medicine.
Remember the Golden Rule : "Do not do unto others what you do not want others to do unto you".
2007-02-11 23:26:35
answer #6
answered by roadwarrior 4
Let's stop meddling in others business.
Saddam and his generals had warned us that they would fight in the streets. He was right. Yes he is gone but the ideology and fighting goes on.
Secondly, we have given AlQueda the perfect opportunity to shoot at our boys. We have gone into their territory and they are okay with that. AlQuede was never in Iraq but now thy have found allies and recruitment advantage to shore up their manpower.
We depend on our generals for advise. Where are the Highly paid experts we hire at CIA? Why not take their input. When we need more troops we seem to quote the Generals. When things go wrong we justify with opinions from Retired experts from CIA!
What stops them from following us to our homeland if they are defeated. And what does defeated mean? We have made enemies of Shias, Sunis and Kurds. Everyone is upset with USA.
Nothing makes sense of this war. Either Bush & Gang are living in Kookoland or we are being lied to.
2007-02-18 13:13:57
answer #7
answered by secret society 6
Now we sit and wait whilst Bush and the Democratic controlled Congress bicker about what to do next. In the mean time Iran continues to escalate it's involvement in Iraq until Democrats turn tail and run causing a collapse in which Iranian backed forces will come to play. The US is essentially neutered now with the Democrats in control of Congress and a nuclear solution is illogical. The world's only hope is Israel.
2007-02-11 19:42:13
answer #8
answered by Mr. Pibb 3
Iran is supplying explosives to insurgents...
Military experts just figuring that one out are they...
Either the experts need replaced or the Bush crew are trying to control every ones thoughts again. Someone needs to let him know that chants work well also...
2007-02-11 19:54:13
answer #9
answered by Red 5
nicely accomplished. you notice on those memories they in no way coach the surely merchandise with the identity on it. we are to take their be conscious for this. yet, it additionally jogs my memory of an old comedian tale wherein the punch line became some guy who, hopelessly outmatched, makes use of the only trick he had to win and all and sundry became upset because of the fact he wasn't scuffling with honest. We sell weapons and technologies to all of us and all and sundry, and so do each and all the hands sellers in the international. We look on the battlefield with each and all the main contemporary in chocolates for our squaddies, and while the terrorists arise with a weapon to sluggish us down somewhat, we cry foul. we predict of that's surely honest to have weapons like bunker busters, cluster bombs, depleted uranium, napalm, etc etc. do we actually have confidence that others won't get comparable weapons in a combat to the loss of life. they gets them any way they could. If Florida became below attack and Georgia provided them with weapons, who could be shocked? they are buddies. Arabs are tribes unfold for the duration of those days drawn and arbitrary borders, and to anticipate them to no longer help one yet another for the duration of those imaginary strains is probable asking too lots. that's BushOilCo who's in the incorrect community. that's they who could bypass away.
2016-10-02 00:15:30
answer #10
answered by ? 4