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Politics & Government - 15 January 2007

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would would Dr. king say about the war with Iraq and what would people comment? how do you think he would help end the war?

2007-01-15 03:39:01 · 12 answers · asked by *Nessa* 2 in Politics

A friend of mine (male) was sexually harassed by his male co-employee during an office party. He doesn't know this guy. This happened on a Sunday. When he went back to work on Monday, the one who harassed him kept passing by his work station. We don't know why.

As per his boss' (and mine, too) advice, he went to the HR dept. The HR person said that his case was unusual and that they are kind of "stuck" -- in short, doesn't know what to do. This really upsets us because my friend is the one who needs some kind of justice and protection from the harasser (if there is such a word) but the company can't even protect him just because the case is UNUSUAL.

Now, the harasser filed a counter-affidavit saying that it was my male friend who harassed him! The nerve!

xcess: My male friend is not gay but he is usually mistaken as such because he is rather "effeminate".

Please help. I'll add details if necessary. No nonsense answers pls.

2007-01-15 03:39:00 · 6 answers · asked by jedi_rei 4 in Law & Ethics

I am currently pursuing access against my ex-wife to see our kids. Just before Christmas, I had my Legal Aid stopped & my lawyer has withdrawn from the case. There's apparently no means of appeal against this... What are my options? (sensible answers only, please)

2007-01-15 03:38:59 · 17 answers · asked by Mark K 3 in Law & Ethics

i live out side the US i had a fl lience is this ticket still good

2007-01-15 03:38:18 · 6 answers · asked by bob p 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

According to Bush's latest speech "these two regimes are allowing terrorists and insurgents to use their territory to move in and out of Iraq. Iran is providing material support for attacks on American troops." but the Iraq insurgency is Sunni. Does any intelligent person really believe that Iranian Shi'ites are going to arm Iraqi Sunnis who are killing Iraqi Shi'ites allied with Iran?

2007-01-15 03:36:58 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

No comments,

2007-01-15 03:36:32 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I mean, it's been almost 6 years since 9/11, billions of dollars and thousands of soldiers' and innocents' lives gone to WASTE, 3 years since Saddam was caught and two weeks since he was hanged.

Still, no end to war is foreseeable in the near future.

(and no WMD's were found, in case you forgot)

Which logical argumants do you find in war?

or, to make things clear,

Why is the USA the terrorist's target? Do you think that simple ENVY can fuel this arms traffic and endless killing? DO you think that a person simply thinks "I hate democracy, I hate liberty, I hate America and will blow themselves up to kill GI's?

2007-01-15 03:35:38 · 29 answers · asked by Исаак Озимов 3 in Other - Politics & Government

Removing taxes? Sure! But then where's all that funding for the war on terror, and all the other future wars the conservatives will declare on every country they don't like going to come from? And where's all that funding going to come from for their religiously run schools, and intolerance in workplaces, bans on abortion and gay marriage going to come from?

Environmental issues? Forget about 'em! We all know the planet has endless resources that we can just do whatever we like for as long as we want and not have to worry about any consequences.

The conservatives way = less than half a lifetime of happiness for SOME people. I wonder why they can't see that.

2007-01-15 03:35:32 · 12 answers · asked by Mystery Lady H 5 in Politics

Definition: Democracy - government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.

Republic: Republic - a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them.

(from dictionary.com or any source you want) the point being the power in a democracy is in the hands of the people, in a republic it belongs to a small select group that may or may not represent the people.

Do you Republicans know that's what your party is about, taking power AWAY from the people and giving to a small powerful caste?

2007-01-15 03:34:39 · 10 answers · asked by texxsmith 3 in Other - Politics & Government

yes can anyone with legal knowledge. help me, i'm tired of going to stores and when i pay for something. that is mine when i bought it,,then ask to see my recipt!! anbrasments to the public and treating someone like a theaf,, and stopping you , in the act of a theaf, is this somewhere in the 5th amenment?? is it agiast the law for stores to do this, thanks. for any legal help!!

2007-01-15 03:33:01 · 7 answers · asked by LISA M 1 in Law & Ethics

2007-01-15 03:32:19 · 2 answers · asked by basketbal31895 1 in Law & Ethics

proven to be correct? & what would be your reaction?

2007-01-15 03:30:11 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Rock Island County State's Attorneys office supervisor.

2007-01-15 03:27:04 · 3 answers · asked by Katherine R 1 in Law & Ethics

Mrs. Pelosi campaigned heavily on promises of honest government. Now we find out that she is exempting hometown companies from minimum wage.

On Wednesday, the House voted to raise the minimum wage from $5.15 to $7.25 per hour. The bill also extends for the first time the federal minimum wage to the U.S. territory of the Northern Mariana Islands. However, it exempts American Samoa, another Pacific island territory that would become the only U.S. territory not subject to federal minimum-wage laws. One of the biggest opponents of the federal minimum wage in Samoa is StarKist Tuna, which owns one of the two packing plants that together employ more than 5,000 Samoans, or nearly 75 percent of the island's work force. StarKist's parent company, Del Monte Corp., has headquarters in San Francisco, which is represented by Mrs. Pelosi. The other plant belongs to California-based Chicken of the Sea.

2007-01-15 03:26:04 · 14 answers · asked by Mail J 3 in Law & Ethics

why is it that American people are not proud,i mean its not as if they are hugh,brash,smelly,loud mouthed,racist,gung ho,hillbilly people who make up history.They also dont pollute the world and insist on poking their noses into other countires.I say be proud of your nation

2007-01-15 03:21:48 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-01-15 03:19:57 · 23 answers · asked by blaque 2 in Military

There are positives and negatives to fighting terrorism... One positive is Bush has pretty much told the terrorists they are going to die if Americans like it or not, but the negative are if we were to ignore their pathetic attempts at trying to get what they want, would they do it in the first place?
The killing of Americans was not just something the terrorists decided to do. No one seems to understand that their type of warfare is killing civilians in democratic states. We are who vote in this nation, so we are the ones who are responsible to not fear the bastards.
Now lets say hypothically the reason the terrorists planed the towers was because they wanted 10,000,000,000 dollars... Would you have paid them to save American lives? Do you realize that giving into their demands is a way of losing, and giving into demands will just give them reason to bomb again?

What happens if we tell the kidnappers to just shoot the hostage?
We're up to 6,000 deaths by terrorists. IGNORE!

2007-01-15 03:18:42 · 14 answers · asked by NONAME 2 in Politics

This whole anti-immigration idea because the Mexicans are somehow "illegal" is a lame argument. Slavery is wrong but it was legal in the US at one time. Was it wrong for the Patriot Saints who risked their lives in order to smuggle the slaves out of the South? Abortion is legal, but does that make it any less murder?

2007-01-15 03:17:44 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

Socialism is a system in with handouts are given to the poor from the government. The government gets most of its money from high taxes placed on the rich. This policy prevents people from becoming rich because of the high taxes. This policy also prevents people from wanting to become rich because there are no financial incintives to become rich. All of these socialist policies put together creates an entire society that is poor and totally reliant and subserviant to the government. The result is that socialist governments eventually become dictatorships because the government controlls all the people and their money.

2007-01-15 03:16:30 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

2007-01-15 03:15:23 · 10 answers · asked by ddn882001 1 in Law & Ethics

Personally I think the assholes blaming everything on the USA are much more ignorant than the ultra-rightwing flag waving bible thumping American. I wanna puke when I hear immigrants say America is the evilest nation on the planet and they are responsible for all the bad things. I am an immigrant myself (origally from Iran) is fortunate to live in the USA. So its sad when immigrants criticize the USA so negatively when they were acccepted by this nation. I hear most of the negative things from Mexican illegals which they have no right to live here. Im very grateful cause the US was nice enough to get me a visa so i could live in this country. To you arrogant people you know what I dont agree with what America does all the time but i really do apperiate this nation. I wouldnt choose to live anywhere else.

2007-01-15 03:14:25 · 11 answers · asked by Ali 1 in Politics

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