All I hear is about Global warming, did we not expect those to ever melt. They were formed form freezing tempetures, any warmng of the world, would of corse melt them. It's not only green house gases, it's the space shuttles bustiing out throught the ozone layer that protects us from the sun. The GOV has to blame it somewhere. They were(icebergs) were formed over time, therefore in time they should surely melt. It is not only us, who are killing the planet earth. Of all the planets out there, do you not think they once had life. MARS ...closest we can guess had life. It being pulled closer to the sun, the expansion of the Sun itself, can cause a planet to be so hot, that all life will disapear. If they really want to do something. stop all the invading and plan a way, that life will remain when the Suns temp...are so hot that we must find other way....but we continue to blow up other little countries and use that money resourse to findle away our only way to remain on this planet .
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