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Politics & Government - 9 January 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

include the presidents before your civil war please ie Washington not the first, thanks x

2007-01-09 12:45:34 · 11 answers · asked by tomtom 2 in Other - Politics & Government

At the advise of my lawyer I am demanding that the kennel compensate me. The compensation would include the kennel fees that I paid, the amount of the adoption (which took place last may), and other fees that were acquired as a result of the boarders negligence. The death occured over the Thanksgiving holiday 2006. There is no way for me to put an amount on my dog so I chose to use the aoption amount as part of the compensation. My lawyer stated that I could possibly get some punitive damage compensation. Anything above the kennel fees will be donated to the local dog pound/humane society. I just have no idea what to ask for. I can file up to $3000 in small claims court, if it should go that far. If they agree to pay me what I am asking for then I will not go to small claims and punitive damages will not be asked for. I just want to be prepared if they choose not to respond to the letter requesting the compensation.
Can anyone help????

2007-01-09 12:45:01 · 8 answers · asked by pet lover 2 in Law & Ethics

The 14th Amendment says nothing about children of illegal aliens. Looks like illegal aliens are using a loophole in the law to get welfare checks by the way of their kids, and to give an excuse to keep from being deported.

Some illegal aliens are getting social security checks by getting doctors to label their kids as learning disabled.

2007-01-09 12:44:54 · 15 answers · asked by member_of_bush_family 3 in Immigration

that supported Bush without oversight? and decided that the 9/11 commission report wasn't worth following the problem all along?. By the vote, it suggests that the many of the rank and file Republicans actually voted their conscience and might actually be using their own hearts and aren't being bullied. Is there a return to the old days when partisanship was the not the norm? Also, by the vote, it suggests that a legitiamte oversight is possible, because the Democrats do not hold a overwhelming majority and must do things in a way that doesn't upset the conservative point of view (wow! cooperation with the people in mind). I really don't think Bush will be impeached, but do you believe the time of reckoning is at hand?

2007-01-09 12:44:12 · 3 answers · asked by Ford Prefect 7 in Politics

What is it going to take to convince everyone that our Military forces are strong and can accomplish anything they are requested to do?

2007-01-09 12:41:15 · 10 answers · asked by SICKO 2 4 in Military

Black Americans are the only race that cannot trace there family leniage to any single foreign country. After slavery most blacks refused to go back to africa because they thought of the U.S. as their motherland. Black Americans have also fought in every American war with bravery, even against the odds of prejudice. Most Blacks today see themselves as American, not hispanic american, Swedish American, or asian American. The only second language Blacks have is English. Does that make us the most patriotic?

2007-01-09 12:41:12 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

1) what are the penalties for refusing to take a test to determine whether you are intoxicated
2) what are the penalties for littering
3) when a crash results in property damages of any amount must her driver notify the Florida highway patrol the sheriffs safety and motor vehicles

2007-01-09 12:41:05 · 6 answers · asked by lady 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

What is it going to take to convince everyone that our Military forces are strong and can accomplish anything they are requested to do?

2007-01-09 12:40:48 · 7 answers · asked by SICKO 2 4 in Politics

Alright, so my boyfriend that I love decided that while he was in Iraq (in a dangerous position volunteers for missions) that we shouldn't be together. He said it was too much stress & asking too much of me. Until he gets home safe & sound & after that if I still want him we will be back together. I'm really hurt & angry at him even though I know he's doing what he thinks is best for me.

My question is, how am I suppose to deal with this? I mean Apparently I'm single now, and word has gotten out. I've been asked out 2 already today. I don't really want to date anyone, but maybe I should just go on a date and see.

I don't know, I don't really understand what my boyfriend (or I should say ex) wants me to do. He kind of was encouraging me to see other people, he said he wasn't good enough for me especially after this (being in Iraq, & seeing & doing things over there). I'm hurt. And confused. Anyone shed any light on what he really wants. Because he won't really say.

2007-01-09 12:40:35 · 18 answers · asked by Marie 3 in Military

It sounds like a set-up to a talk show joke, but is there a rational, possibly justifiable or reasonable reason why--given all the technology available--this happens? Please, a comparison to auto collisions is NOT reasonable--the high seas are not the same as your local metro interstate or arterial street.

2007-01-09 12:40:29 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

If you believe we are still at war with Iraq, what would be your definition of winning the war?

We have deposed Saddam, we have disbanded his army, He was put on trial in his country and hanged. Another government was democratically elected to replace Saddam's dictatorship. Iraq is no longer our enemy, but an ally in the region.

Gen. Michael D. Maples, the Defense Intelligence Agency director has said Al Qaeda in Iraq is only responsible for a small fraction of the fighting going on. And the real violence is between Sunnis and Shiites, our guys just get caught in the crosshairs.

So how can anyone say we are still at war in Iraq? Doesn't it make more sense to say we are currently policing an internal struggle/war (choose whichever term best suits your political leanings) in Iraq?

2007-01-09 12:38:44 · 12 answers · asked by Mrs. Bass 7 in Politics

I know infantry reservists are being deployed to Iraq.

2007-01-09 12:38:19 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Is it BENEFICIAL to 'completely stop' your 'political opponent' ??

Or, do you LIKE HEARING new thoughts and opinions ??

For those of you who 'know me' .. . ... how am I doing so far ? SMILE.. . ear to ear grinning, like a HAPPY IRISHMAN !!

But really, .. . . what's your HONEST ASSESSMENT ????

2007-01-09 12:37:57 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Who has to file it, what does he have to say, is only after battles? Is there a place where I could view some?

2007-01-09 12:37:47 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

And the Air Force had to hold a bake sale to buy a bomber?

2007-01-09 12:34:55 · 20 answers · asked by Longhaired Freaky Person 4 in Politics

To gain legal status after crossing over illegally. I have read a few answers stating yeah they were illegal but now they have a green card or oh they were undocumented but now they are legal is that possible? I've always been told that once they know you crossed over illegally your claim is denied. What is the truth?

2007-01-09 12:34:39 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

2007-01-09 12:34:30 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

Murder? Child Abuse? any others?

2007-01-09 12:33:35 · 12 answers · asked by cclleeoo 4 in Law & Ethics

Isn't voicing dissent toward the government of the day one of the most American things to do? Isn't that one of the truest ways to demonstrate how strong we really are?

2007-01-09 12:32:36 · 33 answers · asked by Papa W 1 in Politics

Although Supreme court decisions cantain much discussion of political theory, philosophy, law, and policy, it can be argued that the court is primarily a practical body-that is, it uses practical guidlines for hearing each case. What evidence could you use to support this statement?

....the problem is i dont understand what the statement is saying

2007-01-09 12:32:03 · 2 answers · asked by Sammi 2 in Government

“As far as public opinion, the president will not shape policy according to public opinion,” - Tony Snow

New York Times, 'Fissures Grow on Eve of Bush Speech on Iraq' Jan 9, 2007. Written by David Stout.

Does this mean that President Bush will not lead the country as the people want? Isn't this the basis of representative democracy, that the president leads the country how the people see fit, working with them or convincing them when they disagree?

Or is it something that I am not understanding about government?

Or did Tony Snow make a boo-boo?

2007-01-09 12:31:57 · 4 answers · asked by K 5 in Government

1. Hide his best weapons and surrender the rest
2. Join with the Sunnis in an all-out offensive before the additional US troops arrive
3. Bunker down and fight it out when they come
4. Other

2007-01-09 12:30:04 · 10 answers · asked by Sheik Yerbouti 2 in Military

specifically in oakland?

2007-01-09 12:29:04 · 2 answers · asked by wright_adam 1 in Law & Ethics

Its not like they support illegal wire tapping,mail search,torture,secret prisons,detention camps, yadda yadda the list goes on... like the republicans

2007-01-09 12:27:46 · 9 answers · asked by Charles Dobson Focus on the Fam 1 in Politics

waver and pay the fee what do i do with the waver, take it to the interview or send it by mail to some one or what ,all i understand to do is fill out the waver document, their is information about how much it will cost around $ 360 but thats all i could find, could some one who knows please give me direction on this , thanks very much.

2007-01-09 12:27:36 · 2 answers · asked by JALISCO 2 in Immigration

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